Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 248: Guo bad is ****?

Kong Fei looked at the leaving Liuliu River. The crows in the world were generally black. According to common sense, this night is doomed to be unsafe. Bayi

"Hai brother, since someone at the table has settled the bill, we won't pay for it. We will leave this place for us tomorrow, and we will come back tomorrow." Guo Bad laughed and pulled up Yu'er, and the five returned together. Hotel.

"Boss, if I were you, I wouldn't let this guy go. It would be a taboo for the rivers and lakes to suffer from tigers returning to the mountains." Guo Tongyuan whispered.

"Tongyuan, don't you have a present, it's interesting to let him go, otherwise it's too boring. After a while, you will follow Yuer to other places, and Kong Fei and I are here." Guo said with a smile.

Guo Tongyuan thought for a while, and a smirk appeared in the corner of his mouth. "I'm staying too, boss, let me stay, absolutely obediently arrange to listen to the command." Guo Tongyuan said with a look of expectation.

"Anyway, I stay, so fun things, I have to stay, and so much resentment, you can't take all this merit alone." Yuer said with a smile at Guo bad.

Guo Bad looked at the two people and shook their heads helplessly, leaving it behind, a little Yunxi County, can't produce any moths.

Xiang Liuxi didn't dare to delay here, and drove directly to Xiang Xiongshan's house.

"Uncle, it's so late, you're here." Xiang Yuzheng was about to leave the house, and just met Xiang Liuxi.

"It's not a good thing for your kid to go in. Go in, what are you going to do so late, and what else are you going to do?" Xiang Liuxi looked at his nephew loudly.

"Uncle, look at what you said, what can I make of it, the three women are really right, not just to have a drink together, we haven't done anything yet, we will die or live." Xiang Yu said with a smile Xiang Liuxi grabbed Xiang Yu's arm and pulled it directly into Xiang's house.

"Liuxi, it's so late. Why are you here? Xiaoyu, I didn't tell you. I'm not allowed to go anywhere recently. What do you want to do?" A middle-aged woman looked at the two and asked This man is Xiang Yu's mother, Qin Yurong. To be honest, the most influential person in Yunxi County should be her, Qin Haotian, Qin Yurong's father, commander of the Northwest Military Region, and a powerful figure in the military.

"Liuxi is back, come in and talk." Xiang Xiongshan said with a smile, but after a while, he felt that his brother's expression was a bit wrong, and a wave of emotions appeared in his heart. "Yu Rong, optimistic about Xiao Yu. If he is going out, I will directly interrupt his leg. You tell Dad that the day after tomorrow will let Xiao Yu receive him and practice well."

"I'm not going, what's so good about the army, a group of great men." Xiang Yu also wanted to say something, and was directly drawn into the room by Qin Yurong.

"How many people were sent from above?" Asked Xiong Shan softly.

"It shouldn't be, but one of the people is a troop, and there is a kid, I can't see it through, but I'm sure it's a stubble and I'm ready to take care of it." Liu Liuxi said softly.

"I saw a few people's photos. The soldier in the army you said is this big man." He took out his mobile phone to Xiongshan, and there was a sneak shot of Guo Bad five when he was eating. "I've let the identity of this big man The military area has checked it, and a letter should be given soon. As for the boy you said, it seems to be a doctor from a hospital in Wucheng. The letter from Wucheng is very hot. "

Xiangliuxi nodded slightly, and now needs to wait for the letter from the military area to see what this big man is about.

"Secretary Xiang, Commander Qin asked me to tell you that the soldier in the photo should not take the initiative to provoke him, can't afford it." A low voice over the phone said that they did find Kong Fei's file, but four s-levels Except for No. 1 leader, no one could see Kong Fei's file.

"Is it a big deal?" Xiang Xiongshan asked.

"Commander Qin does not have sufficient authority. There is only one possibility for such a file. Tyrannosaurus, please treat it to the secretary." After that, the military line over there hangs up, and the faces of the two brothers look even worse.

"Brother, what should I do?" Asked Liu Xi softly, lighting a cigarette.

"Be clean. Tyrannosaurus comes to Yunxi County and we have to lie down," said Xiongshan with a somber face, "calling all the special policemen in Yunxi County to wipe out these fledglings."

Xiang Liuxi nodded fiercely, and then dialed a few phones. After a while, the whole Yunxi County raised alarms, and the biggest "black and counter-terrorism" operation in Yunxi County started. The goal was Guo bad. The hotel.

"Bad Lord, the movement is not small, there are already snipers at several commanding points over there." Kong Fei walked around the corridor, then went back to see the calm look of Guo bad and said with a smile.

"So many people should be defined as terrorists," Guo said with a smile. "I don't want to hurt those who serve as soldiers. Is there any good way for you, Kong Fei?"

"Good way? Bad Lord seems to be the division commander of the May 31st Army. I do n’t know if the Bad Lord ’s officer certificate is there. Take it out and use it. These people in this unit will go away and talk." Kong Fei said with a smile, Guo Bad A small red book was found from the body and handed it to Kong Fei. After a while, all the lights in the corridor went off fiercely, and Kong Fei disappeared into the corridor on the third floor.

"Campmaster, you said that the surname Xiang was so big that our military exercise missions were postponed. What is he trying to do?" A big man asked softly to another man fiercer than him.

"Who knows? I just called to cooperate with Yunxi County Public Security to execute the mission and killed ****. If there are terrorists in Yunxi County who are also surnamed Xiang, I don't know who this guy wants to be overcast this time." The special brigade of the Northwest Military Region in Yumo City who was conducting military exercises was transferred to Yunxi County by a phone call. From the battalion commander to the soldiers, no one reacted.

"Don't move or speak. I'm Kong Fei from the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. Please ask Ma Ying to cooperate." A voice suddenly sounded in the ears of two people. The commander of the surname Ma wanted to touch the gun. The gun had been taken down by Kong Fei .

"Tyrannosaurus Regiment, even your Tyrannosaurus Regiment is dispatched, let us do a fart." Captain Ma Jie said with a bit of doubt. They are the strongest sharp knife soldiers in the Northwest Military Region. When it comes to the Northwest Military Region Special Brigade, this is China, which is also considered to be a group of cattle, but it is far worse than the Tyrannosaurus Regiment.

"Captain Ma Ying, don't get excited, take a look at this first." As a result, Kong Fei put his credentials and Guo Bad's officer ID in front of Ma Jie.

"Master Guo? This is the newly-ranked teacher in May 31st? Suddenly, the strength of May 31st has been greatly improved." Ma Jie asked three questions in succession.

"Yes, it's Teacher Guo Bad, but now it's the terrorists you want to kill. I urge the Chief Ma Ying to communicate with him. Don't carry the gangster at that time, this gangster is not small." Kong Fei said with a smile.

"What? You said that this time we cooperated with the Yunxi County Police to kill Guo Guo? How is this possible? Guo Bad cannot be a terrorist." Ma Jie said, shaking his head like a rattle.

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