Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 433: Black Market Auction (10)

Xiao Lingmo's words not only made Mu Ningning's face blush, but Guo Bad's face also turned slightly red. Xiao Ling Mo even saw Ni Duan. He originally just talked casually, but didn't expect to really let himself tell. Yes, because Guo Bad's skin is so thick, he rarely sees his blush, but this time he turned blush. ?

"Keekeke, when I said nothing, I will not practice in your room until the evening. Whatever you want to do, anyway, sister Mu is a Chinese, so sister Yuer can't say anything." After that, he started to sweep the food on the table.

Mu Ningning is not walking now, neither is he not walking. He looks at Guo Gang with a trace of care, and Guo Bad laughs. At this time, Vitorio came in, and Guo Bad directly gave Mu Ningning to Vittorio introduced, Vittorio also looked at Guo Gang with a deep face, the meaning is very clear, my brother understands you.

"Where's Brother Mo, haven't won glory for the country yet?" Guo Gang quickly shifted the topic and asked with a smile. At this time, Mo Beifeng came in from outside, and Guo Bad looked at Mo Beifeng with a smirk. Beifeng trembled with a smile, and sat down honestly. At this time, the auction in the afternoon continued. Alice stood on the stage, a calligraphy and painting was opened, and a few Chinese people came to the stage.

"You, this painting has a base price of five million dollars, and the price increase is not less than 50,000 each time. Friends who like it can bargain." Alice said with a smile.

"Bring this painting back to Huaxia, you must take it back. This painting is the real Qingming Shanghe map, and the Huaxia Museum is undoubtedly a fake." An old man came down from the stage with his eyes and said, "This picture It really reflects the prosperity of the Northern Song Dynasty. "

Guo Bad heard the words of the old man and shook his head. He was not born in that dynasty. How could he say that it was the prosperous age of the Northern Song Dynasty? Zhang Zerui at that time drew a picture of the Qingming Shanghe River. The economy of the Northern Song Dynasty had turned from prosperity to decline. It ’s starting to get worse, but Guo Gang is not ready to talk to the old man, and the theory is not clear. He ca n’t always tell the old man that he did n’t ascend to heaven at that time. Is it you or I know?

"Twenty-three million." A group of Chinese businessmen gathered together, and a leader said loudly. They started out at the Qingming River, and they had a name called Overseas Chinese Group together.

"Ah, Chinese businessmen are not easy, especially patriotic businessmen. I saw a lot of Chinese things in the collection room of the Las Vegas Casino last time. Something came out. "Guo bad secretly thought that it was also less than a year ago, a large number of stolen collections appeared in Europe and the United States, and later these collections appeared in a private museum in Huaxia, shocking Europe and the United States.

"45 million, raised the price, this group of Chinese people have money." A European said to a small walkie-talkie, and then a middle-aged person not far away shouted 45 million High price.

Guo Bad naturally heard what the Europeans said, and his eyes narrowed, bullying us Chinese people. Guo bad thought about shouting 80 million US dollars, the audience was exclaimed, the Europeans did not feel very much about Huaxia's collection Interest, such prices have made them feel too high.

"US $ 120 million, and Vittorio's box is also Chinese. Haha, I knew that this thing would set off a Chinese storm." The European said softly to the intercom, and the expression on his face could hardly hide his excitement.

"Don't bargain anymore. People in the Levan family in Europe deliberately raise the price and leave them alone. They will go to the river in the clear and come back to Huaxia sooner or later." As the leader of the Huaxia businessman prepared to continue to bargain, The voice sounded in his ear. The middle-aged man looked up and looked around, and immediately understood what was going on. There will be a Chinese master at this auction. He nodded with excitement and sat in the position. Then I said something to a few people around me.

"120 million, Mr. Simmons 120 million, this has refreshed the highest price of Huaxia calligraphy and painting in Italy, there is no interest in this calligraphy and painting, if not, this Qingming Shanghe map is Simmons Sir, "Alice said with a smile.

Lewansky swelled his research, 120 million, and the two Chinese people did not even bargain. This, how is this possible? This is not in line with the style of Chinese people, 120 million, which has not reached at all. Why the Chinese people's bottom line is not squeaking.

"Bad brother, don't you want this clear and clear picture of the river? This picture is the real thing, the one in your Huaxia Museum is a fake." Vittorio said with a smile. Just now Guo bad bargained 80 million, he thought Guo The bad will insist on winning, but this time Guo bad is holding a wine glass and drinking fine wine, he looks completely indifferent.

"It is the real thing. No doubt, since Europeans like Chinese calligraphy and painting so much, I am naturally happy to see such a situation, but it is just a painting. It may not be possible to return to Huaxia suddenly one day. Why should we fight for the moment? And Guo said with a grin, and Vittorio nodded with a smile, as if Guo Bad had a point.

"Huaxia people, 120 thousand. Did you give up this Huaxia famous painting because of 120 million?" Lewansky saw two groups of Huaxia people not responding, couldn't help but stand up and faced not far away. The Chinese camp said loudly.

"Mr. Lewan, is this painting yours? If you like it, you can take it. We are just following along, 120 million. It is 700 million to exchange Hua Xia currency. We are not that. Mr. Silly x shouted such a high price. "Some of the Chinese businessmen recognized Lewansky, stood up and said with a smile.

Lewansky squatted on the seat, but this time he really lifted a stone and smashed his own feet. 120 million. The 10% commission is 12 million US dollars, which is directly contributed to Ivan. The auction is up.

"Haha, bad brother, I know what's going on, haha, I didn't expect you and a few Chinese people to let the old fox old Laiwan suffer, Haha, this old fox, I remember it, this picture is him Bring it, the person who just bargained should be his. "Vittorio also saw what happened to Levansky and the Huaxia just now and couldn't help laughing.

"Brother, you can't talk about this matter. If Mr. Lewansky digs the pits himself, then this time he counts it, it has nothing to do with me." Guo Bad said with a smile, Xiao Lingmo She narrowed her eyes, because she heard Guo Guo's voice just now and naturally knew what had happened.

"120 million, it's Mr. Simmons on the clear river." Alice's voice dropped, and Lewansky's heart seemed to be knocked with a hammer. A group of Chinese businessmen laughed, and the old man who took the lead still looked at Four weeks later, his eyes finally fell on Vittorio's box. Guo Yao, the owner of the Medical Museum, knew him. Although there was no friendship, the name of the Medical Museum was very loud in Huaxia. He had heard of it.

"It should be the letter from the owner of the Guo Bad Guo Museum, it should be him." The old man said softly, and the others nodded one after another, because Huaxia is so godlike to the bad biography of Guo, it is no wonder that there is such a means, of course, Guo Bad naturally did not know that these people had guessed that it was Lewansky that he had overcast just now.

"Eleven million, congratulations Mr. Li, this pair of porcelain bottles belongs to you." Because of what just happened, the overseas Chinese people have won a few Chinese antiques for less than their heart price, which they did not expect Of course, the reason that brought all this was the Qingming Shanghetu incident just now. No one dared to use the same method to raise the auction price. They only appeared at this time. It turned out that the Huaxia people were not as "plain" as before. That's a lie.

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