Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 416: Shuiyunzi

"If you just dodge blindly, then I ca n’t guarantee that you will be able to walk down the ring alive. [Bayi (Fiction? Web W? W? W>.) 8> 1> Z? W>.? C] O} M "" For almost three minutes, Celia put away her long whip and whispered to Guo Bad.

"Come on." Guo Ai said softly, he did not dare to rush, the door of slavery, Guo Ao can already be sure, Celia himself planted the door of slavery, and is also the door of the most powerful slavery, the master It is easy to kill enslaved people.

The three men in Zhou Zhan have received different degrees of minor injuries under the attack of seven people, but at half past one, the seven people could not take three people.

"Bang!" With a bang, Guo Bad and Celia separated again under the attack. Celia looked at Guo Bad. He didn't know why the boy kept dodging in front of him, but did not kill.

However, this close collision made Guo Gang's eyes wide open. Celia had a problem. Not only was the door of slavery, she also had the breath of others, not the person who controlled the door of slavery.

"Come again!" Guo Bad said, flying towards Celia, this time with a few silver needles in his hand. Guo Fanyu's affairs were more complicated than he thought, but the sudden appearance made things happen. It's easier to solve.

"Xiaoyou, I don't know which of the above immortals is inherited, Shui Yunzi makes sense." The second collision, a voice reached Guo bad's mind, Shui Yunzi, Guo bad suddenly widened his eyes, water He had heard of Yunzi's name. An old monster who had cultivated for years and did not know how many years. In the war between the three people, the old monster didn't help anyone, how could he leave a sense of consciousness on his aunt.

"Boy, what have you done to me?" Celia asked loudly when she saw three silver pins tied on her body. "Since you are looking for death, I will give you a ride." Celia said, hands One more sword, the sword of the **** angel, was more imposing than Raphael's, and Guo Gang narrowed his eyes. It seemed that the aunt's status was really not low in the Dark Holy See.

"Little friend, such a jealous attack should be afraid of the door of slavery on this girl. Why don't we make a deal? I helped you cheat the door of slavery. If you can control this girl, let me go How does the real body come out? "Shui Yunzi's voice appeared again in Guo Bad's mind.

"True body? How is it possible that the old Taurus was actually sealed in the aunt's body. What kind of seal method is this, and not to mention the seal water Yunzi, Guo Fanyu's body should not be able to form anything? It ’s shocking. ”Guo bad is completely messed up. If it is true that Shui Yunzi ’s body is in Guo Fanyu ’s body, then what happened to Guo Fanyu ’s life, I ’m afraid it ’s not clear until the door of slavery is resolved. .

"Little friend, can't you believe in Shui Yunzi? The door of slavery is not the door of ordinary slavery. This is something of a demon. With your current strength, it is impossible to break the door of slavery. You can only follow me. Cooperation, you have no choice. "Shui Yunzi's voice came again.

"Senior, since it is cooperation, isn't the senior to show some sincerity first." Guo Gangkankan escaped Celia's attack, and the first voice told Shui Yunzi.

"I think your acupuncture seems to be a little doorway. After ten breaths, you find a way to control the baby's physical body. The door of slavery is given to me. As for the sincerity, as long as you apply the needle, you will know my sincerity." Water After Yunzi said, Guo Gang narrowed his eyes, and now he really has no other choice.

After five breaths, Guo Gang rushed to Celia, and nine silver needles flew into Celia's body. Celia's pupils suddenly became large. Guo Bad shouted in his heart. Not good, this is slavery. The gate should control the state of the body, but after almost three breaths, he could clearly feel that the silver needle he had planted had changed. The ancestor of water turned out to be the ancestor of water. Guo bad was a joy in his heart, it looked like his aunt's body. It is indeed the true body of Shui Yunzi.

"Don't hold it, hold the girl doll and fly upwards, the higher the better, I can't hold on to the door of slavery for too long." Shui Yunzi said loudly to Guo Bad, Guo Bad didn't dare to care, and pulled up Celia disappeared into the sight of everyone.

"Little friend, almost, it is not the real demon who controlled the door of slavery at that time. This height has been cut off. Try to release me, and I will help you solve the door of slavery." Shui Yunzi smiled. Said.

"Hey, senior, if I let you out, the door to slavery will appear as soon as possible, and my aunt will surely die. The senior is a bit unreal compared to just now." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"Keekeke, little guy, who the **** are you? You know things are very complicated, many of them are heavenly things. Could it be that the true immortal above cannot be reincarnated." Shui Yunzi said cheekily, Guo said Yes, let him break open a little bit, and although he is in charge of the gate of slavery, it is only a trace of the demon's consciousness. This physical body will undoubtedly die.

"When I rescue my predecessor, the senior naturally knows who I am," Guo said with a smile, "but I want this woman alive, otherwise I won't break the seal on the flesh."

"Little guy, it's simple, not to mention whether this baby girl can live, can the girl friend on this baby girl be broken?" Shui Yunzi said with disdain.

"The methods of the Great Devil Seal are mostly stealing masters or witches or human races. This kind of formation can be unlocked with my eyes closed. When the seniors are trapped, naturally they cannot be broken. Just as the seniors are locked in the room, take It is very easy to open the door with the key, but the seniors now come up with it, but it is very difficult. "Guo Bad said unhurriedly, a little consciousness penetrated into Celia's body, and the door of slavery was indeed uncertain.

"If I help you break the door of slavery, can you save me the first time?" Shui Yunzi asked softly. If Guo was bad, he naturally understood that the relationship between Guo bad and him and the door of slavery Almost, he was able to open the door to slavery in a way that would not seal his formation.

"If the trapped is the true body of Shui Yunzi's predecessor, the kid is unable to release the predecessor directly, and dare not release the predecessor directly." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"That shit, I won't save this baby girl, then you can think of it yourself. I'll give you ten minutes, this door of slavery I don't care." Shui Yunzi said loudly, lived for tens of thousands of years, There is no good, I don't care.

"Senior, the kid said that if he didn't save the senior, it wasn't that the kid couldn't save the senior. Ah. "Guo said with a smile," If the seniors help break the door to slavery and follow the kid back to Huaxia, I will definitely release the seniors and guarantee that they won't lead to Nine Angry Sky Thunder. "

"Boy, don't lie to me. I've been scammed once in my life, and I was trapped in a large array for 80,000 years. If you dare to lie to me, this array will trap me at most, until I leave. , All the people related to you will be put into eighteen layers of **** and never live. "Shui Yunzi said loudly, a powerful power appeared on Celia.

"The door of slavery, Dream Demon, Lao Tzu wants to be at odds with you. Your seal is a matter for you and the big witch of the human race. What matters to me as a idler is Yin Lao Tzu."

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