Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 231: New to Ghost Doctor

Yuer's words fell, and Xue Xin, who was far away from the imperial capital, felt a sudden movement in his stomach, and then he took a big sip against the wine gourd, and his stomach gradually calmed down. Bayi Chinese Website W> W> W〉. > 81ZW. COM Of course, these things Guo bad and Yuer of Wucheng don't know.

Guo Bad told Yuer something about the birth of the emperor. Regarding the big demon, Yuer looked very open. When there is a big demon, there is a big devil. Since Tianting sent someone down, it has nothing to do with us. Already.

"Yu'er, I won't let you follow this time to the ghost doctor's gate. There should be no problem with Qin Fengyu." Guo Bad said with a smile. Yuer nodded slightly. Although Guo Badxian lost all strength and was innately a pinnacle, but with Guo Bad's current methods, it is more than enough to deal with the general trough period masters. This time, there is nothing to worry about when he visits the ghost doctor.

In the early morning of the next day, He Mo changed his clothes, which made Guo Bad's eyes bright, but Qin Fengyu saw the famous hall at a glance and smiled at He Mo.

"Father, what were you laughing just now." Guo Bad drove, He Mo sat in the co-pilot, Qin Fengyu and Dazhu sat behind, Guo Bad asked with a smile.

"Xiao Bad, it's not easy for you to be a non-medical museum. The next master of the ghost doctor is here, don't you know?" Qin Fengyu said with a smile, and Guo Bad's eyes fell on He Mo again, He only knew that He Mo was a ghost doctor, but he did not expect such a high status.

"Grandfather Qin joked. Over the years, the ghost doctor's gate has gradually faded. Grandpa's intention to pass the position of the gatekeeper to me is helpless." He Mo said softly.

"Rest assured that the things of the ghost doctor are left to me and what I told you before. If you want me to completely cure the hidden poison in you, you must be my woman, otherwise I can't help you. Guo Bad said softly, He Mo's face turned red, and there were others in the car, which made He Mo a bit embarrassed. Qin Fengyu was nothing, Dazhu was widening his eyes.

"Zhu, my brother has to put your blood back to the ghost doctor this time, but it seems that my brother hasn't treated you badly these days, right, haha." Guo said with a smile.

"Hey, bad guy, you can have wine," Xue Dazhu said sternly. If he weren't sitting in the back, Guo Bad's fist would have been hit on him already.

"It is estimated that the ghost doctor's door will be noon tomorrow. You took this elixir, but your brother did a lot of work." Guo Bad threw a seven-color elixir to the back, making Qin Fengyuan's eyes widen.

"Zhu, don't eat it first, let the old man look at this elixir." Qin Fengyu said softly, Xue Dazhu was also generous, and passed the elixir directly to Qin Fengyu.

"Small bad, are the two shadows on the elixir, are they the shadows of the yamen?" Qin Fengyu asked softly, if it is really the elf, then the elixir is terrible, this Guo is really reluctant to use it It ’s a waste of tapeworms to make medicine.

"It's the maggots of yamen. That female star brought by Yao Shi was shot down that day. A few Miao doctors said something that made the little lord unhappy, so they refined their maggots." Guo It's easy to say bad things, but Qin Fengyu was shocked with cold sweat. Doctor Miao and Yemen are connected with each other. This time offended Miao Doctor. I am afraid that it will not be peaceful for a few days without medical treatment. Although speaking of strength, he is not afraid of those who are knocked. People who play yin can't keep themselves and dare to capsize in the gutter.

"Father, rest assured. If they dare to come to the trouble of the little master, I am worried that there is no tapeworm refining medicine. Come on, more is better." Guo said with a smile, Qin Fengyu shook his head slightly.

Qin Fengyu returned the elixir to Xue Dazhu, but Xue Dazhu put it directly in his mouth regardless of any tapeworm, not a tapeworm, and suddenly a strong breath filled his veins, which made his eyes widen.

"Stabilize your mind and feel this power. If you can understand this power, before the ghost doctors, how can your brother help you to break through the innate realm, Dazhu, think about it, less than 20 years old Master of the opening period, when you see your grandfather again, it's awesome. "Guo said with a smile, Xue Dazhu nodded fiercely, and entered the final.

"This kid is really good, haha." Qin Fengyu said with a smile, Guo is not bad, and began to run towards the ghost doctor door.

"Host, please take a break, let me drive." Guo Mo said for about twenty hours, He Mo said softly.

Guo Bad shook his head. It's all mountain roads now. It's getting harder and harder. If He Mo is allowed to drive, Guo Bad is really uneasy. After almost six more kids, the car stopped in front of a mountain house and looked around. This place is not bad. It is double the size of the old house in the imperial capital. Guo Bad took a deep breath and finally arrived. .

"Xiao Mo, let's go down and talk about it first." Guo Bad shouted He Mo who hadn't woken up yet. He Mo looked at the familiar scene in front of him and really returned to the ghost doctor's gate again. He didn't come back for a whole year. .

"Brother Hui, I'm Xiao Mo, I'm back." He Mo shouted loudly to a big man standing in the doorway, and the big man ran over in three steps and two steps, "You really Xiao Mo? Your face ...

"Open the door. I'm here today with the owner of our medical library. He will help everyone in the ghost medicine department to get rid of the scars on their faces. In the future, our ghost medicine department will no longer be karmic. He Mo said excitedly, the big man glanced at Qin Fengyu on the car, and nodded gently.

"The museum owner, Grandpa Qin, get out of the car. The ghost doctor's door is not allowed to drive in." He Mo whispered, Xue Dazhu also woke up and looked at Guo Bad with a smile, Guo Bad also laughed, yes, The potency of that medicine is fully absorbed by Dazhu, and it is only a step away from the light.

"Big grandpa, Xiao Mo is back." He Hui and Guo Badi walked towards Zhaizi. There were many people walking around in Zhaizi at noon. When he saw that He Mo's face was fine, he was surprised. , Especially some female doctors in the village.

"Xiao Mo is back." An old man in his 70s appeared in front of the four, and Guo Guo smiled slightly at the early stage of the valley. It seemed that the ghost doctor gate could hold this village on this mountain, the old man. Great contribution.

"He Yuanjie, still know the old man." Guo Bad had not spoken yet, Qin Fengyu took a step forward and said with a smile.

"Qin Fengyu, haha, I didn't expect to see you in my lifetime. Are you the owner of the medical museum that my granddaughter said, you haven't solved your own hidden problems, how can you help us ghost doctors?" Lord He Yuanjie did not give Qin Fengyu face, said with a smile.

"Lao He, how do you know that my hidden disease has not been solved, let's try to make a comparison." After Qin Fengyu finished speaking, the whole body's breath soared, making He Yuanjie's eyes widen.

"You, your hidden disease has been cured, who will heal you? Did you really start studying medicine? Impossible, I know what you are doing." He Yuanjie shook his head.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Qin is not our museum owner, our museum owner is him, and Grandpa Qin's injuries are also managed by the museum." He Mo whispered, pointing at Guo Bad, and He Yuanjie's eyes widened this time Already.

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