Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 280: Heartless woman

"Crazy, you are a lunatic, a complete lunatic.? Eight

"If Yun, you shouted so kindly, brother, did you like that woman too? Guo Tian hates me, then hate me. I do n’t want anything that Black Phoenix ca n’t get, son. Mother Yin Yang, no one in this world except Miao Yan and me can untie it. "Hei Feng finished and drove Hei Qilin out.

"A Tian, ​​the son-in-law's yin and yang are under the black phoenix. She refuses to let it go. I will contact the yamen Miao 一 in a moment. I will fix it for you. Sorry." He Qilin called Guo Tian's phone, Said with a hint of helplessness.

"Hey brother, this sentence is all you need. If Yun's affairs troubles you." Guo Tian hung up the phone and dialed an encrypted phone by himself.

In Qixia Mountain, the two old men are playing chess. The expressions of the two are completely different. The old man in white frowns and the old man in black looks relaxed.

"Brother Beiyang, you have thought about this move for some time." Lin Luoshan, not many people know this name in Huaxia, but the name Lin crazy is well-known in the Huaxia martial arts community. The wish of the old man in black, from serious injuries to serious injuries, to the nine ethnic groups. In the past ten years, Lin Luoshan has converged a lot.

"Shizu, Shizu, phone." A Datong trot ran all the way to Yu Beiyang with a mobile phone of the highest military in China.

"Xiao Xiyun, how many times have you said, don't be so fussy about doing things, you shout, Lao Tzu's thoughts are all messed up, this chess can't be played." Then, Yu Beiyang reached out and stroked the chessboard. Black and white are mixed together.

"Beiyang old thief, you cheated." Lin Luoshan shouted loudly, but Yu Beiyang directly connected to the phone regardless of that much.

"Xiaotian, why do you think you called the old man? Ruoyun, it's really a spouse who got married and poured out water. I don't know what to call the old man." Yu Beiyang said with a smile.

"Master, something happened to Ruo Yun." Guo Tian said softly, the voice was not loud, but Yu Beiyang's face suddenly gloomed, Lin Luoshan narrowed his eyes and listened to the movement on the other side of the phone.

"Don't tell Ruoyun about this. I'll go there on the Yemen. The Miao Fenghuang is very short. If I can't talk to her, I will think of other ways." Yu Beiyang hung up the phone after finishing talking.

"Beiyang, you can't go down the mountain. If you go down Qixia Mountain, you will break the agreement of that year, and things will be troublesome." Lin Luoshan said, pulling Yu Beiyang.

Thirty years ago, Huaxia's nine gates gathered in Yangshan, where they competed in martial arts and ranked nine gates. Yu Beiyang represented the ghost gate faction. It was considered a spirited one, but in the end it was killed, thousand, stolen, and four gates. It is calculated that the 50-year rule will not set Qixia Mountain. If Yu Beiyang goes down the mountain without permission, the other four gates will be destroyed.

"Thirty years, I don't know how many people are out of the gate, but my apprentice has only this one, and I must save her." Yu Beiyang said loudly.

"I'm going to Yemen to find that old Miao Miao. If I can't figure it out, you can go again." After that, Lin Luoshan went straight down the mountain.

"Senior, I said, if it's the emperor's business, please go back." Lin Luoshan was blocked outside the gate, and several disciples of the gate said politely.

"I want to see Miao Fenghuang. If you give way, you have to say it in person if you refuse." Lin Luoshan said cheekily.

"Brother Luoshan, do you want me to refuse you face to face? The thing that Guo family smiled and apprentice Yu Beiyang has nothing to do with you, please go back. If Brother Luoshan did not come for this matter, I could ask Brother to go up the mountain for a drink Rice wine. "A woman is only in her thirties, but in fact Miao Fenghuang has reached the age of destiny.

"Sister Phoenix, you won't let me step in, but you seem to have crossed the line. Huaxia Jiumen did not participate in the world's grievances, but the rules set down that year." Lin Luoshan said, squinting his eyes.

"Since Brother Luoshan knows that this is the rule of the nine gates of Huaxia, you should not be qualified to say me if you are an outsider. If you want to control the things of the Emperor's dolls, let Yu Beiyang come. Where did he go? When the **** old man in my house was hit by him down the cliff, the old lady also asked him. "Miao Fenghuang said loudly.

Lin Luoshan also responded. Yu Beiyang did knock down the yamen seedlings four yuan in the cliff that year. How did he forget this? Lin Luoshan rushed back to Qixia Mountain without returning.

"No wonder she wanted to sacrifice Ruoyun. No wonder I divined Ruoyun with the technique of ghost apocalypse. They had a robber. This turned out to mean that." Yu Beiyang shook his head and said, "I went down to find them. The root of this matter In my case, I will not go down the mountain, this matter cannot be resolved. "

"Let Atian bring Ruoyun to Qixia Mountain is better than you to go down the mountain. The son-in-law is yin and yang, and you ca n’t be sure when you arrive in the imperial capital. On this Qixia Mountain, we can join hands to try something. This Qixia Mountain is better than The emperors are much stronger. "Lin Luoshan said softly, and Yu Beiyang still wanted to say something, but he still called Guo Tian and asked him to return to Qixia Mountain with his dream.

"My brother, is there something wrong with me?" Meng Ruoyun was so clever. From the time she felt uncomfortable for the first time, she knew more or less what had happened. Although Guo Tian had seen her these days, Smiling, but with doubts in mind, you can see it at a glance.

"If you do n’t think about it, Ruoyun, you are not feeling well. I want to go back to Qixia Mountain for a visit and let the master show me. The doctor of the Imperial Capital can't believe it." Guo Tian said with a smile.

"The master said that, let me try not to leave the imperial capital." Meng Ruoyun whispered, "Heifeng has attacked me, right? I guess we were married that day, and there was an old lady staring at me, I Now think of who she is. There is a Miao character on her collar. She should be a knocker. I was sacked by them, didn't she? "

"If Yun Yun, nothing can lie to you, yes, you were planted by Hei Feng. I found the Hei family, but it didn't work out. The master asked us to go to Qixia Mountain, and his old man thought of a way." Guo Tian said softly. Concealing Meng Ruoyun's week is the limit. There are only a handful of people who are smarter than Guo Tian in the world. I am afraid that those who are smarter than Ruoyun have not been born yet.

Guo Tian brought Meng Ruoyun back to Qixia Mountain, but nothing happened. On Qixia Mountain, Yu Beiyang and Lin Luoshan joined forces to help Meng Ruoyun remove the tapeworms by using the methods passed down from the classics. The worm killed, but he did n’t know that this maggot was the natural maggot of Miao Fenghuang. At the moment of killing the maggot, the blood of Miao Fenghuang spit out, it was already the age of destiny, and Miao Fenghuang did not escape the disaster. , Died within a few days, but a few on Qixia Mountain did not know.

Guo Tian and Meng Ruoyun stayed on Qixia Mountain for seven months, until Meng Ruoyun's belly became bigger and bigger, how could a few men deliver? In desperation, Guo Tian took Meng Ruoyun down the mountain.

Guo Tian drove to a place less than a hundred miles away from the emperor. Their car was inexplicably punctured. Just when Guo Tian wanted to park by the side, a cement tanker directly hit Guo Tian's car.

"I can't get anything I can't get from Heifeng." Emperor Heijia, Heifeng crushed the wine glass in his hand. I don't know if it was the red wine in the glass or the palm was pierced by the glass. People feel heartache.

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