Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 411: Aunt Guo Fanyu

Chusuov said a few words to a few teammates around him. A group of people looked at Guo Gang directly, as if a group of perverts appeared beautiful women. Guo Bad smiled at a few people, and many other power groups The members immediately understood that Russia and Huaxia were united. It is estimated that Russia and Huaxia will become the biggest winners in this team match. [八一 (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W] .COM

"Why does that kid have a familiar atmosphere, who is he?" Just as everyone watched the Chinese and Russians make good friends, Celia set her eyes on Guo Bad. Familiar breath made Celia frown. Just as Celia looked at Guo Bad, Guo Bad looked at Celia.

"She is, how could it be her." Deep inside Guo Bad, the shrewd sense of unceasing excitement was agitated, yes, it was Guo Bad's sense, and it had nothing to do with reading Xinzhen. Celia, she knows her, she is Guo Fanyu, Guo's aunt.

Guo Gang nodded to Celia, and then walked into the Chinese people's lounge without looking back. Xiao Lingmo naturally saw Guo Gang's changes and followed Guo Gang into it.

"Bad brother, let me tell you, be honest, the woman is a new member of the American power group, and she is not too young. Although she is still good, we are enemies. If you dare to mess with me, I will definitely tell Yu Sister. "Xiao Ling Mo said with a pout.

"Little girl, what do you think, do you know who the woman is? It is my aunt, my relative aunt." Guo bad couldn't help but say, this matter must be made clear to Xiao Lingmo, otherwise I don't know this little How did the girl go back and tell Yuer them?

"Huh, deceiving, and aunt, Yang Guoguan is also called Aunt Xiaolong, isn't it better in the end?" Xiao Ling Mo pursed her mouth and said, the black line on Guo's bad face, this little girl's head contained What are they all.

"Her name is Guo Fanyu, my uncle and my dear sister, what do you think I can do with her?" Guo said badly, Xiao Lingmo's eyes widened.

"Bad brother, then how could she be an American miracle, yes, this is your conspiracy, to fundamentally disintegrate the enemy, bad brother, you are too great." Xiao Lingmo said with a look of joy.

"Kee, last time I saw my aunt was ten years ago. Did you say that I had arranged the matter?" Guo Bad said with a black face.

"Then let's go to the American psychic to find her now and make things clear to her." Xiao Ling Mo said excitedly. She has been following Guo Bad for so long and has never heard of Guo Bad having an aunt.

"She didn't recognize who I was. Let's take a look first. She's now a member of the American Power Team. It's a little strange." Guo Bad said softly, thinking carefully about what Thomas told him that time, How could his aunt be a member of the American omnipotent team, Guo Guo could not help but have a big question mark in his mind.

Celia saw Guo Gang walk into the rest area and couldn't help thinking about why this boy would give himself a familiar feeling. Is he a Huaxia person, does it have anything to do with himself? Thinking about it, a heartbreaking pain came, Celia's silver teeth clenched, and she didn't think about what happened just now, and the pain slowly disappeared.

No one is more excited today than Chusov, experimenting on his teammates again and again, until five teammates who were slightly different from themselves but can fight in World War I are all killed dozens of times, no one is with him Keep practicing, that's it.

On the second day, the team that could gather up to six people reported to Davis. A total of sixteen teams participated in the team match on the second day. Being able to gather up sixteen teams also surprised Davis. The rules of the game are the same as before. All teams participating in the afternoon will be drawn and divided into the upper and lower half. The knockout will determine the first place in the upper and lower half, and then compete for the team championship.

"The personnel of the Huaxia finals changed, and that little girl and the fiery master Yan Lie are not on the list." Someone said softly when they saw Huaxia's entry list.

"They played only three main players during the personal competition, and the personnel were not wasted. The natural personnel were neat. How can we, in the personal competition, seriously hurt four people and die one person, they can only follow the team with others." A black power man said softly , But the American team competition list also surprised them.

"The Americans turned up with the British, but who is that Celia? It doesn't seem to have the name in either the United States or the Prodigy." South Korean captain Kim Changlie asked aloud.

"Everyone, Celia is a follower of the United States team. She has never played. Captain Thomas of the United States has died. All Miss Celia has become a new member of the United States team. I don't know if anyone has any objections. You can raise them." Davis said with a smile.

The crowd shook their heads. Three followers of the US team have not been on the field, so no one knows whether this Celia is a follower of the US team. I believe this woman will be more powerful than Thomas.

The participating teams are here, and the method of this lottery was changed to the electronic screen rolling random lottery. In this way, it is difficult for the ability person to cheat. Guo Bad looked at the large electronic screen and wanted to be separated from Russia. However, this time the goddess of fortune really stood on her side, and the group was produced. Everyone couldn't help but sigh, the Chinese people's luck was really good.

Eight teams in the first half: Anglo-American United, Russia, Japan, South Korea, India, Brazil, South American United, Southeast Asian United, and a wing composed of six different countries.

The second half of the Huaxia area is relatively weak. Except for a complete Australian team, all others are alliances of several countries. Guo Bad's apprentice Wakaga leads his three teammates. A team with psionicists from two other countries is also in the lower half.

Davis looked at the group of the team, shook his head and couldn't help but shook his head. It was better to use a small ball, so that he had at least a certain chance of manipulation. Now in this group, Davis is very helpless.

Then there are the battle groups of the eight teams in the upper and lower halves. Guo bad, they did not continue their good luck, they will play against Australia in the first round, but for such a team, there is no luck for Huaxia. I walked in front of Guo Bad and signaled that they would work hard to play this game, but I hope that the Chinese people will show mercy.

The first half of the district will be a lot chaotic. The British and American teams against the South American team, Russia and Brazil, Southeast Asia and India, South Korea and Japan met in the first round.

The group stage is a knockout stage. Only one game is lost, and you can return to your hometown. The specific group stage will look like everyone, everyone is looking forward to it. Billion dollars, but there are still many hidden rich locals who have bought video connections through various channels. The Las Vegas Casino even gathered a dozen billionaires together to make a century of gambling.

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