Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 290: Traditional Chinese Medicine Surgery

People who watched the live broadcast saw Guo Gang say this. The subtitles under the live broadcast screen began to be swiped. What is a good doctor? Medical doctors who have both moral and medical skills are good doctors. Where are such good doctors? Good doctor, TCM is up. [Eight? One {<< Small

At this time, Liu Chengjian and Duan Fengyun also rushed to the outside of the infirmary. They only heard that the life in the infirmary was full of enthusiasm. At first they thought that the infirmary was harmed by the patients sent by the Western Medical Association. When people watched the live broadcast on their mobile phones outside, the fear in my heart was alleviated a lot, but at this moment, the second ambulance of the Imperial City Hospital stopped in front of the Infirmary.

"Damn Chinese medicine, I don't know what medicine the boy took for that patient. It would be so fast. If we can get that prescription, we can prepare Western medicine for acute enteritis according to the prescription, and we will make it all at once." Liu Zicheng He thought to himself, but when he saw the second ambulance parked in front of the infirmary, he couldn't help laughing.

"Acute enteritis was just an appetizer, and now it is the real big meal. Without the medical museum, I won't surname Liu if I don't kill you today." Liu Zicheng clenched his fists.

"Bad master, bad master, there is another ambulance outside. It is still in Dili Metropolitan Hospital. It seems that there is a patient with a serious illness on it. Brother Su and Brother Cao are watching outside, but no one is allowed in." The boy whispered.

"As long as the person is still alive, let him in, Brother Tongyuan, follow along to see." Guo Gang said squinting his eyes. The Emperor City Hospital is good, good.

After Guo Bad talked for a while, a man in his forties was carried into the infirmary. Cao Qiankun held a referral certificate in his hand. He and Su Tu did not dare to sign. Now I do n’t know how. Deal because the person on the stretcher is unconscious.

Guo Bad glanced at the patient, picked up a pen in hand, and signed his name. The doctors and nurses sent by several municipal hospitals ran away.

"Brother, for the problem in my head, I can only know that the pulse is blocked. I don't understand the specific situation. The doctor who got down from the car gave me this stuff. I don't understand it." Guo Tongyuan said the patient's film and EEG. The picture was handed to Guo Bad.

"Guo Guanzhu, hello, I am a brain surgeon, this is my classmate, neurologist, we have participated in consultations for this patient, he is a cerebral infarction, and there is bleeding on the brainstem, there is a cerebellum on the left The cyst has oppressed the nerves. "Liu Chengjian followed the ambulance, and the people in the ancient family thought that he was a doctor at the Imperial City Hospital, so he didn't stop.

"Western medicine can't get it?" Guo Bad looked at the two with a smile and asked. The patient was on a stretcher. Guo Bad took a pulse. Although he was unconscious, there was nothing wrong with the person for a while.

"The risk is very high. The success rate of the operation is only 10%. The patient's family did not sign it. The result of the consultation at the time was that three doctors were required to perform the operation at the same time. There was no certainty." Duan Fengyun said softly.

"What do you mean by coming here? You don't seem to be from the Dili Metropolitan Hospital." Guo Bad looked at the two and asked, looking at each other, the two were not Dafu people, but the character should be pretty good.

"We used to be doctors at Yunshan Hospital of Didu, but this is not the case now. If we can not solve the problems of the brain and nerves with Chinese medicine methods, we hope to learn by our side." Duan Fengyun said softly. For Guo Bad, he Gathered a lot of information about Guo Bad. When Wucheng Buyiguan opened, he also visited. Duan Fengyun admired Guo Badian's magical approach, so he and Liu Zicheng did not because of Guo Bad ’s age. Generate any contempt.

"Guo Guanzhu, if you can't get it, the live video will stop first." Wang Jiajia looked at the patient on the stretcher and said with a touch of worry.

Guo Bad shook his head gently. The patient's condition was indeed more difficult to handle. The person was in a coma, with congestion in the brain, and a tumor in the back of the brain. He didn't pay attention to it, let alone see the disease.

"Qian Kun, Su Tu, you go inside and bring out the operating table inside. Let's do this operation today and let two western medical friends look at the surgery of our Chinese medicine." Guo said with a smile, Cao Qiankun and Su Tu I did n’t dare to delay, a solid wooden single bed was lifted out for a while, and everyone was not talking. Guo Gang asked the two to lift the patient to the bed. What did Liu Zicheng want to say, Duan Fengyun gently held his own old classmate.

"Fengyun, isn't it necessary to give the patient anesthetics during TCM surgery?" Liu Zicheng asked softly.

"Western medicine has western medicine's anaesthesia method, and traditional Chinese medicine has Chinese medicine method. Your method is nothing more than a reversible function inhibition of the central and peripheral nervous system produced by drugs or other methods. The characteristics of this inhibition are mainly feeling especially Loss of pain, our method is better than yours. After all, when it comes to anesthesia, Chinese medicine is considered the ancestor of Western medicine. "Guo Bad said, a small silver needle was stuck on the patient's body and head.

"Master Guo Guan, have you finished the anesthesia?" Duan Fengyun asked Guo Gang softly without blinking. Although he had seen Guo Gang's hand in Wucheng, he now saw it again, Still surprised.

"Each acupoint on the human body is useful. As long as you control some acupoints, his pain will also be lost." Guo bad smiled and said, "The following must be a craniotomy. According to you, now Is it because of problems with intra-brain pressure and congestion. "

After Guo Bad finished speaking, Liu Zicheng and Duan Fengyun nodded hurriedly. Speaking of craniotomy, some timid onlookers had begun to recede. Wang Jiajia bit her lip, and she was already a little dizzy and could not hold her heart.

"Wang Mei, if I'm dizzy, I can give you a needle, and you won't be afraid of it after you keep it. In fact, dizzy blood is a kind of mental illness, and it's good for treatment. This needle doesn't cost money. Guo Gang said with a smile, Wang Jiajia nodded slightly, Guo Bad didn't have both hands, he just picked up a silver needle and shook it, and the silver needle was gently tied around Wang Jiajia's neck, and suddenly he The cold air passed into his body, and Wang Jiajia suddenly felt a lot of spirit.

Liu Zicheng and Duan Haitao were stunned by Guo's bad practices, and not to mention whether he could handle Wang Jiajia's dizziness. Now that he is preparing for a craniotomy, he dares to be so distracted and shakes his head. .

Then Guo Ai appeared a small knife in his hand and could not see any material. I saw Guo Ai not knowing how to get a small stove from his body. I saw the knife a few times on it and it was considered disinfected.

"The human body's brain and skull are very hard. It is difficult to open him with ordinary sharp tools. I know that many times Western medicine uses things like chainsaws when opening the skull, and even needs to use an electric drill to punch the eyes first to maintain the balance in the brain." Guo Bad looked at the two and said, "My tools should not be as violent as yours."

Saying, in a strange expression, Guo Gang opened the patient's head with a small knife in his hand, and then a few silver needles were gently stuck on the tumor in front of the cerebellum. The silver needles were shaken strongly. After a while, The tumor started to get smaller and smaller, knowing that it disappeared, at this time the two western doctors were completely shocked.

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