Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 196: Breakthrough innate

"The army broke through directly from the peak of the day after tomorrow to the middle of the congenital, which is also terrible.? (? Eight [一 中文 文 网 网 <[W? W] W].? 8} 1] Z} W]. [COM] "Some people who have absorbed the power of the Dan medicine can't help but say Dong Tiejun's changes.

"If the army was not injured during the mission, it would have been a breakthrough in the Acquired Realm. This time, the two realms were improved." A soldier who broke the Acquired said softly.

In the next hour, if it is seen by other martial arts, it will definitely be calmed by the sight. There will be more than a hundred people, and someone will break through the realm or ascend every few minutes. A wave of energy fluctuation makes the entire Tyrannosaurus Those beasts on the ground stayed in the nest honestly, shaking their bodies. Although the people on the mountain are not easy to mess with, they will play game on the mountain every day, but such things have never happened. It is too scary.

"Yifu, I am now the innate peak state. It is only one step away from the state of light you said." Guo Gang removed 36 silver needles from Xia Feiyan, and the energy of the elixir that was originally in the vein instantly rushed The bottleneck of Xia Feiyan was opened, and finally she stayed in the state of congenital peak.

"Thank you, Guo Xiaoxiaoyou." Xia Wudi said with a smile, who was less than 20 years old and said who can believe it, but now Xia Feiyan is indeed a real innate peak.

"Don't thank me. I told you at the beginning. If you want to live twenty-four years old, you have to come to me. I'm not forced to do this. Jiuyang Xuantai is your blessing and yours. Robbing. "Guo Bad said softly, and began to take the needle for the last three.

The King of Dragons looked at Xia Feiyan. The righteous daughter was an abandoned baby he rescued on a fiery island on the East China Sea during a mission. At that time, the little girl was so hot that she thought she couldn't live. I didn't expect to not only survive. , Is still a martial arts wizard, but at the age of 16, Xia Feiyan fainted during a practice. At that time, Lin Changtian, the sacred hand of Chinese medicine, came to see Xia Feiyan, saying that this girl was the legendary Jiuyang mystic body. He did not Way, this matter has always been a heart disease of the Dragon King, I did not expect Guo Bad to have the confidence to get it done.

The King of Dragons looked at Guo Bad, and looked at Xia Feiyan, whose face was crimson, and already had his own plans.

"There is one more." Giving acupuncture to 30 congenital mid-term masters at one time made Guo's bad body a bit too much. He didn't expect that this time the consumption would be so large, and now finally this big man is left, but Guo The bad God's consciousness fell on the big man's body, and Guo Guo completely stopped.

"Dragon King, you let everyone else go to the battlefield. I will play the array for a while and let them appreciate it." Guo said with a smile, a handful of jade seeds were thrown into the air, this time it was his turn The Dragon King was shocked, and the whole martial arts gave him a sense of confusion, who is this Guo bad?

"Brother, Brother Fei is okay." A young man walked to Guo Bad and asked softly, "Feige is our squad leader. We will go to the battlefield together when he is done."

"If you want your squad leader to resent you all your life, it's all right here. Anyway, you are here. I can't give my needle a peace of mind. I can't help this guy break through the innate realm. Just let yourself go." Guo Bad said lightly, The King of Dragons widened his eyes and broke through the innate. Could this Kong Fei be able to directly break into the innate realm and step into the realm of light?

"Little brother, let's go, we'll go right away, as long as our flying brother is okay, it will be okay for us to follow you in the future. We all agree to what you want us to do." The young man whispered, flying towards Wu. city.

"Dragon King, you can also stay in Wucheng. No matter what happens here, don't let people approach." Guo Bad said softly.

The Dragon King nodded slightly, Xia Feiyan pushed the Dragon King to Wucheng, and Jiang Ao and Xing Tian were not far away from Guo Bad.

"Big man, I know you can hear what I say. You don't need to answer, you just need to finish listening." Guo Bad sat on the other side of the big man and smiled.

"You are special. This is why you have not absorbed the elixir I gave you up to now. I will give you a needle in a while. I did n’t have any requirements, but I hope you wake up and follow me. I'll get it over the Dragon King, I'll just tell you in advance. "Guo Bad continued.

"The congenital realm is the limit of general martial arts. For example, Xing Tian, ​​if there is no great opportunity, they will always stop in the congenital realm." Guo said with a smile, "But you are different. You and my brother in Wucheng In the same way, you have blood that is different from that of humans. After you wake up, I will slowly tell you that I am going to give a needle, it will hurt and keep my mind. "After that, Guo Gang took one from his body. Needle packs, and then an elixir stuffed into his mouth, the body that was a bit prostrate was suddenly full of strength.

Eighty-one silver needles were stuck on Kong Fei's body. The big man Kong Fei began to tremble. A stronger energy than anyone just came out of the body. Guo Bad took out nine thumb-sized white jade and lined them up. Beside, a moment later, Bai Yu turned into a fan.

"Grandma, you need to take time to get some good jade. These nine stars have a really high requirement to hide the sky array. I can't hide it. Can I escape this and see how good you are?" Guo Bad said softly, that The pirated sky-changing seal was held in his hand, and then the thunder rolled in the sky.

"The imperial capital is the imperial capital. Someone has to break through the innate realm. In the direction of Tyrannosaurus Mountain, some people in this tyrannosaurus want to break through." An old man in Wucheng Buyiguan said softly, Guo bad left Wucheng on his front foot, and the old man came to Wudu City, this man is the Qin lunatic on the mountain.

"Breakthrough, even someone broke through, Wucheng once, Emperor Xi once, is it so easy to break the innate now?" In the deep mountains, an old man opened his eyes and said softly.

"Baga, Huaxia, why is it Huaxia? You sent so many people to Huaxia. What happened to Huaxia recently? Is it true that the elixir at the Wucheng auction is real? Go and check. "A wretched old man yelled, and several ninjas disappeared into the room.

"Tyrannosaurus Regiment, you said that Guo Guo went to the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. Is this breakthrough related to him?" Lei Guzhen said with narrowed eyes.

"Master, I have to tell you something. Master Er went to Wucheng yesterday and brought two girls." An old man said softly to the ancient town of Lei.

"Brought two girls to the ancient city? Didn't I say that? Anyone can't leave the ancient house, why didn't you tell me yesterday?" Lei Gu said with a grimace.

"Master Two went out with your token. The identity of the two girls has been ascertained. One is Miss Lin, who has a marriage contract with the young master, is the girl doll who taught in Wucheng, and the other is the daughter of the Sun family. Baby. "The old man continued.

"Xiao Lie's fiancee? What does Xiaojue want to do?" Lei Yigu of Guzhen asked loudly.

"Homeowner, I said you don't get angry, the Lin doll is pregnant." The old man looked at the ancient town Lei, who was already a little angry, and then said.

"Pregnant, ancient wound, want to anger me?" Gu Zhenlei roared loudly.

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