Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 244: Roasted beef and sheep chicken

He Yuanjie sent Guo Bad and his party to the foot of Yinyang Mountain. Guo Bad gave three Yuan pills to He Yuanjie. An old fox and an old fox looked at each other. Guo Bad walked into the car and Li Yao drove. Flying towards Wucheng, He Yuanjie also flew towards Ghost Doctor's Gate. The business was finished, and the matter of the Four Elephants was completely resolved. A few days later, the news came from Yinyang Mountain. The entire Zongzong gate was infected with the plague, and no one was spared. The place before the Four Zongzong was completely blocked ten miles away. Eight [One? Novel? Network W] W) W). } 81ZW. Com

"The Four Elephant Sects is over? How is this possible? It is impossible for Ghost Doctors to get the Four Elephant Sects. Check, hurry up and find out what happened to the Four Elephant Sects." In less than a month, all the Chinese martial arts martial artists have basically known, but Zhou Shan Peng Tianhua touched his beard. Recently, his brother Qin Fengyu was rumored to appear on Yinyang Mountain. I do n’t know if the Sixiangzong incident was related to He has a relationship.

Of course, these bad things are completely unknown to Guo Bad. Several people took turns to drive. Almost the next morning, the car parked in front of the infirmary. The first person to come out to meet them was not the students in the infirmary, but recently Busy scorching Tongyuan Taoist Guo Tongyuan.

"Boss, you're back. If you don't come back, I'll look for you." Guo Tongyuan ran to Guo Bad and said loudly.

"It's been hard lately, haha, but you get a lot of benefits," Guo said with a smile. "You have to stay in the Medical Museum for a while, and Yuer and I will go to Shushan tomorrow morning."

"I'll go too. I'm familiar with Shushan. Let me go with you, boss. I beg you." Guo Tongyuan said softly. "Boss, Shushan is a bit interesting. Others don't know, and those old people on Shushan don't know. , Only I know, it will definitely work for you. "

"Master Tongyuan, I hope you haven't lied to me. If there isn't anything I want, then you just wait." Guo Bad said with a smile, it was a promise to Tongyuan Taoists.

"Kong Fei, you and Dazhu will find a place to stay. This time, the two of you will follow along. Ye Qin, you will be the first to get old without medical treatment." Guo Bad said with a smile, "This bottle You take the elixir. The way of martial arts is to cultivate your mind and supplement your self-cultivation. However, if you always rely on elixir to improve your strength, even if you can finally rise to the heavens, then it will only be a mess in the court of heaven. , I think Lord Qin should understand. "

Qin Fengyu nodded his head slightly, and took off the jade bottle with a hint of feeling. Dealing with the injury of Sixiangzong in Yinyang Mountain that day has cured Guo Bad, letting him thoroughly understand Guo Bad ’s ability, he is now I really admire this young man who looks too young.

"Xiao Mo, you, how can you marry Guo Bad." Liu Yaoshi whispered He Mo to the side.

"Shi Shi, why can't we? We matchmaker said that he was married, and I'll marry." He Mo said with a smile, and on the way back, she knew that a few good friends in the medical center would ask her this way, especially Liu Yaoshi, Guo Bad told He Mo to answer Liu Yaoshi in this way.

"Yeah, but Guo bad is going to marry Emperor Lin Shuang to the emperor next month, you ..." Liu Yaoshi didn't know what to say. Looking at He Mo who was full of red, his face became unconscious and red. stand up.

"Shi Shi, how much should you know about my family, you should also know the big bad guys, martial arts are different from ordinary people, big bad guys have the ability, he wants to marry some, if you want to marry He, as long as the bad guys agree, I have no opinion, and Yuer certainly has no opinion. "He Mo said, his face flushed.

"Xiao Mo, what are you talking about?" Liu Yaoshi fled and ran away. He Mo looked at his close friend, and probably guessed Liu Yaoshi's idea, and couldn't help laughing.

Guo Bad returned to the infirmary, and it became lively again. They all knew that He Mo and Guo Bad were married. Several girls started chatting with He Mo, and several people in Chen Jiadi were joking with Guo Bad. Tongyuan Taoists did a lot in these days when Guo Badou left, and there are few incurable diseases waiting to be cured outside the door.

"Yao Brother, you have to requisition your big jeep tomorrow." After lunch, Guo Gang smiled at Li Yao. "You and second brother and third brother are waiting for me to come back, I will give you something good."

"Oldest, take a plane and drive to Shushan. You really dare to think about it. Take a plane and land directly at the scenic airport. I have a friend over there and I will let him pick you up." Li Yao said with a smile.

"Airplane? Let's forget it. I have a shadow for that thing. It's just three days by car. I drove with Dazhukong flywheel for one person a day." Guo said with a smile, thinking about the last thing, really giving this Wuxian left a little shadow.

"Haha, fourth child, do you still think about what happened on the plane last time? That was an accident. I can't get you a military helicopter. Go straight to it. By the way, you seem to be a division commander now, haha, great officer. "Jia Yuan said with a smile, and several others also laughed.

However, no matter how many people said, Guo Yao let Li Yao leave his big jeep. In the early morning, Guo Yao, Yuer, Tongyuan Taoist, Xue Dazhu and Kong Fei headed for Shushan.

"Boss, Dazhu and Kong Fei, do you have to give me one? I've had an itchy hand recently, and I became an apprentice to practice my hand." Tongyuan Taoist said with a smile. Xue Dazhu knew the origin of the child in front of him and didn't say anything However, Kong Fei calmed Guo Tongyuan, and the boy was not a little bitter.

"Master Tongyuan, you want to collect your apprentices to find them by yourself. Don't try to move my people, or you can compare with Yuer. If you can win my elder wife, I can consider one of them to learn from you. Something. "Guo said with a grin.

Tongyuan Taoist looked at Yuer sitting in the front row, thinking about the strength that Yuer showed these days, shook his head fiercely, still forget it, although I do n’t know why Yuer is in the lower bound, nor do they know Yuer is in What kind of person was in the court of heaven, but such people are still less subtle.

"Haha, big wife, what have you done to them, why are they afraid of you?" Guo said with a smile.

"Bad brother, I didn't do anything to them. If you want to learn from each other, I can accompany you." Yu'er said with a smile, Guo Badeng's cold sweat, "Forget it, we are three good couples, no Domestic violence. "The three men laughed at the bad Guo Guo who was eating.

Guo Badi drove for about eight hours. The car got down and drove into a small county seat. Then he was in front of a hotel with a good appearance.

"Boss, I'm hungry. Should I go to eat first." Guo Tongyuan said with a smile. Dazhu and Kong Fei nodded quickly. Guo badly touched his stomach. Yeah, he drove for eight hours. I was really hungry, and the five of them didn't bring any luggage. They parked the car, opened four rooms, and walked towards a barbecue place not far away.

"Bad guy, change to another place to eat, this place is too disgusting." Several people had not sat down yet, Yuer whispered.

"Disgusting? Not disgusting, the food here smells good." Guo said with a smile.

"It's not disgusting yet, what do you see roasted, cows and sheep **, eat what you eat, I'll eat elsewhere." Yuer whispered.

"Sister Yuer, you're too fierce. This roast is beef, lamb, chicken wings, chicken miscellaneous. It's a vertical read, you can't read it horizontally." Xue Dazhu whispered, Yuer's face brushed red, Guo Ganghe Tongyuan Taoist laughed, and Kong Fei and Xue Dazhu laughed for a while.

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