Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 422: Naples

Naturally, Mo Beifeng did not continue what he did not finish. He brought it in the villa honestly. The people of the Iwan family were delicious and delicious to entertain Mo Beifeng, although I do n’t know why the young master asked them to pick up this Huaxia person. Come, but listen to the meaning of the young master, this person has to serve. {[Bayi Chinese Network M

"Brother Guo bad, people have already received it. We can go to the place in about ten minutes." Vittorio said with a smile. "Wait after the plane, I will take you to enjoy the taste of Naples."

"Mr. Vittorio, you don't need to let him appreciate Naples's style. If there is something delicious, you can take us to try it." Xiao Lingmo looked at Vittorio and squinted his eyes.

Vittorio immediately understood what Xiao Ling Mo meant, and nodded with a smile. The little Chinese girl really couldn't afford to offend herself, but this time invite them to Naples. Let ’s get on with the business. Ten Xueji Dan will definitely It caused a European storm. No, it should be a global storm. This Guo bad is not simple.

The plane landed, and Guo Gang was taken aback by the outside battle. More than thirty people in black stood neatly. After the plane landed, a group of big men with guns surrounded the plane. Guo Bad could faintly see that a group of snipers on the high floors around him had occupied all the commanding heights. This may be the black hand. The strength of the party in Italy.

"Brother, don't worry about going boldly. If something happens in Naples, Vitorio won't have to confuse me." Vitorio said with a smile. If he put it a few years ago, he wouldn't dare to say that. At that time, Naples had The power of the mafia and the mafia is mainly in Milan, but now Naples, like Milan, covers the sky with one hand.

Guo smiled and stepped off the plane, Vittorio followed, and got off the plane. Two bulletproof enhanced Aston Martins brought several people to a huge manor house.

"Bad brother, the place where their foreigners live is really big. Look at our home. Although there are a lot of yards, but we have a lot of people, after returning to China, should we also rebuild a big yard." Xiao Ling Mo whispered Said.

"Okay, but you have to go back to Wucheng Lane. The land of the imperial capital is too expensive, and good places are occupied." Guo said with a smile. The imperial capital is indeed a good place. You ca n’t drive them away in a place like that, but unlike Wucheng, when you set up a matrix at that time, you can also gather the aura into your home. Although Vittorio ’s manor is not small, but when it comes to the cultivation environment, only Can be described in one word, poor.

"My dad is in Naples." Vittorio asked a middle-aged man beside him.

"The boss has arrived in Naples, but he hasn't come to the manor yet. The boss said, you call him after you arrive at the manor. In addition, you asked us to take a rest in the guest room. Should we call him now?" Zhong The man said with a smile.

"I called my dad, and you took two distinguished guests to the living room No.1, and then invited that Chinese friend to the living room No.1. If they have any needs, just do as Mr. Guo Bad said. After that, Vittorio nodded badly to Guo, picked up his cell phone and called his own son. Guo Bad and Xiao Lingmo followed the middle-aged man toward the living room.

"Abu, you have already come to the manor. I am drinking tea with a few old friends now. I will arrange a meeting with them tomorrow morning. The auction will start the day after tomorrow. Then six of the ten Xueji Dan will be handed over to Julio. Show all the details of the auction to the Huaxia people. Whatever he likes, you go directly to Julio and give him whatever you want. "Old Vittorio, the Italian mafia godfather, said to the phone Abu is the nickname of Vittorio, and only his own father dares to call him that.

"Dad, don't worry, I understand what to do. Let's have a meal tomorrow morning. The Chinese who came here this time is called Guo Bad, and he was cured." Vittorio said with a smile, and his father also smiled. stand up.

Guo Gang and Xiao Lingmo walked into the room and saw Mo Beifeng, who was in a good spirit, and Mo Beifeng suddenly stopped. "You, how did you find here? Are you also arrested by them?" Mo Beifeng shouted.

"Mr. Mo, we already told you yesterday that you are a guest invited by our young master, and these two are also our young master's guest." The middle-aged man said with a smile, "Our young master will come right away, and you talk first. After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man went out.

"Brother Mo, originally we were going to come to you by ourselves, but when we met Mr. Vittorio, we came with the plane. This auction has a lot of relationship with the Ivan family. I want to follow them, we It's better to participate in the auction. "Guo bad smiled.

"Brother, what is your relationship with Vittorio? This person is from Italy." Mo Beifeng said with a thumbs up.

"It's okay. I have a good relationship with him. You can make a phone call with an Italian partner to save your business." Guo said with a smile. Mo Beifeng dialed a business on the Naples side and did a good job Boss Cyril's phone surprised Mo Beifeng on the phone.

"Mr. Mo, find out if you know Mr. Vittorio. How can we spend so much effort to get tickets for the auction, I have already given you the $ 5 million card Now, you are a friend of Mr. Vittorio. I dare not collect your money. "Cyril said respectfully over the phone. Before Mo Beifeng responded, Vittorio came in from the outside.

"Oh, you are the brother Mo that Guo bad said. I ’m glad to meet you. I ’m Vittorio. When I was on the plane, I did n’t tell you clearly and made Mo Ge suffer. Tonight I gave You arrange some shows, let's have fun. "Vittorio said with a smile.

Mo Beifeng was taken aback again. In front of this Vittorio, he heard many people say that when he was doing business in Italy, what it looks like now, when this Vittorio was in Milan, I do n’t know how heavy How many people are in the sea, now chatting with a smile on their own.

"Mr. Vittorio, it's just a misunderstanding. When you come to Italy this time, you have to rely on you for some things." Mo Beifeng said with a smile.

Vittorio nodded with a smile. The lunch was very rich. After lunch, Guo Gang and Xiao Lingmo were arranged to rest in a manor house and its luxurious place. Mo Beifeng followed Vittorio to meet him. Several Italian businessmen, in the eyes of Vittorio, the breakthrough point for a good relationship with Guo is Mo Beifeng. Italian merchants who did not have Mo Beifeng at all gave out olive branches to Mo Beifeng. Can't help but let Mo Beifeng feel that foreign countries are just as good as domestic ones.

"Bad brother, to be honest, there are good things in foreign countries. Look at those things you found in the Las Vegas collection room last time. There are no valuable things at all. I think we also have this auction in Italy. It is difficult to get anything, "Xiao Ling Mo said with a pout.

Guo Bad shook his head lightly, and in his hand there was an extra dark yin and yang mirror that saved his life on the platform. This time he was able to find such a thing in Italy. This time it was a worthwhile trip.

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