Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 201: Eight people die

"Brother Xing, Uncle Jiang, your car is slowing down, Gu Ge, Fei Yan, your car stopped first, and trouble is coming, let me solve some interesting guys first.? Bayi Chinese? W) W> (W).] 8] 1] Z] W>.) C) O> M] "When eight psionicists appeared at the same time a hundred meters before Guo Bad's big jeep, Guo Bad told him behind the walkie-talkie. Four military vehicles.

"Brother, do I need to get out of the car?" Niu Meng was a little uncomfortable from sitting in the car. He thought that he was invincible, but think about it. There are nearly 150 people in the four military vehicles in the back, the lowest. They are all in the same state as themselves, and they really are not their opponents. They can't lift their spirits immediately. Now Guo bad said that there are some troubles. Let the four cars in the back wait, so what strength does my strength follow?

"How can I see my brother's wonderful performance when I get out of the car? Without an audience, I'm so boring to perform alone." Guo Bad said with a smile, "Staying in the car, I still want to stop the master with eight powers, why not so Xiaoye is a dish. I am angry, I am really angry. "Guo Bad said with a look of annoyance, Niu Meng's face has changed color, eight powers, according to common sense, can clean up sixteen innate Master in the middle, I am not trying to die.

"Hai brother, that person in the car seems to be us now." Zhou Qingyun frowned, and the other side was not a good stubble. All eight people were in the dual space of their own, and they were actually seen by the other side.

"Not necessarily, it is getting closer and closer to the ancient home, it may be more cautious, let's not care about it, you wait, I will meet him first." Zhou Qinghai finished, his figure flickered, and he had arrived in front of Guo Bad's car.

Guo Bad ’s car is still driving. It ’s very slow to not overdo it. When Zhou Qinghai appeared in front of the car, Guo Bad already felt his existence, but still like nothing happened, Yu You was driving forward. With.

"I didn't show up, and thought I was really a master." Zhou Qinghai smiled slightly. "First, pack up this congenital big chunk before you say it."

"Brother Niu, help me get things down." Just when Zhou Qinghai merged his space with Niu Meng's space for the second time, Guo Gang gently pushed Niu Meng and hid directly, Zhou Qinghai froze, It so happened that I hid. When Zhou Qinghai made his second shot, this time Niu Meng was pulled into Zhou Qinghai's space.

"You, who are you and where is this?" Niu Meng asked nervously. He could have seen the buildings on both sides of the road from the car. Suddenly, nothing was seen, and he felt like he was in a misty space. Here, a young man stands opposite to himself.

"You are Guo Gang's thug, and you're with the wrong person. Solve it yourself, or I will make you die miserably." Zhou Qinghai said with a smile. In the early days, I was trapped in my own space and I had Countless ways to kill Niu Meng.

"I have no injustice with you. Why would you kill me and let me go out?" Niu Meng said loudly, the inner strength of the whole body was already full of veins, and he was ready to fight with Zhou Qing at any time.

Zhou Qinghai looked at Niu Meng's expression, and couldn't help laughing, silly big man who wanted to fight with me in my space, really a big fool.

"Are you very smart?" When Zhou Qinghai looked at Niu Meng and scolded the fool in his heart, a voice came into his mind. Zhou Qinghai couldn't help fighting a cold war. Who and who entered me? I do n’t even know about space.

"Self-contained space, interesting abilities." Guo Bad appeared in Zhou Qinghai's space. The thick fog disappeared at the moment when Guo Bad appeared, disappearing without a trace.

"Impossible, how could you be in my space, you are still in the first space, how could you be me?" Zhou Qinghai didn't believe he could break through his own space. The boy in front of him is not congenital. Realm, impossible, absolutely impossible.

"I haven't entered your space. You have been in my space, haven't you shown up? You took Meng Ge away in my space. It's a bit too shameless for me." Guo Bad smiled Said.

"You are also a space power?" Zhou Qinghai froze, and then tried to break out of Guo Bad's space, but just one click, he knew that he was finished, and his understanding of space could not shake Guo Bad's slightest space at all.

In fact, how could Zhou Qinghai know what kind of spatial powers, Guo Bad doesn't need to create a binary space at all. In this space, as long as he wants, he can do anything. Immortal, although he is a fairy, what is it? Can you psionics deal with this?

"Want to notify your partners? If you want, I will let them in too." Guo Bad said with a smile, and then seven other people also appeared in front of Zhou Qinghai.

"Hai brother, is everything done?" Zhou Qingyun asked in a whisper when he saw Zhou Qinghai.

Zhou Qinghai was as dead as a face. Now he knows that the seven people who came with him now do not have the presence of Guo Bad, that is, Guo Bad did not break their space and pulled them in together. Strength has far exceeded their understanding of space.

"The sea, what do you say, what's happening now, boy? We just couldn't feel his breath just now." Another space power man asked loudly.

"Can you feel it now?" Guo Bad appeared in front of eight people, with a grass in his mouth, and asked with a smile.

"Who the **** are you and what do you want?" Zhou Qinghai stopped several people who were just talking, and asked Guo Bad calmly.

"You are coming to deal with me, you ask me who I am, is it funny? I am Guo Bad, the owner of the medical museum, the person who Guzhenlei wants to deal with, my daughter-in-law is the boy of the ancient family Take it away, now you ask me who I am, haha, interesting, are you all stupid B? "Guo Bad said aloud," The woman who arrested me threatened me, don't you know? This will make me feel It's so shameless. "

Several people in Zhou Qinghai couldn't say a word anymore. They looked at Guo Gang with an exaggerated expression. Yeah, we came to deal with him, but now they have been eaten by others.

"Leave us, we can leave the ancient family in the future and follow you." A psionicist could not help but said, yes, he was less than 30 years old, and at the age of 13, he was recognized by the space and became a space. Psionicist, if it dies like this, it's worthless.

"Oh!" Everyone didn't see what was going on. The young man's head was broken like a ripe watermelon, and it suddenly shattered, and a stranger beside him couldn't help but vomit. Not far away, Niu Meng also felt endless rolling in his stomach.

"I hate the traitor the most. You seven will not be like him." Guo said angrily and looked at the remaining seven.

Seven people looked at Guo Bad, and no one answered.

"What do you want to do, you didn't kill us, but on your own, you want to deal with the ancients." Zhou Qinghai said loudly.

"Do you know what I hate most besides traitors? That's the enemy, be a good baby in the next life!" After that, the heads of seven people exploded at the same time, Niu Meng couldn't help but vomited .

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