Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 241: Big wife is here

Guo Bad politely swept away the medicinal materials that he could use in the medicine room. Although there was a Laojun gourd on his body, many of the contents in it could not be used in this world. It is still true that these medicinal materials come. Now he hopes to find Zhang Yizheng in the pharmacy, but the medicine tripod that soared away in the past did not disappoint him. {< [八? 一 小? 说 网 W] W> W ?. ] 8? 1> YW. Com

"Father, hold this jade, and come to this medicine room later, you can use this jade." Guo Bad smiled and handed He Yuanjie a piece of stone of the same shape and size as himself, He Yuanjie After playing around for a while, Guo Gang really felt better than the one he had before.

"Father, don't blame the boy for speaking badly, you are considered a good confiscation," Guo said with a smile. "Although there are many Chinese medicines on the Yinyang Mountain, there are a lot of old ones, and I saw them when I went up the mountain. You made some marks, but haven't you thought about getting those medicinal materials into this medicine room for growth? If you can grow in this medicine room for several years, the quality can be improved several times. "

"Can this medicine room still be used this way?" He Yuanjie asked with a hint of doubt. "No one in the medicine room passed down by the ghost doctor for thousands of years can use it like this."

"After a few days, you can try and you will know. I will tell you where to plant what, and according to the five elements, it must be right." Guo bad smiled and said, "Let's go, let's go outside, or people outside should wait Now. "

He Yuanjie couldn't help but looked at the medicine room again, exclaiming in his heart, this kid is really a thief, and I don't leave any of the same things left for Lao Tzu.

"Master, your face is not so good." Just after leaving the pharmacy, several old men looked at He Yuanjie who was behind Guo Bad and asked with a hint of concern.

"Cough, it's okay, there's a little panic in it." He Yuanjie coughed a few times, and hurried toward the ghost doctor's gate.

"Several people waited a long time. After three months, I would send a batch of elixir to the ghost doctor's gate. By then, all of the dark injuries on your body would be almost the same. This time the kid took a lot of things from the medicine room. But I will use the Ghost Doctor's Gate, take your rest assured. "Guo said with a smile, and a few old men laughed and opened the flowers.

"Small bad, you're weird. Since you are allowed to go into the pharmacy, you can take it casually, not enough to go again next time, but I don't think you took anything." He Laosan said with a smile.

"Hey, the boy took a lot of things, and some of them will know in the future. In two days, the boy will get married, and some of them must eat and drink." Guo said with a smile.

A few old men smiled and promised that the day would come, but later thought that this wedding was held at the ghost doctor's gate, what did they mean by this guarantee?

Three days passed quickly. At the beginning, some young people in the ghost medicine department were still somewhat hostile to Guo bad, but with the things that Guo bad told them in the past three days, Guo bad showed them in the ghost medicine door. Healing has convinced all the people in Ghost Medicine.

"The prescription you wrote is correct, but I think if you can add some more gold and banyan whiskers, is it better? You think about it." Guo Bad is a middle-aged man in the ghost medicine department Said with a smile.

"Thousands of gold and banyan tree?" The middle-aged man mumbled, thinking about all the Chinese medicine again, before his eyes brightened, "Little bad, high, really high, take it, this time taking it orally. "

"Four brother, you found nothing wrong with the acupuncture point just now, but there is no problem with the needle, but there is something wrong with the needle in your hand." Guo Bad smiled. "You try with my set of silver needles, as for the intensity One, but do n’t tie it on Wu Wu, you can try it on yourself. ”

The young man in front of him nodded his head gently. When the last silver needle was stuck on his arm, He Yang's eyes widened and he felt comfortable. It felt really comfortable.

"Four brother, unplug the needle, I'll try it, let me try it." Laowu He Shu said loudly, "I will not investigate the matter you just gave me a needle, you let me try."

"Four elder brothers and five elder brothers, I still have a few sets of silver needles. You can share these sets with several elder brothers." Guo said with a smile.

He Yang and He Shu happily took the silver needles and went to the place where several other cousins ​​often met. After a while, more than a dozen young people found Guo Bad together. Guo Bad was in a good mood and told directly Everyone, such a silver needle will be set up next time when they come to Ghost Doctor next time.

"Little bad, tomorrow your grandparents will all come. We've packed the place we lived, and you go and see what's missing." He Yuanjie said to Guo Bad with a smile during dinner.

"I watched it at noon, and the old man was bothered." Guo said with a smile, "but the old man still has to prepare a few rooms. It is estimated that some of us who are not in the medical center will come to have fun, and my elder wife will come."

"Smell boy, my baby granddaughter is really a little daughter-in-law." He Yuanjie said with a smile, "You can rest assured, I will make the room for you, rest early today, and prepare for a big marriage tomorrow."

Guo Bad looked at the full moon in the sky. I can't afford to waste such a day, but Guo Bad didn't say much. After leaving the restaurant, he leapt forward and landed on the stargazing platform steadily.

"Freak, metamorphosis." He Yuanjie whispered watching Guo Bad's figure, but looked at the boy in front of him higher.

"Comfortable." The sun rises, the moon disappears, and Guo Gang stretches a lazy waist and whispers softly. After Xian Li disappears, today is the first time that Guo Gang feels a faint feeling of Xian Li in his body again, and his heart can't help excited. stand up.

"Bad guy, you can. Sister He Mo will be done in a trip. The emperor owes a wedding. You can make another one here. You really can." Guo Bad suddenly heard a familiar Voice, who is not Yuer.

"Big wife, you're jealous, but this time I called you here. If you don't agree, this wedding will not be done." Guo Bad said with a smile, Yuer stretched out his hand and leaned against Guo Bad's waist, " Big bad guy, everyone has been in the ghost doctor's door for so long. Is it because the babies are there? Grandpa and grandma are here. I object to it. "

"Hey, big wife, when we come to Wucheng, we'll make up a wedding and get a big one." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"Wucheng is too small. If you want to make up a wedding for me, let's go back to heaven to make up for it." Yuer said with a smile. At this time, Guo Liuli noticed the couple came over, the old man smiled and looked at his grandson, the old woman stepped forward. It was a slap in front of Guo's bad head.

"Smelly boy, the wedding over Emperor's capital is not over yet, and you are tossing again, that is, Yuer Dadu. If you dare to be sorry for Yuer, I have you." Madam Guo said with a curse.

Guo Bad looked at Yuer again, okay, this is a lot of ** soup for the old lady.

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