Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 253: Dust settled

The first video ended, and Xiang Xiongmian was dead. He later learned that his son had forced three female students to death, and then began to compensate the three families of female students. Envy and Shi, but he did not see this video, He now has only one feeling, that he should be damned, and that everyone involved in this matter should be damned.

"Secretary, tears? Is there some awareness? Rarely you can still have such a hint of pure land, but let us look at your essence." Guo bad finished, the second video is released, one by one At that time, a small case in Yunxi County was found out, and Yunxi lived as a king and went to Xiongshan, as it is called.

"Kill these dog officials, you must kill them." The crowd shouted out loud.

The other people standing on the stage with Xiang Xiongshan started to look at the Xiang family brothers with a disdainful eye, the king of Yunxi County, which is unusual. Fortunately, they stood in the right position, or they might be the same as some people. Was tied to the stone and sunk into the moat.

"President Gao, I'll leave the matter to you. The sentence can be up to three years." Although it was dark in a small box, the two sides of the dialogue can also be seen. Gao Hongjun, president of the court, and Li Dongsheng, director of the tax bureau, There are also several businessmen.

"Li Bureau, rest assured, the maximum sentence is three years, but it can be guaranteed for one year, rest assured." Several people touched wine glasses, and more than 10,000 bottles of wine have been drunk.

"I know what this is, you know that Huasheng Wood closed down three years ago. They declared bankruptcy. This man was the owner of Huasheng Wood. At that time, he raised funds in our county and made more than two billion announcements. Bankruptcy, all our hard-earned money did not return, and then the boss of Watson Wood was sentenced to nothing. "A middle-aged man said loudly, and everyone around him recognized who several people were. It was the cooperation between government and business that severely killed the people of Yunxi County.

"Clean up here, reporters, reporters are amazing. Toasting, not eating, drinking, and giving money, don't even give money, what's the matter?" The two directors and deputy directors of the Environmental Protection Agency were on the top floor of the kTV, and one of them strangled each other. The reporter who came from the famous emperor's capital later reported that it seemed that the reporter had a relationship with the young lady on kTV and did not give money to be killed by the young boyfriend. What a **** plot.

"Zhang Bureau, meaning. My child graduates this year, and Zhang Bureau needs to carry him." Li Wan, the head of Yunxi County Wan Company, handed a heavy brown paper bag to the director of the County Land Bureau.

"Lao Li, I saw your son's interview results. The fourth place, is it still a problem to come in, let's go back and study." Director Zhang came out of the box with a kraft paper bag, and Li Wan was proud of his face.

"Haha, that's ridiculous. I was the first in the written test. The interview performance was perfect. I was defeated by such a son. Can I only fight with my father?" A young man holding a briefcase shook. Shake his head to receive.

"Liu Shangze is right, Master Guo told you not to leave, there will be something to find you." When Liu Shangze was about to turn and leave, he was shouted by a soldier and said to him with a smile, Liu Shangze was stunned, but still honest Followed the soldier into a tent that was just finished.

Next, there were nearly a hundred video materials broadcast. Most of the addresses were passionate kTV in summer, various violations of laws and disciplines, trespassers, the entire county of Yunxi County is strictly banned. Deal, runaway people? How can I let you run away? There are more than 10,000 soldiers in the Northwest Military Region. Do you think they are vegetarian?

"Master Guo, thank you for your contribution to our Yunxi County. In front of the evidence, they have to recruit them if they don't." Yunxi County Mayor Gao Qingyun looked at Guo Bad and said, comfortable, not only the people of Yunxi County today Comfortable, the county chief is also very comfortable, Xiangjia people were taken down, and people who stood with the Xiangjia team also won most of them, and finally his good day is coming.

"Brother, this is our county chief Gao Qingyun." Ma Jie began to contact Gao Qingyun yesterday. I feel that this Gao Qingyun is OK. Although he is a little careful, he doesn't look like a big deal. .

"It turned out to be the county magistrate, Yuer, come here and know the county magistrate." Guo Bad said with a smile, and Yuer came quickly.

Gao Qingshan glanced at Yu'er, and was immediately attracted by Yu'er's beauty. I'm afraid it's only in heaven.

"Mayor Gao, at first glance, you are a good official with so many corrupt officials in Yunxi County." Yuer asked with a smile, a purple light appeared in her eyes, and then Gao Qingshan stayed Living.

"Master Guo, the microphone is for me, I have something to say." Gao Qingshan, regardless of whether Guo bad agreed, grabbed the microphone and stood on the stage.

"My name is Gao Qingshan, and I am guilty." Then, Gao Qingshan knelt directly on the temporary platform of the square. "I am guilty. When I first came to Yunxi County, I had a waiter in the guest house. Later, I spent a little bit of money and I destroyed a lot of report letters when I went to work at the Yunxi County Commission for Discipline Inspection, otherwise the problems in Yunxi County would have been exposed a long time ago, and the bigger the officials, the greater my ambition. I need money, I need power, and I need women. Of course, with the first two, the last one is easy to handle. "

Gao Qingshan described his recent viciousness like a story, telling it piece by piece. The people in the square were wide-eyed. This is the only piece of pure land in Yunxi County in their hearts, but they didn't expect such filth. .

In the end, Xiangjia Brothers, together with their two "good" sons, Gao's father and son, and those government officials in Yunxi County, whose lives were taken by them, were all executed. The above consideration was very thoughtful, afraid of what would happen in Yunxi County. For the problem, the county magistrate and county party secretary of Linxian County were directly transferred to manage for a period of time.

Guo Bad glanced at the county party secretary and county magistrate of Linxian County, Yunxi County. The two were soaked with sweat. Guo Bad reluctantly shook his head, hoping to kill a hundred.

All those who were executed were taken away by the special brigade of the Northwest Military Region. Ma Jie watched these people gritted teeth and stepped into the army from a rural child step by step. I did not expect that the people's parents were like this. Ma Jie and Guo He said goodbye and took everyone to the execution ground.

Guo Bad looked at the crowd who had been away from the square for a long time, and stood on the stage again.

"Today is a day to celebrate in Yunxi County. I hope that everyone can work up. The future of Yunxi County will be beautiful. I can come to Yunxi County for the first time and I can come for the second time. I I hope next time I come to Yunxi County, I will see everyone happy. "Guo Bad said aloud," I hope you leave in an orderly manner. After 6pm today, the televised speech of Secretary Linxian Jiang will be broadcast live. , Specifically how to arrange the work in Yunxi County, I think Secretary Jiang will do a good job. "

At this time, the talents on the square remembered again that it was the young people on this screen that brought a new tomorrow to Yunxi County. Suddenly, a very powerful force entered the body of Guo Bad, but Guo There is one more thing that the bad heart is worried about. How should Xiao Yunyun's injustice be dealt with? If the injustice is not dispersed, it will be difficult for the local government to send black and white impermanence.

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