Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 407: Individual race is over

Guo Gang squinted and looked at Thomas, waiting for him to say the purpose of the Dark Holy See for martial arts, a group of guys who can use the power of faith, if they really want to do something bad, it will have a great impact on the world, even Guo Bad guess, this group of guys is most likely related to the big demon. Bayi (Chinese 1? Z} W]. > C> OM

"The ultimate purpose of the martial arts society is ..." Thomas said the first few words and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. Guo Gang wanted to use mind reading to see what Thomas thought. In front of him, Thomas suddenly enlarged his pupils, and then lying on the platform.

"It's a good method. There was an institution in Thomas' brain. Only Thomas touched some sensitive things, and the institution opened automatically, and Thomas would die." Guo Bad could not help but said, Thomas was dead, completely Dead.

Although some things were out of Thomas' mouth, he didn't get what he wanted most, which made Guo bad very unhappy. Just when Guo bad was about to leave, he saw the angel's sword under Thomas. Guo Bad was also rude. The place where he passed, and his cryptic collection of the Angel's Sword into the gourd, then jumped off the ring.

"What's the matter? What happened to Thomas?" Davis watched Guo break down. Thomas lay on the ring stiffly and couldn't help asking. Seeing that Guo bad didn't speak, he flew directly to the ring and put his finger on it. On the aorta on Thomas' neck, there was no breath at all, and he died. The leader of the American team of this martial arts meeting, Thomas, the key cultivation target of the Holy See, died.

"Bad brother, are you okay, what were you doing with that Thomas just now and haven't seen you try?" Xiao Lingmo saw Guo broken down and hurried to Guo Bad and asked in a low voice.

"He had to compare with me, he was my opponent. He didn't compare to me, and committed suicide in shame." Guo badly said with a smile, something was not clear here, and he was not ready to talk to Xiao Ling Mo Xi said that at a young age, there should be a happy childhood. Some things are still unknown.

But Guo Guo didn't know one thing. Just as Thomas was about to tell the secret of the Dark Holy See, on an island in the Pacific, an old man who had closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, and then Thomas was gone. Any breath.

"Damn, this is Outland, why those guys can still find me, really **** it, a group of outland guys, no brain, everything can't be done, Dark Holy See, the name is wrong!" The old man shouted, The whole island disappeared into the Pacific Ocean.

Of course, when the old man was angry, the head of the Holy See, the priest Thomas said in his mouth, a blood spurted out. He knew that the Chinese people who made themselves possess the supreme power were dissatisfied with themselves because only that Chinese Talent makes him so embarrassed.

"The martial arts blaze might have happened over there. Otherwise, the Chinese wouldn't be so angry. A group of **** guys, even small things can't be done." Kotel, the leader of the Dark Holy See Roared loudly, and almost three minutes later, the dark Holy See's conference room was full of people.

"Mr. Davis, is it possible to announce the result of the game, everyone is waiting." Someone in the audience shouted when Guo was broken.

"Pop!" A big handprint appeared on the face of the psionicist who inquired loudly about the result. Davis had already reached the foot of the volcano. "Hit, remember, you don't have the strength to talk to me like this, if you have Huaxia You can come here with this kind of strength. I remember that you did n’t deal with Huaxia people at the beginning. I do n’t know what it means now. ”

The young man named Hitt wasn't talking. Indeed, he asked for his own purpose. He wanted to continue to provoke the dispute between the Chinese and the Americans. It was better to kill both. But his little idea was Davis saw it directly.

"The first squad was won by the Chinese Nangong Hao, and the second squad was won by the Chinese Nangong Ling Mo, because Thomas died. ? "Davis said face to face. It's over. Thomas died. The top three in the individual race are all Chinese. The martial arts he hosted this time will be a complete failure. He knows what he will face.

"We don't have to play in the finals. In the test with Mr. Thomas, I was not injured lightly and can no longer continue to play. The first of this martial arts association is Xiao Lingmo." Guo said with a smile, Xiao Ling Mo stared With big eyes, although I previously knew that I might win the first place in this martial arts event, I never imagined that I would actually win the first place in this martial arts event. Although the amount of gold is lower, but what is this, anyway? The first is yours.

"Then I first congratulate Ms. Nangong Ling Mo. The top three awards will be awarded together after all the martial arts are over. The martial arts individual competition is over. Everyone can prepare for the team competition. Each team chooses six members. Participation, of course, if there are not so many players in your country, you can find your own allies. One day later, you will still be here, and people who are going to participate in the team match will gather here. "After finishing Davis, he was in a hurry. Left, leaving a group of psionicists to discuss.

"Boom bear, let's cooperate. It's difficult for those of you alone to get into the top eight. It's better to cooperate with our two countries. We have two people and you have four people. The first team in this group is definitely not ours. However, we joined forces, and we should not lose too much in the final game. "A black man smiled and said to Bing Xiong, Bing Xiong smiled and nodded, the two hands held together.

"Jin Changlie, if you can't get everyone together, we can cooperate. How about you and Jin Taixuan coming to our team?" Yamamoto returned to South Korea captain Kim Changlie and asked with a smile, "Huaxia people are very powerful this time Only if you Koreans work with us, we will have a chance to win. "

"Go! Cooperate with you, what are you, we lose to the Huaxia people, we will lose to the Huaxia people, we will not choose to cooperate with you war criminals." Jin Changlie said aloud, the relationship between South Korea and Japan was originally bad, Yamamoto ate it all.

"Jin Changlie, you will come back for today's decision." Yamamoto said all at once, turned and left, and found Garcia directly, but Garcia also politely rejected the Japanese request, but it was the one beaten by Davis. Hit did not dare to squeak into the Japanese team.

"Monter William, Lord Gatling, let you come over." Mont William heard a voice, frowned, Cardinal Gatlin, like his grandfather, no wonder Thomas would recover so quickly and call himself over , Should be a matter of United States and should be combined.

Mont William did not dare to neglect, spoke a few words to his teammates, turned to the lounge, and then disappeared into the player area.

"Monte William, Thomas is dead, you have a responsibility, do you know?" Gatlin saw Monte William come in and said aloud, because Mont William's grandfather and old William were also cardinals, and Gatlin was kind to Mont William .

"He died because he was inferior to others, and it has nothing to do with me," Monte William said with a smile. "Master Gatlin, let's talk straight away. There are no outsiders now."

"You must win first place in this final. The Master Bishop already knows about this martial arts event. If any mistakes occur, we will not be happy. The Master Bishop has already sent Master Celia here. You two Each team selected five to cooperate with Lord Celia. "Gatlin exclaimed.

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