Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 264: Respect for the strong

"Who are you who are not Yaochi Sect, and dare to call out the name of our Shushan nose Promise Master. (August? Novel Network W> W] W} .81CW.COM" asked Zhang Bujing with his eyes narrowed.

"If you guessed right, you should be the Sovereign of the Sword Sovereign. There is something wrong with our private invasion of the Shenwu Palace. So, these elixir counts as our reparation for Shushan. When my brother's injury recovers, we will leave immediately, no It will affect your Shuangzong martial arts. In addition, my brother was injured to protect your Promise Peak. You Shushan should also say thank you to us. ”Guo Bad said with a smile.

"Boy, do you think you take a small broken bottle and we believe you? Do you think our Shushan faction is so easy to cheat?" Fei Tianyang yelled and jumped straight to kill Guo Guo.

"If I have the ability, I will suppress the strength to be the same as the little master. If I lose, my brother's injury will not be treated by your Shushan. I will immediately get out of it." Guo Badian took a punch from Fei Tianyang and shouted loudly. .

"Good boy, good strength, young age is already in the Kaiguang period, no wonder so crazy, today I will educate you on behalf of your martial arts elders." Fei Tianyang said, really suppressing strength in the mid-Kaiguang state one step Step towards Guo bad.

"Wujizi, this time I will give you pointers to your Shushan faction. If Lao Tzu is lucky enough to return to heaven, I will have to ask you back sooner or later." Guo badly thought to himself with a smile.

"Boy, no matter what kind of school you are, you have to pay the price for this private trip to our Shushan." Fei Tianyang looked at the indifferent Guo Gang, his heart was even more angry.

"The Sect Sovereign, don't be idle. Come together and save yourself a bit of trouble." Guo badly looked at Zhang Zhang with a smirk and said that the Sword Sovereign who was already bad-tempered was also angered. .

"Boy, if you seek death, I will complete you. The old man does not take advantage of you, and I will suppress the strength to be the same as you. If the old fee is not equal to you, I will clean up you again." Zhang Bujing said loudly.

"Zhang isn't surprised. If I can't beat him, then you can't beat it. You said that shamelessly just now." Fei Tianyang said, striding towards Guo Bad.

"The Shushan school is dominated by swords, so let's make a sword." Guo Bad said aloud, and he also had an extra sword in his hands, looking at the average quality.

"As long as you don't accompany the old man to send a sword." Fei Tianyang said rushing to Guo Bad, Fei Tianyang had a hint of surprise in his heart, suppressing his realm to the mid-Kaiguang realm, his coercion could not even occupy Guo Bad. Cheap to anything.

"The highest realm of Shushan swordsmanship is Wanjian Guizong. With your current strength, you can achieve the hundred swords Guizong, and you are the sword of the Sect of Qi and the Qi of the Qi. But it can only use 70% of its strength, so let me teach you what is the return of the hundred swords. "Guo said badly, the long sword that really did not look good in the hands seemed messy in the air. Paddling, even Zhang Bujing who was not far away could not see any doorway, but Fei Tianyang rushed over in shock.

"Here, this is Shushan Qizong's true Qi control sword power, can it be used like this?" Fei Tianyang's eyes widened and he couldn't help but pulled out the long sword behind him. Pulling out the long sword, I feel that this person has lost a lot, but no matter how shameful it is, his life is important.

"Lao Fei, I don't know how much your sword skill has improved in these years, but your bragging ability and skin have improved a lot. You just said that you don't need a sword. Now you have a sword attack, it's really shameless. Zhang Bujing watched Fei Tianyang pull out his sword and shouted.

"Zhang is not surprised, come and help me, this boy is very strange, I am not his opponent." Fei Tianyang was trapped in Guo's bad sword spirit, and roared helplessly.

"In the future, you do n’t want to say that you are from the Shushan school, it is too shameful." Zhang Bujing finished, pulled out his sword and rushed directly to Guo Bad, although he said he looked down on Fei Tianyang, but Tianyang's expression didn't seem to be pretending.

"Just let you go together just now, my little master doesn't have to have such trouble." Guo Bad said, not looking at Fei Tianyang trapped in the sword spirit, smiling at Zhang Bu, who was rushing over with a sword.

"The sacred method of the Shushan sword is mainly fast. Like other martial arts in the world, it is not quick to break. Huaxia uses swords. Except for Zhang Sanfeng's Taiji sword, which comes first. The bull of law, but your swords are separated, you can never reach the pinnacle of fast swords. Look at it clearly, Xiaoye only gives you this opportunity. "Guo badly smiled, one person and one sword and Zhang Bujing met each other. .

The competition between the two was just a flash. Guo Bad and Zhang Bujing fell to the ground at the same time. With a smile on Guo Bad's face, Zhang Bujing was soaked with sweat.

Others couldn't see it, but Zhang Bujing felt it. At the moment when the two were in contact, Guo Gang's long sword in his hand and his modest point clicked eighteen, and at the same time drawn eighteen thin lines. The mouth, of course, if you don't look closely, there will be many holes and cracks in the good fabric of the robe.

However, it was only this time that Zhang Bujing benefited a lot. If he could fully understand the meaning of Guo Bad ’s sword, he would at least improve his sword skills by 30%.

"Thank you, thank you friends." Zhang Bujing turned around and looked at Guo Guo with a smile on his face. He opened his mouth and uttered these words. Although the voice was low, the elder Shushan who was watching Listen clearly.

At this time, Fei Tianyang also escaped from Guo's bad sword gasification array. He was more embarrassed than Zhang Wubu. He had two blood marks on his face drawn by the sword gas, but now he has no temper. If he did not use his strength to break through the realm of the valley, I am afraid that he might be seriously injured in the Jianqi Formation. The Jianqi Formation just now has improved his understanding of Qi Zongfa.

"Thank you, my friend, I have a lot of offenses just now, and I apologize for the old fee." Fei Tianyang is more direct than Zhang Bujing, who is strong. He can't defeat Guo Bad in the same realm, and Guo Bad showed Strength shocked him.

"Thank you for your help. Take these elixir. After my brother recovers, we will leave immediately." Guo Bad smiled and threw Fei Tianyang a jade bottle. As for how he and Zhang Bujing were divided, Guo Bad didn't care. Already.

Fei Tianyang took the jade bottle with a grateful look, and Zhang Bu quickly rushed to the past. Yuer looked at the expressions of the two old guys, and couldn't help smiling.

"Old money, this thing is sent to Shushan, but it is not for you, you can't swallow it alone." Zhang Bucheng couldn't help but say.

"Zhang Bujing, the old man is not like you, but how can your group of swordsmen understand the mystery of the elixir." Fei Tianyang looked at Zhang Bujing with a scornful look, saying that the sword was so strong Zong's family, the alchemy is indeed passed down to the ancestors.

"Cough, I don't know what's wrong, I can ask if I don't understand." Zhang Bujing said indignantly. "Little friend, I don't know what effect this elixir has?"

"The effect is not great. It will save you some trouble to enter the Kaiguang realm in the later stage of congenital. Two people can take one to try first. Although it has little effect on the valley realm, it has some effect." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"Old fee, give me one soon, I want to try the medicine effect." Zhang Bujing said loudly after listening to Guo's bad words, Fei Tianyang poured out two, and handed it to Zhang Bujing, both of whom served at the same time under.

"Master, are you okay." After a while, the expressions on the faces of the two men suddenly became rich, and several elders could not help asking.

"This time the rewards for the Shuangzong martial arts will be changed." Zhang Bujing and Fei Tianyang looked at each other, both said at the same time.

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