Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 404: Cardinal

Zhou Zhan naturally understood Guo bad's meaning. He wanted to lose himself to Nangong Ling Mo. Of course, if he won Thomas, he also lost, and then Xiao Ling Mo was the first in this individual martial arts tournament. [Eight Chinese

"Nangong brothers, if you can be sure to win that Thomas, I have no problem admitting defeat. It will be very interesting when Xiao Ling Mo takes the first place. I also want to play against that Thomas." Zhou Zhan said with a smile.

Xiao Ling Mo's eyes widened, yeah, if it is really a bad brother who confesses to that nasty American, brother Zhou will confess his defeat. In the end, I will compete with the bad brother first, and the bad brother will confess. Then I will be the first One, hehe. Xiao Lingmo ate a large piece of delicious barbecue in his mouth, and couldn't help laughing.

"Several people, since you have already taken the lead in the individual competition, then in the team competition, our two brothers requested to play, this request is not excessive." Yin brothers said with a smile, Guo Gang squinted and looked at Two people, it looks like these two guys are ready to make a fuss in the team match.

"If the two want to contribute to Huaxia, then let the two play in the team match. I would like to see what the power of the two is." Zhou Zhan just wanted to speak and was stopped by Guo Bad to rescue.

After lunch, all the phantoms went back to rest, and when Zhou Zhan wanted to leave, he was stopped by Guo Gang.

"Brother, say something directly, there are no outsiders." Zhou Zhan said with a smile. The current results are very satisfactory. Even if he can't win the first place, the second and third won two black holes. For Huaxia, Definitely the biggest gain in recent decades.

"The brothers of the Yin family have a problem. The team system is a six-player melee. Since they promised two of them to play, I want to discuss with the remaining four. Xiao Ling Mo will not let him play. Yepeng is you. People, let ’s live on it. ”Guo Gang asked directly, there are already two uneasy factors, Guo bad does not want a third uneasy factor to exist.

"Ye Peng will never have any problems, and Yan Feng will have no problems." Zhou Zhan firmly said that Ye Peng was raised by Zhou's parents. War is a power, Yepeng is a martial arts.

"Tomorrow you will play against Xiao Lingmo, just give up and lose. As for the third place, I don't think you need to prepare. This time, the top three of us are all inclusive." Guo bad smiled and turned around. Leaving, leaving a blank week battle.

The top three are all-inclusive. The American Thomas fought against Monte Williams and they all saw it. Zhou Zhan did not think he could beat Thomas, but why did Guo Gang say so? Guo Guo is so strong that he doesn't take Thomas seriously.

During dinner, a group of people got together again. Outside of Yanlie and Garcia, many fire-controllers risked entering the crater for no reason. The barbecue that Chinese people eat aside is too delicious, anyway The team competition is not ready to participate, just go get something delicious, you can't let your stomach suffer.

"Bad brother, the Americans didn't come." Xiao Lingmo looked around and determined that there were no Americans, whispering to Guo Bad.

"If you do n’t come, you do n’t have to come here. The little girl eats more. It is when you are long that you have to be full. I will check your strength tomorrow in the personal competition." She nodded, in fact, even if she got the fourth place, she was already very satisfied.

Six Americans and their six followers followed Davis into the hinterland of a hill near the volcano, and a group of people looked serious, as if waiting for something.

"My lord, I brought you." Davis said respectfully, at this moment the cave lit up sharply, and then a group of psionicists could clearly see the scene inside.

"Master!" Thomas and the five abilities behind him kneeled directly on the ground. The six followers didn't understand what had happened, but let Thomas kneel on the ground so respectfully, they followed him down.

"Thomas, you are doing well in this solo match, get up." A 50-year-old man dressed as a red-dressed priest said softly, Thomas slowly got up, and suddenly an overwhelming pressure over several people behind Body.

"Did I get you up? Harris, Duntwa, Francis, Thorpe, Witt. Your five performances were so disappointing to me, you know? You have caused the Holy See a heavy loss this time." Rev. Red Shouted.

"Master Gatlin, this time the Chinese powers are a little demon. You can't blame them all on this matter. There will be a team match in a few days. Please be merciful." Thomas looked at his own teammates behind with pain. Hurriedly said loudly.

"You are dead or alive. After all the matches of the Martial Arts Association are over, the leader of the leader will judge. Tomorrow's personal match, Thomas, the first place must be won, and the first place reward black hole must belong to the Holy See." Cardinal Gatlin exclaimed.

"The Huaxia is very strange. Yesterday I used the Angel Sword when I dealt with Monte William. I was so badly defeated that I was afraid that I would not be able to use all my power tomorrow." Thomas whispered.

"Mont William's bastard, he was ruined by the old William. Knowing that the two of you have faced each other, you should have the old William tell the stinky boy to abstain in advance." Gatlin said angrily.

"Take out your Angel Sword. You must take the first tomorrow. No matter who is in the first game, go all out. Before the second game starts, I will let you return to the best state." Gatling Then, a red light fell on Thomas.

Comfortable, too comfortable, Thomas narrowed his eyes and looked extremely comfortable. All five people behind him were closed. When they first entered the Holy See, they were met by the Cardinal. Strength has been improved by at least 30%. Now it is a red light. It must have helped Thomas improve his strength.

"Ahem, Thomas, you are sure to kill the Chinese people now." Gatling's face turned pale, and Thomas asked with a smile as he watched with energy.

"Thank you, Lord, no matter to whom I will be tomorrow, I will definitely not let him walk down the ring alive, it is best to be good to that Nangong, I will crush him to pieces." Thomas said loudly.

"Wait for you to come here before the second match, I will help you recover from the injury in the last match, rest assured." Gatlin said aloud, "Five of you, I am before the team match. It will enhance your strength. As for the six followers, they have no effect, so there is no need for followers. "Gatling's voice fell, all six followers disappeared in place, and there was no breath.

Thomas and the five behind him naturally did not dare to say anything until Gatlin disappeared into the cave. Six people followed Davis out of the cave. A group of people returned directly to the American rest area. But when they returned, Guo was bad. Faintly felt a little different.

"It turned out to be peony, but no matter what medicine you take, I will play with you tomorrow."

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