Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 293: Dan crazy

"Second Brother, I gave it to you at today's auction. Three hundred elixir, one hundred each, you can sell whatever you want, my brother pleased you. {[八一 中文 网 M ”Guo Bad told Jia Yuan in the house, why did n’t Guo Bad come by himself or let Lin Shuang come, think about it Ah, Lin Shuang is now pregnant and naturally is not suitable for such occasions. Guo Bad, Guo Bad has to do something big with Yuer.

Jia Yuan laughed and laughed. Although he earned a lot of platinum and excellent business talents before his thirties with an excellent business mind, but to say that auctions were previously spent money, this time the money was really the first Once, think about the fact that one Xueji Dan could sell for more than 100 million yuan. This time Guo Bad directly gave 300 elixir. How much did it cost?

"Little bad, don't go first, we have something to discuss with you." Chen Dingjun hurriedly stopped Guo Bad on May 31.

"I have something to say directly, if I follow the rank of the army, I have to shout for a long time." Guo Bad looked at Chen Dingjun with a smile.

"Boy, you do n’t need to bring a high hat to the old man. This time you are going to auction three hundred elixir. We do n’t want to stay in Yandan, but the Tongmai Dan, if you can even give it to the Huaxia Military Region in private, we can take the money. And that mixed Yuandan. We heard for the first time that we do n’t know what role it is, can we reserve a place for May 31. ”Chen Dingjun rubbed his hands and said, there are black lines around the faces of the old soldiers.

Before Chen Dingjun entered the army, he was a trader. He had the habit of rubbing his hands that year. After so many years, he has not changed at all.

"Yeah, little bad, you have to think about our Tyrannosaurus Regiment, not just auctioning Yan Dan, the worldly man, if you want this Tongmai Dan, it will only increase some life, waste, too wasteful "Xia Wudi said with a smile.

"The two bosses, the juniors, introduce themselves. Liu Tong, a disciple of Shaolin folks, and the two juniors have some opinions. The masters of the Guo Museum and the medical museum will auction the Tongmai Dan and Mixed Yuandan. We want to give some internal disciples. This is what the Abbot of Tongde asked me to bring, saying it was for the owner of Guo Guan, to see if I could change some elixir. "Then, Liu Tong took out a string of beads from the bag, and others couldn't see it. What kind of doorway Guo Guo actually recognized at a glance what it was.

"Abbreviation Tongde? It is unexpected that the abbot Tongde cares about worldly things." Xia Wudi couldn't help but said that he knew each other, and was considered a master of the high masters of the martial arts world, as early as thirty years ago. It was already the state of the valley.

"I ’m in the right place. Do n’t follow along at the auction. This is five Tongmai Dan. Take it back to the abbot of Tongde." Guo Bad said with a smile, Liu Tong hurriedly took the elixir, but But he didn't mean to leave, but the abbot told him that there is more good medicine in this medicine, and there is no shortage of money in Shaolin.

"Guo Guanzhu, we are also running through Tongmai Dan and Junyuan Dan." Since some people started, several other young people with extraordinary vigor also stood up and looked at Guo Bad.

Xia Wudi and Chen Dingjun looked at each other, Chen Dingjun might not see anything, but Xia Wudi saw the identities of several people at a glance. Huashan, Hengshan, Taishan, Seven Injury, Killing the Gate, the martial arts martial arts that the world can involve, basically It's all here, Xia Wudi shook his head helplessly, no matter how arrogant the Tyrannosaurus Regiment was, he couldn't say that he could deal with so many martial arts martial arts.

"Since everyone is interested in the elixir of the medical museum, let's meet at the auction." Xia Wudi said loudly, a few young people nodded with a smile, thanked him and went out.

"Dragon King, a few little guys, no matter what they do, refuse to let them come to us in Tyrannosaurus Regiment." Xing Tian couldn't help but say.

"Brother Xing, the strength of a few people is not weak, and the worst is already the innate peak state. Many Chinese martial arts martial arts are very low-key. If they really get into the Tyrannosaurus Mountain, I'm afraid the Tyrannosaurus regime will lose out." Guo Bad said with a smile, but the second sentence made Xing Tian smile happily.

"Xinge, there are not many people in the Tyrannosaurus Regiment. Except for the four dragon groups that have been upgraded, the other brothers are full. Do you worry that the brothers cannot afford your elixir? Do n’t shoot any of them today. "If you want something from your family, my brother will just give it." Guo said with a smile. Xing Tianle was smiling, and the face of the Dragon King was smiling like a flower.

"Cough, little bad, you can be our division commander in the May 31st Military Area Command. Some things can't be as good as others." Chen Dingjun whispered, but this division of Guo Bad just hangs a name, and really can't let Guo bad.

"The Huaxia military defends the country and defends the country. If nothing else, if I can't get Master Chen, my grandfather is afraid he can't spare me." Guo badly said, "But if the grandfather wants to improve the army, That was unrealistic. Three months later, the boy presented a hundred Tongmai Dan. As for how the old man uses it, it depends on the old man himself.

"The old man thank you on behalf of all the officers and men of May 31, and pay attention to having a good son. Your contribution is no less than that of your grandfather." Chen Dingjun said loudly, Guo Liuyi not far away glanced at this side and smiled. After nodding his head, in the future, if his father noticed that he had a son as Guo Tian, ​​a sentence would be added later.

For the imperial capital, or for Huaxia, countless people had difficulty falling asleep. Three hundred elixir were auctioned for eight hours. Even though Jia Yuan was already a martial art in the congenital realm, the last ten groups of elixir were handed over to the scene. An auctioneer's auctioneer completed the final auction.

There are three kinds of elixir, one for each, three for one, with a reserve price of 30 million yuan. Jia Yuan thought of a lot of rich people in Huaxia, but he did not expect that rich people would make such money. The first elixir was The high price of 480 million was directly photographed. The Jin merchant and the Qian merchant on the taxi almost shot out for a panacea. The "fate" of the ride together really made the driver accurate.

"Second, you wake up, how much money, how much money did you shoot today? Tell your brother." Li Yao originally had little concept of money, but for eight consecutive hours, each time the reserve price was 30 million, it was directly broken. Billion, also makes this brother of the King of Soldiers calm.

"Don't ask me, I don't know, let me take a break, or you go to find the fourth child, and the money is all on his card. The fourth child starts to say that 70% of the money is donated, this silly boy, himself I worked so hard to make so much money, and what to donate. "Jia Yuan finished, and fell asleep.

Wang Jiajia waited until the auction was over. She could n’t help shaking her head. The words of Guo Bad during the day kept coming to her mind, "I'm not bad for money." Yeah, he's really not bad for money. There are 450 million copies, that is 45 billion, 45 billion a day, which is 70% of the donation, and there are more than 10 billion. No wonder he said that he is not bad, but What is the cost of these elixir, Wang Jiajia is lost in thought.

"Reporter Wang, I remember the owner Guo Guan gave you an elixir during the day, and I made a hundred million, otherwise you even give it to me. I rushed over from the Northwest Province, and I can't let me go empty-handed."

"Are you 100 million?"

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