Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 217: Acquaintances in Wucheng

"So it seems, I seem to have disrupted a big game played by the Gu family, ha ha. W] W].] 8> 1ZW.COM" Guo said with a smile, in fact, all things may only be clear to him, the ancient family ? The ancient family is just a **** of the Damon. This time, the deployment of the Damon in the world has been chaotic. Presumably the merit is great.

When Guo Gang left Nangong ’s house, he left some elixir for Nangong Mouze. Anyway, Xiao Lingmo himself still likes it. It ’s a gift given first. When that time comes, he wo n’t accept the little girl to the harem. It's not bad to get a bed girl. Nangong Mu Ce was so excited that naturally he didn't see Guo's bad idea.

"On the eighth of next month, I will be married to Lin Shuang. In the old house of the old man, when the old man has time to go and have a look." Guo said badly, walked out of Nangong Mootse's yard with a smile, Nangong Fan was helping with Flower pot, watching Guo broke out, and with excitement, the flower pot in his hand broke again, but Nangong Moo Ce came out with a smile, and did n’t go to send you a bad brother, so that Nangong Fan was swollen. Closed eyes.

Due to time constraints and heavy tasks, Guo Bad didn't stop at Nangong's house. He contacted Niu Meng on the phone. He knew that he was in the May 31st Army and drove directly to the May 31st Army. Women's affairs, their daughter-in-law, and the marriage agreement set by the Lin family that year, although the ancient family was over, the people of the Emperor could not let the daughter-in-law's jokes be found. If you want to find a big backer, think of Xia Wudi is a good choice.

"Chairman, that Guo Bad is indeed the grandson of Guo Liu's attention. The young and promising, the medical skill group should be a disciple of a certain hidden world sect, but we haven't found out." Li Dafu received a call from the first vice chairman of Huaxia. He whispered that the end of the ancient family not only affected the imperial capital, but also affected the entire Huaxia. Although Li Dafu gave the ancient family's industry to other imperial families, they still knew it.

"Duff, the ancient town Thunder is dead. You must find a suitable candidate for the top of the power group as soon as possible. Nothing can go wrong. As for this Guo bad, maintain a good relationship with him, and now the emperor has spread it. See if you can get a few of those elixir, the boss said. "Xu Xinren, the first vice chairman of Huaxia said softly, Li Dafu nodded hurriedly over the phone," I will do things as soon as possible. "

Guo Bad naturally didn't know this. The time for lunch was May 31, and before lunch had started, I saw a group of people around the playground surrounded by a large group of men.

"Heishan, we don't play with you, you go to the big iron or pillars, right, Mengzi brother is also in the barracks, you go to them and fight with us, isn't that just bullying people." Heishan just stood in the middle of the playground. A big man yelled into Montenegro. Montenegro scratched his head innocently. Every day he played with the big iron and the pillars. All three were congenital masters. There was no improvement in the fight, but some people did n’t know what to do. Practiced.

"Brother Montenegro, is it a bit lonely to find an opponent? Otherwise, let's compare and compare, I will only practice with you in the previous period of strength." Guo Bad said aloud, Montenegro greeted Guo Bad excitedly, Then he pulled Guo Bad into the big circle of the playground.

"Montenegro, my little brother is also an innate master?" A soldier in the crowd asked loudly.

"Army, if you don't believe it, you can try it, but your brother is not responsible for being beaten, haha." Montenegro said with a smile. "You will know what the real state of the little brother is in a moment, bad brother, be merciful for a while, so Many people looked at it and left me some face. "

"The battle between life and death, but I will pay a little attention, I won't take your life, don't take care." Guo Bad said softly.

Montenegro nodded slightly, watching Guo Bad standing opposite him, and suddenly felt that Guo Bad gave himself a illusory feeling, which is also the innate state. How could this feel?

"Heishan, you can see it clearly. How much you can understand depends on your good fortune." Guo Bad smiled, and walked towards Montenegro in three steps and punched him.

"Here, this is impossible." Heishan was stunned, and Guo Bad was punching again. The figure had flashed behind Heishan, and his body was full of Guo Bad's figure. He hit a punch subconsciously, seemingly hitting After Guo Bad's body was soft, Guo Bad's mouth smiled slightly, and his palm hit the body of Montenegro again.

Thirty-six rounds back and forth, Guo bad closed his hands and stood not far from watching the big gasp in Montenegro, laughing out of the big circle of the playground, "I'm going to eat something, I have to go to Tyrannosaurus after eating . "

"Cough, the boxing method just now is so wonderful. The inner strength in the body can be used like this, brother, brother, how do you think of it, I worship you as a teacher, you teach me." Montenegro is facing Guo bad The back said loudly, Guo Bad waved his hand gently, and the man had entered the kitchen.

"Mengzi, don't hit the birds on the mountain, come back quickly, the bad brother is here." Heishan dialed Niu Meng's phone, and a few big men who went up the mountain to play game received the phone, and drove in general to May 31. .

"The food in this barracks is pretty good." Guo stepped out of the kitchen with a bad smile, and the violent men's car arrived and stopped directly at the kitchen door.

"Brother, I know you are going to the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. You have to wait for a while. Your elder brother hasn't called you to harass you recently. You have to wait on May 31. Some old men want to see you. Give me some face." With a big smile, Guo Bad nodded slightly, how to say that when he went to Gujia last time, the car was provided by the Wusanyi Army.

"Brother, you promised, I'll contact a few old men right away." Niu Meng said and took out the phone. At this time, Montenegro on the side snatched the phone. "Call a fart, these old guys are not here. This fishing must be in the combat command room, let's go between us. "With that said, the five men of Montenegro, Niu Meng, Datie, Zhu Zi and Guo Gang walked towards the combat command room.

"Montenegro, several leaders are discussing the battle plan for this military exercise. You can't go in, or I'll inform you first." A security guard stopped the Montenegrin party directly.

"Bad a fart, grandson has seen his grandfather, you have seen a few briefings, you quickly let go, my brother did not have time to slap you." Montenegro said loudly, "Old man, come out quickly, people and I brought, After a while, I ’m not sure when I will come again. "

"Brother Montenegro, please whisper, there is really a meeting in it, no matter what our May 31 hands are, there are several leaders of the Wucheng Military Region." The guard whispered, covering his mouth.

"Xiao Li, who is making a lot of noise outside, how can I listen to the kid from Montenegro." There was a voice in the room. It was the grandfather of Montenegro, Chen Dajun.

"Old man, Guo bad is here, you can see or do whatever you want. I don't care. If you don't come out again, we leave and go to the Tyrannosaurus Regiment." Montenegro shouted again, and the door of the combat command room opened sharply. .

"Boy, where is Guo Bad?" Chen Dajun asked loudly, and the eyes of several people who came out fell on Guo Bad.

"Boy, Ayao said that you have come to the Imperial City. It turned out that you are really here. Recently, the Imperial City has given birth to these major events, which are all related to your child. It can really be frustrating." The thought of meeting Guo in the capital was broken.

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