Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 420: Magical medicine

Guo Yi smiled and reached out to shake hands with Vittorio, and the two walked into the room with a smile. W] W]. 〔8〉 1ZW. Com

"Dine together at noon. I don't know what happened to the two people going to Italy this time." Vittorio asked with a smile. The waiter and his sensible left the meeting room and Guo nodded with satisfaction.

"Mr. Vittorio, we went to Italy this time to listen to a friend who said that there was a good auction in Italy and wanted to see it." Guo Bad said without concealment.

"Auctions? There are auctions in Italy every day. I don't know which auction Mr. Guo bad said." Vittorio asked with a smile.

"Naturally the biggest and most interesting auction, Mr. Vittorio should know." Guo Gang said squinting his eyes. It looks like this auction will be very interesting, and it will make the son of the Italian mafia so cautious, it must not be General auction.

Vittorio wasn't talking. He smiled and looked at Guo Gang and Xiao Lingmo. The waiter brought some desserts and put them on the table. Vittorio picked up a piece of cheese and put it in his mouth. Then, Begging Guo Bad and Xiao Lingmo to try it.

"Brother Vittorio, if I were you, I would bear to refuse such a delicious, after all, your liver does not allow you to eat such things, you say." Guo bad smiled and picked up a piece of cheese and put Into the mouth, he smiled and said, Xiao Lingmo was even more rude, and the desserts were not tempting to him.

"Brother Guo bad, you can see that there is a problem with my liver. My personal doctor told me to let me eat less dessert, but I ca n’t control my mouth, I always want to eat a little bit. It's true that the doctor is good. "Vittorio said with a smile.

"It's just some minor problems. I might as well take this opportunity to give my brother a few shots. Later, my brother can just eat sweets." Guo said with a grin, and Vittorio opened his eyes wide and looked Standing beside his eyes, Xi Ding nodded thickly and went out.

Almost three or four minutes later, a man in his fifties came in and stood respectfully next to Vittorio.

"Brother Guo bad, I don't believe you. I don't know much about your Chinese medicine. This is my personal doctor Martin. Let him stand by and watch. It shouldn't affect my brother to show medicine." Vittorio laughed It is said that the Huaxia people I met recently are very strange. From Nangong good to Nangong Lingmo, they have some special talents, so Vitorio did not have much resistance to this Guo bad to treat himself with liver disease.

"Of course there is no problem with Martin now. Your disease, Mr. Martin, should be best understood. Just let Mr. Martin check my treatment for a while." Guo said badly, and took out a brown from the sleeve of his robe. After opening the cloth bag, a row of various silver needles appeared in front of everyone, and Guo Bad could naturally do it, but it was a bit too ostentatious.

"No, no, no, Mr. Guo Bad, put away these things, I'm dizzy." Vittorio shouted at the silver needle that Guo Bad took out.

"Brother, it's stuck on you already, don't you feel it?" Guo said with a grin, and Vittorio saw that a silver needle had been stuck on his stomach, and then three silver lights. Vittorio already had four silver needles on his stomach.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't feel much." Vittorio's face became better, but Martin frowned, Chinese acupuncture method, he did know something, but no one seemed to apply a needle across his clothes. Right.

"Mark, is there anything wrong? I don't think there is anything wrong, but Brother Guo Bad, can you help me pull these pins out?" Vittorio saw Mark's expression was not right, and asked with a smile, Nangong Ling Mo is the first place in this martial arts confederation. Although there is some water, no one in this villa can deal with this little girl. Vittorio can only recognize the bad luck after being punctured.

"It will be a little painful for a while, but at most three minutes, the layer of fat on your liver will completely disappear. I will detox your liver by the way. You should have something to detect the age of organs, and you will know by then These silver needles work. "Guo said with a grin, and Vittorio's expression changed.

"Oh, no, it hurts, it hurts a bit, what's going on, am I going to die, Ms. Nangong, please ask Mr. Guo to pull the needle out for me, it hurts, it really hurts." Vittorio looked at Xiaoling Mo savored the delicious.

"Really pull it out now? If I don't fully achieve the treatment effect, I can ignore it. The bad brother sees a doctor. There is no one hundred and two hundred million who does not get a needle." Xiao Lingmo licked his lips and said, "Bad brother, It's almost OK, don't show him everything. If there is no problem, just pull the needle. This pain can't stand it, hey. "

Guo Bad smiled and nodded, everyone didn't see what was going on. The four silver needles had returned to Guo Bad's hands, and then Guo Bad put them into the cloth bag, the silver needles were pulled out, and Vitori Austria felt very relaxed and fierce, and he didn't know how comfortable he was compared to before he got a needle.

"Mark, hurry up, check it out for me and see if there is anything wrong with my body." Vittorio shouted loudly, followed Mark into the room, and the two men and one woman who had been at the door all along quickly plugged in. Various instruments, examining Vittorio in the living room.

Vittorio, naked, looked at the four pinholes in the stomach, but he didn't believe his fatty liver would be like this.

"My god, Jim, come and see how it happened. I remember that we had just checked the young master three days ago. The liver fat coverage had passed 6o%. Now it all disappeared. How could this be the case?" Mark looked at Vittorio with a shocked expression and said that the middle-aged man named Jim stared at the data together.

"Thirty years old, Ivan's data is normal. Now the liver is thirty years old. How can this be 13 years younger than the last time?" Jim couldn't help but say.

"Hey, what do you mean? Is my situation bad now?" Vittorio asked loudly, looking at the expressions of the two private doctors, and Vittorio was a little scared.

"No, Ivan, your fatty liver is completely fine. In addition, your liver has now recovered to the age of yours. This is a medical miracle. Chinese people, please tell me, How you did it is amazing. "Jim asked while looking at Guo Bad.

"The effect could have been better, but unfortunately, Mr. Vittorio is terrible. My brother can only retract the needle. There is no way. Also, please let me know if the clothes are good, what does it look like to be naked, not to mention you Not handsome at all. "Xiao Lingmo said loudly to Vittorio.

"Ahem, Mark, Jim, you go down first, but you can't tell anyone, including my father, what happened today." Vittorio immediately restored his previous expression, put on his shirt slowly, and returned to himself. The room was a little rectified, and came out with a smile.

"Miss Nangong, I'm embarrassed about the incident just now, but it's also for a reason. I hope Miss Nangong will not be surprised." Vittorio said with a smile, Xiao Lingmo waved his hand and continued to eat the dessert.

"Brother Guo Bad, thank you for treating me just now. This is the medical consultation for this treatment. I also invited my brother." As a result, Vittorio handed Guo Bad a check.

"No, since calling me brother, we should be friends, I can't ask for your money." Guo said with a smile, "let alone we have to take your plane to Italy."

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