Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 262: Charm's Return (4)

The sky was rolling, although it had not yet fallen, but Guo Gang already felt it. It was definitely not as simple as Three Angry Sky Thunder. Guo Gang was a little nervous, but looking at the meteor in the front of his eyes, it turned out to be the stone in Guo Gang's heart. Put it down, Meteor is in its current state, and there is no problem in resisting the Sixth Anger Sky Thunder. Eight. 〕 8) 1> ZW. Com

"I rely on Jiuyin Thunder, which is the return of a phantom soul, which attracts Jiuyin thunder, God is blind." Guo Bad's heart had just calmed down, but he did not expect the moment when Charm and Meteor were completely combined. Tian Lei was overwhelmed, not what was the nine angry Tian Lei that Chen Qingyuan soared to heaven that year.

Guo Bad didn't dare to leave, because once he left, the formation of the whole body would be chaotic, but if he didn't leave, the Wei of Nine Angry Sky Thunder would be able to blast him without leaving any residue.

"Bad brother, quickly leave Meteor, these nine angry sky mines are not what you can resist now." Yuer shouted loudly when Tian Lei arrived, although he had not experienced nine angry sky mines, but Following Chang'e for tens of thousands of years, haven't you eaten pork or seen a pig run? At that time, under the countless masters of the Jindan period, under the sky lightning, with Guo Bad now a small opening period, the thunder of Yu Lei can indeed blast his residue.

Guo Ganggang clenched his teeth and took out a mountain and river map from Laojun's gourd. With his current strength, he can only wield at least 10% of the power of this mountain and river club. The biggest advantage is that when the thunder falls Entering the social graph, he doesn't know if he can survive.

"Bad brother, quickly enter the picture of Shanheshe, you big fool." Yuer shouted loudly, preparing to bite the tip of his tongue, and use the big witch secret method to save Guo bad, a tender voice came to his own In the ear.

"Sister, the master will be fine. I will pick up the nine angry sky mines." It was the meteorite that opened his eyes fiercely, and the enchanted spirit entered the body, and Yuer could not see the meteorite clearly.

When the two talked, Tian Lei fell, Guo Bad closed his eyes, and he died. He met with a big wave of his hand, and a terrible force directly confronted Tian Lei. Yuer's eyes widened. "This This is the power of merit. How can there be so much, it is incredible, who is Meteor? "

"Amitabha, I don't kill the uncle, how can the uncle die for me. I have resisted the thunder, so don't be embarrassed." Meteor stopped in the air and looked up at the sky and said softly. The second wave of nine angry sky mines that had already arrived had disappeared directly into the sky.

"The original deity of Meteor is a kind-hearted Buddha. It is no wonder that even after ten thousand years of reincarnation, he can still carry such terrible merit. The bad brother made a big profit this time." Yuer looked at the meteor falling in the air and said with a touch of excitement This time, it ’s interesting to come to the world. The kind-hearted Buddha, the model of 10,000 Buddhas, even after the reincarnation followed Guo Gang, the more I thought about it, the more interesting it became.

"Resisting, Nine Angry Sky Thunder can still do it like this." Guo Bad looked at the falling Meteor, flying to catch the Meteor, and slowly combed the Meteor's body, but he was in a coma and it didn't matter. , Finally relieved.

"Bad brother, do you know who met Meteor's previous life?" Yuer asked with a smile while looking at Guo Bad.

"I do n’t know. I ’ve been ascended to heaven for only tens of thousands of years. In addition to the heavens, there are millions of immortals in the heavens, and there are 10,000 Buddhas in the West Bliss Pure Land. Tian Lei resisted, it was amazing. "Guo Bad said with sigh.

"Benevolent Buddha, do you know? The Buddha with the most talented Buddha in the world was the one who sat down in the lantern." Yuer said with a smile. Guo Gang's eyes widened, and how ignorant he was. He still knew the name of the kind-hearted Buddha. For three hundred years, the road to heaven was the journey westward of Jin Chanzi that year, and the path to the celestial deities' elimination of karma. The compassionate Buddha walked for three hundred years. No one knows how many merits have been obtained. However, it is rumored that for thousands of years, the benevolent Buddha was killed by the demon king, but he did not expect to be reincarnated to the world.

"No wonder it's full of destiny. Let me wait until Meteor wakes up. Just now I heard something moving down the mountain. Dazhu and Kong Fei have nothing to do." Guo Bad asked softly.

"I don't know. I heard that there is no small movement under the mountain. Let your Master Tongyuan go down and watch. There is no movement for a long time. It is estimated that the matter has been resolved." Yuer said with a smile.

"Boss, if the matter of Meteor is done, hurry down, Kong Fei used the blood of the great witch, and now the breath is weak, I can't figure it out." Just as the two talked, Guo Tongyuan shouted loudly.

Guo Bad and Yu'er looked at each other, and the two flew off the endless peak with a coma.

"Big brother, you teach Kong Fei the secret of this great witch's blood." Yuer also has a great witch blood in her body. Before you reach Kong Fei, you can feel the breath of this big witch in the air, for sure It is the use of the big witch secret method, this secret method can quickly improve their strength, and then the legacy is not small, like Kong Fei now, immortality is fortunate.

Guo Bad also didn't say much. He handed the meteorite to Fujie, then took a emerald green elixir from his body and stuffed it into Kong Fei's mouth. Then he protected Kong Fei's heart with nine silver needles. A bit of distress came to my heart, and the world was not kind, but Kong Fei was his own. These days, he always looked at Kong Fei as a disciple, how could he not be distressed.

"Here is Shushan. I'm going to the Shenwu Palace. At that time, the Promise Taoist left a lot of good things to make Kong quickly recover from injury." Guo Bad said calmly, and the two people widened their eyes.

"Boy, you are not from Shushan. You can't go to the Shenwu Palace. Elders from Shushan like me are not qualified to enter the Shenwu Palace." Fuji said softly. "Both Zhang Bujing and Fei Tianyang are explosive. Temper, although I don't know how strong you are now, if the two of them try their best, you and I won't have a chance to win together. Besides, there is a formation method outside Shenwu Hall, I don't know where to go in. "

"You are waiting for me at the Promise Peak. I take Kong Fei to go up. The formation outside Shenwu Hall is a trivial matter to me." Guo Bad said softly. At that time, he had a very good relationship with Shushan Promise. Later, Wujizi also ascended to the realm of heaven, which is now the Promise King of Heaven, and his mansion was very close to the mansion of Xinxinzhen that year.

"Bad brother, let me go with you, there will be some care." Yuer said softly, Guo Gang nodded slightly, and the other two wanted to say something, pulled by the meteor who had opened his eyes. After that, Guo Gang looked at Meteor and smiled slightly. He pulled Yuer and leapt towards the side of the cliff near Wuji Peak. Xue Dazhu's eyes widened, but Yu'er and Guo Gang floated in the air, step by step. Go on.

"Meteor, how do you feel?" Fuji looked at Guo Bad with Yuer, carrying Kong Fei away step by step, then disappeared into the void, and could not help looking at his apprentice asking.

"Phantom turned into a body, I felt full of strength throughout my body, and I'm now in the state of light." Meteor said with a smile.

"Ahem, what are you talking about? You are in the Kaiguang period?" Fujie was stunned by the meteorite and lived for so many years. However, he has never seen a mortal train directly to the Kaiguang period, let alone Kaiguang. At that time, except for a kid who was struck by lightning from the day after tomorrow to congenital, no such thing happened, but today it was born to his apprentice, and jumped several levels at once.

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