Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 213: Lin Li's Silly Dad

Xuanyuan Tengfei wanted to say something, but Guo Bad didn't give him the opportunity and hung up the phone. Eight {a novel [<[<

"Grandpa, Guo Bad called me just now and told him he was at Lin's house." Xuanyuan Tengfei walked to Xuanyuan Xiongfeng's residence and said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Xuanyuan Xiongfeng asked with a smile. Since entering the realm of the day after tomorrow, the old man seems to be fascinated by martial arts, so that the younger generation of Xuan Yuan's family has to work hard, think about it, if the old man progresses faster than the young man After that, the old man must not talk about this matter.

"Because the Lin family walked very close to the ancient family, recently, everyone in the Imperial City's family gave them a good look. Some of our previous cooperation with them also ended, and Xiao bad meant to let them go." Xuanyuan Tengfei laughed He said that if he was himself, he would definitely come across, no matter whether the wife-in-law's family had done right or wrong before, how to say it is also the mother-in-law.

"Our cooperation with the Lin family continued, and the Nangong family was informed. Now the ancient family is over. Although our affairs with the Nangong family have not been resolved, but since the granddaughter of Nangong Moce's relationship with Xiao bad is good, we will let the grudges with the Nangong family first. It was released, but if the Nangong family dare to send someone to commit crimes, no one's face will have to be given. "Xuanyuan Xiongfeng finished, and he entered the meditation again.

Xuanyuan Tengfei's work efficiency is very high, it must be high. Xue Duo has been in a bad situation recently. Busy Xuanyuan Tengfei has been scorched. Now the only thing he wants is Guo Guo to let him do something, and get it done so that he can come quickly. Xuanyuan's family looked at his wife.

"Tengfei, tell your grandfather that we Nangong family took note of this, thank you." Nangong Mooce said softly on the phone. "You Yunhua Villa also has some people in our Nangong family. If you are alive, you will be troubled. Come out, if they all die, then die. "It has been several days since I received the message that the Nangong family lurked in the Xuanyuan family. Nangong Moozhe has guessed something.

Xuanyuan Tengfei did n’t explain much. After a few words of confusion, the phone hung up, and then he made a phone call with his old father-in-law. The Xue family and the Lin family also had some intersection in business. Do n’t make any mistakes If you do, it's troublesome.

Xue Renhua received a call from his son-in-law, and couldn't help but lament that his son-in-law was much stronger than several sons, at least very good at handling things, and then he had a few letters with several families that had a good relationship with the Xue family. They were all business. The good players on the field are all exquisite. Although Xue Renhua did not say clearly, a few old guys thanked Xue Renhua and resumed business with the Lin family.

Guo Bad was sitting in the living room of the Lin Jiahui, drinking tea, and people from the Lin family kept walking into the living room. He was talking to Lin Sanyuan with joy, Guo naturally knew what was going on, and Xuanyuan took off inefficiently. Slow.

"Dad, good news. His family has restarted several of our cooperation projects. You don't have to look at this kid's face anymore, and this girl, who is pregnant before marriage, should be expelled from the Lin family according to family law. You can never come back. "Lin Xingyu ran into the room and said loudly.

Guo Gang narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Xingyu with excitement. Lin Li was really his son. He was so stupid.

"Get out, get out of me!" Some of Lin San's spirits were speechless and roared loudly, how could he have such a son.

"Shuanger, is the historian that the fool uncle said the sister Shi Yuzheng's historian?" Guo Bad didn't care about Lin Xingyu shouting in the parlor's living room, and asked Lin Shuang with a smile.

"I've been in Wuchang all these years, and I don't know much about Lin's business, but if it is the Emperor Historian, it should be Jade's family." Lin Shuang said softly.

Guo Bad smiled slightly, dialed the phone, and said a word, Sister Shi, Lin Zi has grown up with all birds, not any business can be received, you say to your father. Shi Yuzhen felt wrong, and quickly told the original words to his grandfather. Father Shijia immediately understood what it meant. As soon as the cooperation with the Lin family was resumed, Guo bad called. What does it mean? Are you stupid B?

"Terminate all cooperation with the Lin family, right, go ahead and tell the Lin family directly, let the Lin family take care of themselves." Master Shijia said loudly to the people below.

"What? Well, thank you Brother Shi, I will immediately tell the people below to quickly terminate the cooperation with the Lin family." It is similar to what happened just now. I just agreed to restore the relationship with the Lin family.

"Dad, the historian repented, and he has terminated all the cooperation projects with us." Lin Li, Lin Xingyu's youngest son, but really not quite like Lin Xingyu.

"Remorse? How can they remorse?" Lin Xingyu squatted down on the ground, Lin Sanyuan squinted at his unconvinced son, why did he repent? Guo Gang just made a phone call just now, but the historian immediately changed his attitude.

"Little bad, you see ..." Lin Sanyuan looked at Guo Bad and didn't know what to say. Guo Bad was holding Lin Shuang with one hand and putting it on Lin Shuang's belly with his own. As a child, he can feel that he is a girl, and he has made a plan in his heart. The cultivation starts from the mother's womb, and he has already begun to figure out what medicine for the child in the stomach.

"Uncle, the Zhao family started to talk well, but just now President Zhao called to say that the cooperation with our Lin family was cancelled."

"Homeowner, I don't know why. Feng Zheng just called and said he drank too much. The cooperation he said was not counted."

"Dad, Nangong's family wrote a letter and the cooperation was cancelled. Let me tell you a word, you can't live by yourself." Lin Shuang's dad answered a phone call and said with a heavy face.

"Come here, pull Lin Xingyu out and give him 100,000 yuan. Later, Lin Xingyu will not be our Lin family." Lin Sanyuan couldn't help it anymore and said loudly.

"Dad, you are my father, how can you do this to me?" Lin Xingyu said loudly.

"Dad, rest assured, if you have any money, I will follow you. Didn't Grandpa give you 100,000 yuan to buy a lot of food?" Lin Li watched Lin Xingyu, who was almost paralyzed sitting on the ground, ran over Said.

"Fool, you Tmd is a fool." Lin Xingyu slaps on Lin Li's head loudly.

"What am I? Mother said you were stupid, my brother is not your son, treat him like my dad every day." Lin Li looked at Lin Li and whispered. After Lin Xingyu listened, he fainted, Lin really did not Like your own child.

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