Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 252: Mass trial

Ma Jie's efficiency is very high. Not only did he catch Shang Tianxiong for more than ten minutes, but Shang Tianxiong's phone called Xiaoshan did not escape from Yunxi County, killing three female students. Out of the water. Bayi Chinese W] W] W]. ) 81ZW. Com

"Grandma, I'm mad at my aunt and grandma. What kind of scum are you polite to them? All of them die with machine guns. No, it's too cheap for them. Give them to the special brigade and interrogate you. All the torture was applied to them once, if they were not used up in the middle, they would die. You do n’t have to hang out with the special brigade in the future. ”Zhu Qing said loudly after watching the video, and Ma Jie looked for help. fly.

"Xiao Qing, first do the things that Bad Master needs, these bad guys will pack up, none of them can run away." Kong Fei said softly, Zhu Qing nodded fiercely.

Zhu Qing is very professional. In about an hour, I cut that video into several sections according to Guo Bad's request. Of course, this time I caught Shang Tianxiong. They not only got a video, they got a lot, many To the shock of several people in Ma Jie, they could not imagine that in a small county like Yunxi County, these directors and magistrates dared to be so blinding and so lifeless.

"Haige, I didn't mean to call you over this time. I just wanted you to help see who these people are. You have spent more than 20 years in Yunxi County. You should all know these people." Xue Dazhu Peng Dahai came, and the video began to become clear. Peng Dahai clenched his fists, and with a touch of anger and excitement, could Yunxi County really see the sun again.

"Ocean, what did they call you to do in the past? You didn't talk about it. No matter who they are, we have seen it from Yan Wang. You didn't talk about it." Peng Dahai returned home, his daughter-in-law asked nervously.

"Father-in-law, I'm going to grill a few kebabs. We two haven't had a drink for a long time. Let's drink today. Yunxi City will change the sky tomorrow." Peng Haihai said excitedly, which made his daughter-in-law even more confused. .

"I know the weather is changing. The weather forecast has been read, which means that it will rain." Peng Dahai's daughter-in-law said softly, "Ocean, you have to make sure that we have nothing to do, I don't care about the rest."

"Daughter, rest assured, tomorrow, the leaders of Yunxi County will owe us money for meals. I'm not mistaken by Peng Dahai, haha." Peng Dahai said, and went to the kebab. .

In Xiangjia's big house, he drank tea from Xiongshan. According to his estimated time, his elder brother should come. Why is there no news at all. I made a few calls myself, but didn't answer Xiangliu.

"Husband, don't even think about it, do you feel uneasy about your brother doing things, rest early, maybe the brother has done things, and now he is asleep." Qin Yurong calmed his son and looked sad. Her husband said softly.

"Yu Rong, the elder brother is not the person you said. This time it seems that I have encountered stubble. It is not easy for a few outsiders. You go to bed first and try to contact dad tomorrow and send Xiaoyu to the Northwest Military Region. Stay for a while and settle down, so that things will happen sooner or later. I'll see what's going on. "After that, he changed his clothes to Xiongshan and walked straight out of the home courtyard.

"Big fish is out, big fish is out." Two sentences came from Ma Jie's intercom.

"Take it down, take it straight, and bring them here, without having to explain it to him, you can use force if necessary." Ma Jie said loudly, if he didn't watch those videos, maybe he would be the leader of Yunxi County. Be polite, now, polite? No need anymore.

Xiang Xiongshan had been taken away by a few people from the Northwest Military Region before he could find the notice. He knew that things were getting worse. This time, maybe it was really over.

At one o'clock in the evening, Qin Yurong woke up awake, and now that her husband has not returned, the phone is turned off, and a tinge of unpredictable feelings came to his heart. The call to his father was the same as that of his husband. No one answered. There may be reasons for the unavailability of Qin Yunshan's phone, but no one can answer Qin Yunshan's phone call. A military commander's phone was not answered, which made Qin Yurong completely nervous.

"Lao Gao, our family Xiong Shan is not with you. Today he said he had a mission. He went out to look for Liuxi, but he didn't come back, and the phone didn't work." Qin Yurong waited until two in the morning, but still couldn't contact Xiang Xiongshan. Helplessly dialed the phone number of several county magistrates in Yunxi County. In the middle of the night, the official court of Yunxi County was completely chaotic.

"Sister-in-law, don't be nervous. I called to ask, the secretary is not a child, let alone go to the bureau. Are the two of them busy after dinner? I called to ask the restaurant where we often eat." Yunxi County County Mayor Gao Qingyun hung up the phone and did not call any restaurants at all. He called a few of his close friends directly. The director of the Tax Bureau of Yunxi County, the director of the Justice Department, the director of the Environmental Protection Bureau, and several others passed. After the call, I felt something was wrong.

"If someone from above comes to check Yunxi County's affairs, and puts all responsibilities on Xiangjia, remember to remember." Gao Qingyun didn't have too much nervousness, but hung up the phone with a touch of pride, this At that time, he had been dazzled by the position where he had waited for several years. He only saw the evil behaviors that Xiang Xiongshan had committed in Yunxi County in recent years, but how much better was he than Xiang Xiongshan himself.

Yunxi County, a sleepless night, the sky was still dark the next day, the air in Yunxi County was worse than the previous days, and even more uncomfortable, today ’s weather seems to be mixed What is it.

"Boss, you have done all the things you have done. The TV station is outside. Xiaoqing has contacted the Northwest Military Region. He can use special means to answer calls from everyone in Yunxi County at any time. People with internet can directly Synchronize network video. ”Kong Fei said softly in the early morning when he didn't know when he had woke up or was still awake like himself.

"Let's go and go to the square together, and bring all those who are going to run to the square, and those who haven't run to the square. What happened is entirely mine." Guo Bad said loudly.

At twelve o'clock last night, Guo Bad called Li Dafu's phone in the imperial city. Although Li Dafu had been watching Guo Bad's side, receiving a phone call from Guo Bad at night made him feel a little surprised.

"Uncle Li, nothing big is just passing through Yunxi County and seeing some of the dark side of your officialdom. I want to manage it. I know you can't control Yunxi County. You can write a letter to you. Guo Bad said very strongly. Li Dafu called the boss of Huaxia above for the first time. The other person only said a word and asked him to do whatever he wanted. What resources he needed to fully cooperate with him. At this time, Li Dafu only appeared. It turned out that he still underestimated Guo Bad's ability, at least underestimated Guo Bad's position in the mind of the big boss.

"I see. It seems that Huaxia still has some good officials. Tell the big boss. I won't do this for the second time. It's time for him to manage some people. Don't always think that Emperor Shangao is far away. He has nothing to do with it. "After speaking, Guo Bad hung up the phone.

"At eight o'clock this morning, I hope you turn on the TV or come to Yunxi People's Square. You are needed here, and Yunxi needs you." At six in the morning, the same message was sent to all the people in Yunxi County, and one Just three times.

Someone woke up from their sleep and thought it was a joke, but when they turned on the TV, everyone was stunned, all the channels were playing the same, a line of bright red characters appeared on the TV, the masses Trial.

"Turn on the TV, I'm going to Yunxi People's Square, Yunxi County is finally going to see the sun again." The short text description on the TV, let more and more people know what happened in Yunxi County, a lot People started walking towards the square. Within ten minutes, the square was full of people, and even the buildings around the square were full of people, and Yunxi County was boiling.

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