Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 285: Ribbon cutting

Guo Bad followed the work for nearly four hours. Students from the non-medicine hall and several Chinese medicine practitioners of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Association have prescribed nearly a thousand prescriptions for traditional Chinese medicine. The place where the medicine was taken has changed from four to eight, and there are still many people. Holding a list in line, there is no way to know whether Chinese medicine can cure their illness, but the cost of treatment is much cheaper than Western medicine. Eight {(一 中文 网 [W] WW.81ZW.COM

"Bad brother, the ribbon-cutting is open at 11:18, and you are ready to prepare, and who will cut it? The living room in the ancient house is full, and there are several people in the living room." Yuer smiled and walked away. Said to Guo Bad.

"How many people have changed in the living room?" Guo Gang took a look at God and quickly walked to the Ancient House.

"Be careful, I haven't been back to the emperor for more than ten years. Don't go back this time. We live in the same place as our brothers. If we don't get together again, we won't have much time." A spirited old man took Guo to notice With a smile, he said, "You used to say that Guo Tian's son couldn't do it on the phone, isn't it okay? Then the dolls under my hands simply knocked it out."

"Yeah, pay attention to my brother, this little bad is not the same as what you said. Under 20 years of age, it's better to make such a big battle than A Tian." The old man next to him said with a smile.

"Several brothers and brothers, I do n’t hide things from you. Little bad has only changed in recent years. He should be a disciple of our Chinese Xia Shi school, and I do n’t know what kind of blessing this boy has accumulated in his lifetime. Two years has made me worry a lot. "Guo noted with a smile.

"Grandpa, what are you talking about, so happy, grandson's medical office is open today, you have to come and cut the ribbon." Guo Bad walked to Guo Liumin's side with a smile.

For this cheap grandpa, Guo Guo did n’t feel anything at first, but the longer he got in touch, the better Guo Guo felt about this old man. The old man sincerely regarded himself as his grandson. This old man is good.

"Okay, I'm going to cut the ribbon. I haven't cut the ribbon for someone's industry for nearly two decades, haha." Guo Guixi smiled and stood up. "You guys talk first, I'll be back in no time, noon Eating together, my grandson has a lot of good wine. If anyone can't drink after leaving, I won't make up for it. "

Guo Gang invited the old man to the past, and the second person who shouted made the dragon king Xia invincible, who thought he had come in the face, and completely calmed down the whole house. There were a lot of imperial families, but he never saw them. Who will the Dragon King cut the ribbon for, and how it looks, the Dragon King seems to be coming up to cut the ribbon.

"Master, I thought I wouldn't notify you, but I still want you to come here. I don't want to open the medical museum, but you need to cut the ribbon." Guo Bad went to Master Yufeng and smiled. I do n’t plan to let Master Yufeng come, but after thinking about it, this is the first industry in Huaxia after the Yushu Chen family thousands of years. If you want to shout to think of future generations, you can only call Master Yufeng. However, in terms of so many outsiders, Guo Bad still shouted the master honestly.

"Haha, okay, the three words without medical museum are from your hands. These three words are one point stronger than those of Wucheng. You haven't come to the old man for a while." Yu Feng The master said with a smile, making everyone's eyes wide again.

It is normal for Guo Liuli to come to cut the ribbon for his grandson. Although Guo Liuli noticed that he did not return to the imperial capital for some years, the old man is still true. Not many people dare to give pointers to the first academician of the Chinese military.

Dragon King Xia Wudi cuts the ribbon for the inadequate medical museum, and everyone who knows it can understand that the emperor long ago said that the injuries on the dragon king were cured by people in the infirmary. It is no problem to help cut the ribbon.

However, the master Yufeng can go from Wucheng to the imperial capital, but many people have widened their eyes. Who is Master Yufeng, a literary master, and an expert who does not eat human fireworks, let alone ask the master to cut the ribbon. It is very difficult to find a word from Master. Now Master Yufeng seems to have a good relationship with this bad Guo.

Then Guo Bad shouted back to Xuanyuan Xiongfeng, Nangong Mu Ce, the grandfathers of several large families of Sun Quanfeng, and then the two generals of the May 31 Army. At first, some people thought that the people came to pay attention to Guo. Later, The tone and expression of Guo Bad talking to these people, only to know that these people in front of him are all called by Guo Bad, or they posted it by themselves.

"Brother, there is a guy named Li Dafu outside to let you go out. I told him you are not available. People are waiting outside." Guo Tongyuan said with a smile to Guo badly. After working for several hours, Guo Tongyuan performed well this time. He didn't cry hard and tired, others don't know, Guo bad knows why, Guo Tongyuan also got a lot of this merit.

"Li Dafu? It seems that he didn't give him an invitation, what is he doing?" Guo bad said to himself. The old people around him didn't say anything, but the representatives of various families in the hall completely convinced Guo in front of him. Bad.

The Secretary of the Emperor Metropolitan Committee came in person. First, Guo Bad ’s brother said he would wait outside, then Guo Bad came to him without an invitation. What he came to do was really a strange brother.

"Little bad, official, go out and have a look, more or less give him face." Xia Wudi said with a smile. Guo Bad nodded slightly, and let Yuer lead the ribbon-cutting seniors to the front yard, and went straight out.

"Guo Bad, here, uninvited, I have a lot of interruptions. I don't want to open the medical museum today, a little thought." Li Dafu was wearing a costume and Guo Bad walked to his side. He handed a red envelope to Guo Bad. People pay attention to the half-year-old man in his 50s, but as Guo breaks out, some people recognize the man in front of him. Isn't this the Li Dafu, the secretary of the city committee of the Imperial City? He even came to present Guo Bao with a red envelope, which caused people to have infinite reveries.

"Uncle Li was polite, knowing that Uncle Li was busy with his business and didn't dare to bother. I didn't expect Uncle Li to come in person, the boy thought hard." Guo said with a smile, but his eyes did fall into the car behind Li Dafu.

"Little bad, sit down in the car, someone wants to see you," Li Dafu said politely.

Guo Gang stunned God, just now I felt a different breath in the car. There was a feeling of packing up his own body in the heaven, but this time Guo Gang had guessed that the person in the car To make Li Dafu so respectful and respectful, it should be the one at Huaxia.

Guo Bad was also very kind. He walked directly to the car, Li Dafu opened the door, Guo Bad sat in directly. The space in the business car was relatively large. I thought he was a few years older than Li Dafu, and he was not angry. I don't care much about politics, but Guoxia's No. 1 boss, Guo Bad, still recognizes it.

Guo Gang and the man looked at each other for about thirty seconds. Guo Gang always smiled, and was better than Dingli. I do n’t care if you are the first or the second. Never lost, if you lose to such a mortal, you can't justify it.

"Cough, cough, Guo pays attention to a good grandson." The big brother of Huaxia couldn't help but said, "Young man, Wucheng's Medical Museum, I know, your medical museum is good for the country and the people. The country will strongly support it. If you have anything in the emperor, you will go directly to Duff, and he will help you get it. "

"Thank you very much, this elixir was just made by the kid recently. It is a good thing for Huaxia to have a family member like you. You should pay attention to your health." Guo said badly. No. 1 was also very polite and took it directly.

"Thank you for not saying it. Hei will not do anything overdone in the future. If Hei dares to do something like your Guo family a few days ago, I will come forward." Li Dafu's eyes widened.

"Thank you guys first. The medical museum opened today. The museum is busy. I have to go first." Guo Bad said with a smile, walked down from the car, and then looked back at the person inside.

"Why not get out of the car and come in and sit and cut the color for me?"

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