Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 215: Third Prince

"Grandpa, do you mean this, you give a sentence, what do you mean by coughing. [Bayi (Fiction? Web W? W? W>.) 8> 1> Z? W>.? C] O } M? "Xuanyuan Qianxi pursed her mouth and said, Xuanyuan Xiongfeng nodded helplessly.

Hu Meier's face became even redder. Although she knew that in a family like Xuanyuan Family, it was normal for a man to marry a third wife and four concubines.

"Xiao Meier, I don't force you on this. If you don't agree, I will find a way to let Qian Qian marry Guo Alone for the future exhibition of the Xuanyuan family. Things must be done like this. "Xuanyuan Xiongfeng said softly.

"Who said I didn't agree, I agree." Hu Meier looked at Xuanyuan Xiongfeng and said, angrily shouting.

"Haha, it's easy to agree, haha!" Xuanyuan Xiongfeng walked out of the attic with a big smile, leaving Hu Meier and Xuanyuan Qianxi with blank faces.

"Brother, there is nothing wrong with Xiner." Guo Bad gave Xue Xin a pulse for nearly ten minutes, and his expression changed a dozen kinds, making Xuanyuan take off a little nervous.

"Non-gold, non-wood, non-water, non-fire, non-earth, strange, really strange." Guo Bad said to himself, Xuanyuan took off nervous.

"Brother, what do you mean?" Xuanyuan Tengfei asked softly, Guo Bad closed his eyes and put his hand on Xue Xin's wrist again, which made Xuanyuan Tengfei even more nervous.

"I'm going to see who's making trouble with the little man." Guo Bad said secretly in his heart, a hint of immortal power poured into Xue Xin's body, and rushed to the child in the stomach along Xue Xin's vein.

"This, this is impossible." Guo Bad exclaimed secretly, his own immortal power just arrived in the belly of the fetus, was directly absorbed by the boy in the belly.

Guo Bad never gave up a little bit of fairy power again, grandma's, to see who this kid is, he didn't deal with the big devil in the ancient family like this.

"Xingjun, thank you Xianli. I thought I needed some work to find you. I didn't expect to meet Xingjun in my mother's womb." The second moment when Xianli reached the child, Guo Gang was able to understand He felt that the child moved it slightly, and then, a voice came along the fairy power.

"Fuck, it won't, who in heaven is degraded to the lower realm again." Guo Bad exclaimed in his heart, and then Xianli was injected into Xue's body again. "I don't know which way the immortal lower realm is. I don't know my predecessor. "

"Not in the Five Elements, who else is there, just these days, did Xingjun forget the younger brother? Xingjun lower bound, the younger brother went to see you off." The fetus communicated with Guo Bad through Xianli.

"Not in the Five Elements? You, you are the third prince?" Guo Bad suddenly reacted, his body trembled. The child in the belly of Xue Xin was the third prince reincarnated. This is incredible.

"Haha, I said Xingjun couldn't guess. Thanks to Xingjun's fairy power, I awakened my mind in advance, but I still take my mother's womb first, it feels really good." Chuan said.

Guo Bad's expression became more and more excited, but in the eyes of Xuanyuan Tengfei, she was really scared. There was nothing wrong with the child in the belly.

"Prince III, you have Li Tianwang to protect it. I don't know what has been committed and it has been degraded. Could it be that you peeped at the queen mother?" Guo asked with a smile.

"Xingjun, my brother doesn't have your ability, why should I go to the lower world, brother you should know better than me." Nezha answered with a smile.

The two of you talked for ten minutes, one by one, and Guo Bad basically understood the reason why Ning reached the lower bound.

Two days ago, the atmosphere of the big demon appeared in the ancient family, and the heavenly court heard the news as soon as possible. Then the lower demon is closer to the lower world dojo of Prince Nezha, and it should be that the repression seal of the third master dojo was opened by accident. Only caused the demon to be unsealed.

Due to the principle of who is going to solve the matter of the old emperor, the third prince let the third prince fall, but the third prince's luck is not as good as Guo's. He originally wanted to find a similar corpse to return the soul. As a result, it took three days. I did n’t meet anything decent. At last I thought about the sentence that Erlang Zhenjun said when he was about to go to the Nether. You can go to read Xin Zhenjun. He was not bad in the Nether, and he just went to read the breath of Xin Zhenjun. The imperial capital, the third prince had little time, and was directly born into Xue Xin. Everything was so amazing.

"Xingjun, I do n’t need your little fairy power, it ’s not enough for you to use it. Now I can't get out in a short while, you can give me a mother in the Nether tonic, or else what she eats I ca n’t meet my needs, and there ’s some fine wine, and some fine wine, too. ”Nezha said with a smile, Guo's black face with a bad look.

If it ’s a tonic supplemented with Xue Xin and eat something, it ’s okay. Which pregnant woman you ’ve seen has had a drink, but Guo Gang wants to communicate with the third prince again. This boy directly shuts down the consciousness. Xianli injected, the third prince did not react at all.

"Grandma's, it's time for business again. This boy is going to the Nether. It looks like he won't be able to go back for a while. The young man's good days haven't started yet, and he has to be busy again." Guo Bad thought helplessly. "I have to go back to Wucheng and find a way to get some traditional Chinese medicine with better efficacy. Otherwise, Nezha must not be the same in Xue Xin's stomach. After three years of staying, things will be great."

Seeing Guo Gang opening his eyes, Xuanyuan Tengfei and Xue Xin both took a deep breath.

"Bad brother, the child in my belly is okay." Xue Xin asked softly. She listened to her sister's medical skills, but she was a little scared, but Guo Gang's expression just made her feel a little scared.

"Yeah, brother, if you have anything to say directly, we can afford it." Xuanyuan Tengfei said nervously.

"What can bear? I can't bear it. Brother, I'm martial arts, and now it's congenital realm, I will rarely rest in this room in the future. Your breath has affected the children. No wonder the sister-in-law eats so much." Guo bad thought for a long time. , Came up with such a reason, Xue Xin stared fiercely at Xuanyuan Tengfei, after all, it was his husband's reason.

Xuanyuan's face blushed red. Xue Duo ’s two children over there had a babysitter watching. He talked louder and Xue Duo would bear himself down. His status plummeted. Now he ’s alright, Xue Xin. The child in the belly has not yet been born, and he is doing it again.

"Brother, is there any way to cure it?" Xuanyuan Tengfei asked softly.

"How to treat it, it has been affected. I returned to Emperor's capital in the past two days. The child was born more than a month ago. I'll get some good quality Chinese herbal medicines for my sister-in-law to eat. I'll give birth when I'm born." Guo Gang smiled and said, "Don't drink the contents of this gourd, give it to the sister-in-law, and don't ask what it is." Guo Bad passed a wine gourd to Xue Xin, Xue Xin reached out and hugged it again, fiercely Glancing at Xuanyuan take a look.

"Bad brother, there seems to be wine in it." Xue Xin opened the gourd stopper and asked softly.

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