Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 296: Jade City Tour

Mojiang Province is a large province in southwestern China. It has several jade mountains and neighboring countries are also rich in jade. Mojiang is famous for jade over time. Taiyun City, the capital of Mojiang Province, has gradually formed the largest jade trading market in China. Taiyu also It is called "Jade Capital". W> W>. ] 8} 1] Z] W}. C) OM

"Brother, we've all been here for two days, when will we go out for shopping?" Because the medical office had just opened, Guo Bad hadn't thought of bringing anyone else, but Guo Tongyuan was stunned recently, and finally Guo Bad let the jade The child stayed in the imperial capital and brought Guo Tongyuan to Taiyun.

"Rest and rest, the big city is on the 15th. I can't find anything good when I go there recently." Guo Bad was lying on the bed, playing with a fist-sized stone in his hand. This was just picked up by the roadside in Taiyun City. When he arrived, Guo Gang didn't infiltrate the consciousness. He took out a knife in his hand and started carving on the stone.

"Give me the money, I'll go around." Guo Tongyuan said unbearably.

"It's a thousand dollars, don't spend it in a mess, hey." Guo Bad smiled, took a stack of money and threw it to Guo Tongyuan, Guo Tongyuan originally wanted to say something, but watching Guo Badai ignored it and ignored him. Expression, gritted his teeth and went out with money.

Less than half an hour, Guo Tongyuan came back from the outside with a gray head and gray head. He held two small stones in his hand and did not speak. The stones were thrown to the ground and he was lying on the bed himself.

"Buy such a **** for a thousand yuan?" Guo Gang glanced at the stones on the ground and looked at Guo Tongyuan and asked, "brother, anyway, you are also a person who has done major things in the past, is this eyesight?" Guo Gangcong Get down on the bed, touch the stone with your hand, and shook his head.

"Just eyesight, sleep and sleep, call me when to eat and when." Guo Tongyuan finished, lying in bed himself. Guo Gang's eyes widened and he didn't want the style of this cheap master, but after thinking about it, he went to bed at night and walked out at night.

At seven o'clock in the afternoon, Guo Bad called out Guo Tongyuan and went out to taste the deliciousness of Taiyun City, but just out of the hotel, a woman in her thirties looked at Guo Tongyuan and shouted.

"Juvenile, I told you not to go out alone. You have to listen. The money was stolen. Did the two stones you picked pit your adult?" The woman has a lot of voices and many people around past.

"Sister, you, do you recognize the wrong person, I have been sleeping in the hotel in the afternoon." Guo Tongyuan stuttered, Guo looked at Guo Tongyuan with amusement, no wonder he came back so early, money was stolen for a long time .

"How can you recognize the wrong person? The two stones you moved were our doorstep. I don't ask you for money. You don't need to be nervous." The woman said with a grin.

"Sister, you take this one hundred pieces. We ca n’t ask for this stone, thank you." Guo bad stepped forward and handed one hundred dollars to Guo Tongyuan, Guo Tongyuan's face flushed, anxious to find a place Sew into it.

"Then I will collect the money. You'd better let the adults follow. To be honest, if you are here to see the gambling stones, you can play. Don't bet. Ten gambling and nine deception. This stone has no I can't see a little eyesight. "The elder sister finished and left the money in her pocket.

"Master Tongyuan, I said that your eyesight is not that bad." Guo Bad said with a smile, "but you don't only have money stolen."

Guo Tongyuan lowered his head, Guo Bad laughed, and the two walked into a restaurant. Guo Bad had not spoken yet, Guo Tongyuan had ordered a table of dishes.

"Brother, if I am the one who stole my money, I have to give him three swords and six holes." Guo Tongyuan's voice was not small, and a few people looked at Guo badly with their bad intentions. Guo It's not bad to speak, it's not easy to find who steals the money.

"Brother Sui, the sheep you just caught, be careful. The person you started seems to have an older brother. Now he is eating here at Uncle Wu." A young man whispered to the phone in the toilet.

"Both are fat sheep. If Brother Qi wants to start, his brother will not eat alone." The phone said loudly, "But Brother Qi's courage is getting smaller and smaller." After that, Brother Sui over there hung up. Got the phone.

However, Qi Baoshan was not angry, and his courage was indeed a lot smaller, but the people who followed him seemed to have not entered the bureau for some days. Unlike the people in Sui Wushan, they had to go to the bureau to lead people.

"Brother, this is 10,000 yuan. You still have the money for a while. If you lose it again, we will really have no money to eat." Guo Bad said, and took out a bundle of good money from his body and put it in On the table, everyone in a restaurant suddenly looked at them.

"Hey, brother, this money can't be lost. I want to get it back." Guo Tongyuan said with a smile, and he naturally understood what Guo bad meant.

"Qi, these two people are somewhat blind." Guo Bad and Guo Tongyuan walked out of the restaurant after dinner, and a young boy whispered to Qi Baobaoshan, "I'm going to pull wool?"

"Sui Wushan's sheep, let them toss first. The kid feels weird. Don't cross Jiang Long and get in trouble." Qi Baoshan missed it once in Taiyun a few years ago, but the fatal The stolen man didn't bother him. Since then, Qi Baoshan has been very accurate in seeing people and has converged a lot. This has also made him smooth in recent years.

Guo Bad and Guo Tongyuan walked on the road, and a hundred-dollar bill was stuffed in Guo Tongyuan's **** pocket. This position is the favorite place of the thief, cut a small mouth, and take the cash away, but the people in Sui Wushan also seemed very careful No one went to the pedestrian street, but several people around Guo Tongyuan and Guo Gang had come back and forth several times.

"Brother, things have been taken away. It seems that I really want to drink the northwest wind these days." Guo Tongyuan felt his **** was cold, reached out and touched his back pocket. He had been cut open, and there was nothing left. The cool breeze blew in through the slit.

"The Emperor met a few people who stole the door last time. I didn't expect to meet again in Taiyun this time. Brother, are you talking about fate?" Guo Bad said with a smile.

"Fate is a fart. Speaking of stealing the door, these years I have stolen other people ’s things. When was stolen by others, and his mother was stolen two times in a row. This time I moved my hands and money. Let ’s Take a look at their base camp. "Guo Tongyuan said, with his eyes closed, the location of the stolen money had appeared in his mind, and regardless of Guo Bad ’s disagreement, he pulled Guo Bad towards a big house not far away. Run away.

"Master Sui, I thought it was Jiang Long, but they were two boys with no brains." A young man in his early twenties said, throwing a knife of Huaxia coins to a man in his forties.

"It's best not to cross Jianglong, I just like this kind of fat sheep. You two have stared at these two fat sheep. Since they are delivered to the mouth, there is no reason to not eat cleanly." Sui Wushan said with a smile.

"Hello!" A few people in the room hadn't reacted to what had happened. Guo Tongyuan kicked the door open and walked in uncomfortably. "What I despise the most in my life is people like you. What's wrong with it, do you have to steal it?"

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