Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 211: Used to be a fairy

"Little bad, then I won't be polite with you, anyway, I will be a family anyway. {八一 小说 网 (

Guo Bad smiled slightly. This Li Dafu was not bad, he was quite capable of doing things, and it seemed that he could be in the position of the secretary of the municipal party committee. It was no accident.

"Receive the benefits. After we return to Wucheng, Grandpa will have time to sit in Wucheng. Let the uncles give the family things to them. Your health is not as good as you feel. Guo said with a smile, Sun Quanfeng nodded slightly, but he wanted to decentralize, but none of his children really made him feel at ease, his grandson Sun Wei is a good material, but too Young, and training him for another two years, should be able to support the Sun family.

"When the business of the Sun family at the Imperial City is stable, I will go to Wucheng to find Lingling, and when I eat and live, I will be with you." Sun Quanfeng said with a smile. Several sons showed joy, in fact all The family is the same, the new one changes the old one, even if his own son has always occupied the position of the owner, it is inevitable that several sons will feel a little uncomfortable.

"Father, I have nothing to do. I'm going to rest. I'm having a hard day today, and I'm a bit tired." Guo Bad said with a smile, Sun Quanfeng nodded slightly, Guo Bad pulled Sun Lingling out of the chamber, and he and several sons watched The jade bottle on the table was filled with endless emotion.

"What do you say you want your sons to do, toss and toss, it's not as good as my granddaughter. I found this good husband, and our granddaughter is finally going to get up." Sun Quanfeng said with sighs, his son's face was flushed. Finally, the second child, the son of Sun Lingling, said softly, Ling Ling is my daughter, I can also count as a contribution to the Sun family, let Sun Quanfeng fight for a while.

"Go to the Xuanyuan family and the Nangong family. I will go to them tomorrow. Our Sun family can't eat these things. I understand that the husband is guilty and guilty." Sun Quanfeng whispered to his eldest son, but After a while, the two replies surprised Sun Quanfeng.

"Tell your dad, if it's Guo Bad's gift, let him take it away, it's your Sun's thing, no one dare to grab it, if you have time, you can let your Lao Tzu walk more and more with our Xuanyuan family." Xuanyuan Xiongfeng smiled at the phone and said, "This Sun Quanfeng has a good granddaughter, so he has to get his granddaughter and granddaughter to marry Guo bad."

Nangong Moozhe's reply to Sun's family was similar to Xuanyuan's. Hang up the phone. Nangong Moozhe called Nangong Ling Mo again. After a while of booze and warmth, if it wasn't Xiao Lingmo's last suggestion to himself, I'm afraid that this Nangong family also Hit in.

"Dad, the attitude of the Nangong family and the Xuanyuan family is similar, so let's put things together safely." Sun Delong said with a smile. Sun Quanfeng also basically knew what was going on at this time, he hit his own head fiercely, Still underestimated Guo bad this kid.

"Wake up, hungry or not, I'll get you something to eat." Guo Bad and Sun Lingling walked into Lin Shuang's rest room. Lin Shuang had woke up and sat by the bed.

"Bad guy, you can help the Lin family by instinct." Lin Shuang gnashed his teeth and said softly, "The ancient family is over, the Lin family's business is not easy to do. I know what happened. Although I am your woman, the Lin family was the ancient family. Many people in Emperor are afraid to associate with the Lin family. I hate the Lin family, but I don't want the Lin family to decline like this. "

"I understand what you mean, I told you that day, and see who bullied my daughter-in-law, and I will take revenge for my daughter-in-law." Guo Bad said softly, "You and the spirit are sitting first, I'll get you something I ate. "Then, four plates of delicious food were placed on the table, and three of them were very comfortable.

"Bad husband, how many secrets do you still have, doctor, power wise, disciple of the hidden world, big radish." Sun Lingling looked at Lin Shuang who was already asleep, leaning carefully on Guo Bad and asking softly Road.

"I said I used to be a **** in the sky, believe it or not." Guo Bad said again with a smile.

"Well, I don't believe you. If you are a **** in the sky, you must have been punished for committing a violation of the rule of heaven." Sun Lingling said with a pout in his mouth. "Can you say that you were degraded because of peeping at the Chang'e fairy bathing?" What? "

"Ahem, little girl, you all know that, you really guess." Guo Bad said with a hint of surprise.

"Bad guy, this is the Sun's family. I will accept you today." Speaking of this, Sun Lingling took the initiative to push Guo Bad this time, so that Guo Bad enjoyed the most primitive passion.

At six o'clock in the morning, Guo Bad woke up and looked at the spring light on the bed. He smiled slightly and helped Sun Lingling to get dressed. Then he walked out of the room. Although the light of morning and evening was not as good as moonlight, it was bad for Guo Saying this thing is also a good thing in the world. The restoration of Xianli can only rely on the morning and evening light and moonlight. Poor that little Xianli, I do n’t know when it will disappear. If it disappears, I am afraid I ca n’t be like now So crazy.

"Brother-in-law, I looked at you yesterday and wanted to call you old man." Sun Wei woke up less than five o'clock today, wandering around in front of Guo's house, and saw the Lord Already.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Guo said with a smile. The young owner of the Sun family now feels pretty good about himself.

"Tengfei brother called you yesterday and asked you to call him back and say that something is up. When do you want to call him back?" Sun Wei said with a smile. "After dinner, I take my brother-in-law in The imperial capital turned around. "He handed Guo bad a call, and Guo bad was not polite. He reached for it and dialed Xuanyuan Tengfei's phone directly.

"Tengfei brother, is there anything so urgent?" Guo asked with a grin.

"No big deal, my wife-in-law and your second sister-in-law. I don't think his spirit has been very good recently. I don't know what happened. The doctors of the Imperial City have invited several doctors, and they haven't found any problems. "Xuanyuan Tengfei whispered.

Xuanyuan's eldest daughter-in-law is Xue Duo, and the second daughter-in-law is Xue Xin. Xuanyuan can also toss, and the two are pregnant together. Xue Duo's child is born, and Xue Xin has a pair in her belly.

"Today I have to go to Lin Shuang's house and wait for the Lin's house to finish. I will go back to Yunhua Villa and show my sister-in-law. Don't worry about it." Guo Bad said, pointing his fingers, but there was a familiar feeling. In his own mind, is it possible that Jade Emperor has no nerves, and some people have been degraded.

As soon as the imagination was revealed, he hadn't waited for Guo's bad taste to find out any more information. Regardless, wait for the wife's house to be busy before going to Yunhua Villa.

"Dad, Shuanger has written back. This morning, Guo Gang will follow her to our Lin's house, and Shuanger will let us prepare." Lin Xingyun said with a touch of excitement.

"Ready, what are you going to do? Your daughter came back with a big belly without getting married. What else do you need to prepare for such a shameful thing?" Lin Shuang's Dabering Yu said loudly. He and his sons do not want Lin Shuang to return to the Lin family. If he really brings Guo to the Lin family, his status in the Lin family will plummet, and who the Lin family is in the future may not be certain.

"People can pack up and prepare to meet Shuanger, second child, I warn you, you know what I think, do n’t stop shooting yourself in the end, this Guo is not easy. If you offend him then, the Lin family will also Can't protect you. "Lin Sanyuan, the head of the Lin family, said loudly.

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