Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 435: Black Market Auction (12)

To be precise, Alyssa's words have kept the global financial system busy. Some large transfers that are not met once a year frequently appear in the boxes of the bank's VIP business. A group of bankers who have left work at four o'clock must not Do not return to the bank from the bar. [[Bayi? {

"Mr. Liszt, you are sure to transfer 300 million U.S. dollars. This may affect your future credibility." A uniformed financial commissioner whispered to a middle-aged man.

"Can't control so much. If Duke William doesn't use the money, it is estimated that I will be credited to my card within three to five days. Let me handle the transfer first. Be sure to transfer the money today." United States In Citibank's box, the Liszt class VIP transferred $ 300 million to Duke William.

"Yamamoto Goichi is also in Italy. Saijo Takeo said that this matter is very feasible. Turn the money over to him. At all costs, we must take a Xuejidan. Our people can definitely study the formula of Xuejidan. At the time, Xuejidan ’s market can also be divided into a beautiful market. ”After a group of big brothers from Yamaguchi Group of Japan finally discussed it, they hit US $ 1.5 billion on Saito's bank card.

"Master, why did you finally give up the elixir just now." When Alexander the price of Xueji Dan mentioned one billion US dollars, Raphael wanted to continue to increase the price and was stopped by the bishop.

"The Iwan family got more than one Xuejidan this time. I have known it since entering the auction. There is no need to fight for the first Xuejidan. There will surely be an Xuejidan auction tomorrow. The next day we will get one. After the bishop said, the two left the auction, and things became more and more interesting.

Alexander billion photographed Xuejidan. Under the protection of several bodyguards, he took Xuejidan directly. After about ten minutes, a group of people saw Alexander again, and everyone realized the magic of Xuejidan again. Wan Auction also made him famous for the existence of Xueji Dan.

"Brother Guo Bad, one billion US dollars has been given to your bank card. You will be exempted from handling fees for all the auctions in the Ivan auction." Vittorio led the four of Guo Bad out of the auction and sat down. An extended Rolls-Royce said in the car that Vittorio smiled. Guo nodded badly, and the car drove into an old castle not far from the auction.

"Let's take a break first. When dinner comes, I will let you call you. There will be a grand party tonight. I think Brother Mo will like it better. Miss Ling Mo, don't stare at me like this. In fact, according to your Huaxia In human terms, there is nothing wrong with food and sex, isn't it, Brother Guo bad? "Vittorio's voice didn't fall, only feeling that someone seemed to have caught a piece of soft meat around his waist. It seemed that Xiao Ling Mo was the first name of the power martial arts association, and he knew that the words just made the little girl angry.

"Okay, little girl, let's go in and rest, Brother Vittorio, I saw you at dinner." Guo Bad waved his hand, Vittorio felt a soft whisper around his waist, and ran away. Already.

"Well, big bad guy, I ca n’t let bad brothers come abroad. Fortunately, sister Yuer has a foresight to show me something, or something will definitely happen." Xiao Ling Mo pouted her mouth and said, "I will not practice in your house today. Sister Mu is here. You can accompany Sister Mu at night and you ca n’t go to that **** party. ”Xiao Lingmo finished and walked into a room, leaving Mu Ningning with a flushed face and a broken face. Laughing Mo Beifeng.

"Brother, accompanied by a beauty such as Ningning, let me do the work of prestige." Mo Beifeng had not finished his words, and saw Guo's bad eyes squinting at himself, running away. Already.

Guo Bad watched the two leave, Mu Ningning flushed. When they were in Taiyun, they almost became a good couple. Guo Bad ’s days as an ascetic monk during his time abroad made him already fed up. Now, between the hands, a large array of segregation was clothed around the room.

"Sister Mu, since everyone has created such perfect conditions for us, if we don't do something out, I'm so sorry for everyone!" The voice dropped, Guo bad figure flashed, and Mu Ningning was already lying on Simmons' bed And then the spring is infinite.

"Huh, stallion!" Xiao Ling Mo pouted his mouth in the room next to him, and Vittorio did not unknowingly call Guo Bad to eat, until the next morning, Guo Bad and Mu Ningning appeared again in several days. In front of him, Vittorio looked at the two with a smile, Mu Ningning's face was reddish, and Guo badly introduced Mu Ningning.

"She is my woman, Brother Vittorio. She may come to Italy in the future. If you can help, please help, haha." Guo said with a grin, and Vittorio was naturally cheerful. Promised, several people drove together to the ancient castle at the Ivan auction.

Entering the auction venue again, the eyes of a group of people watching Vittorio have changed. Many people can clearly see that they have not rested at night and their eyes are bloodshot, but this does not affect their spirit status.

"Mr. Vittorio, let's be honest, just how much Xuejidan is left, give us a count, but we are ready." Several elderly people who did not grab Xuejidan yesterday said to Vitorio with a smile. When they heard that Xuejidan could increase their life span, they could no longer control their emotions.

"There are four more. I originally planned to finish auctioning two today and two tomorrow, but since everyone is so excited, let's give all four today." Vittorio said with a smile.

"Four, there are actually four!" A group of people watched Vitorio enter the box and returned to their seats excitedly.

"Brother, ten Xuejidan, we auctioned six, and the remaining four Iwan families will give you the money at the highest price of the auction. In the future, if there is any good thing, my brother thinks about the Iwan family." Wei Torio said with a smile, Guo Bad nodded slightly, but it was Xuejidan, something made from medicinal residue, so excited.

However, at the beginning of the auction, Guo Gang didn't know how popular these medicine residues were.

"I wanted to put Xueji Dan at the last auction. Later, I thought that in order not to adjust everyone's appetite, we will use Xueji Dan as the first lot to be auctioned today. The first Xueji Dan has a base price of 100 million U.S. dollars, and each time the price increase is essential At one million, you want to hurry up, you should hear Mr. Vittorio, there are only four. "Alice said with a smile.

"US $ 500 million, I'll pay US $ 500 million." The voice faded here, a beard said loudly.

"One billion US dollars, I must win one of these four Sekkisei." A middle-aged man in the Middle East said with a smile. Guo Bad could not help but widen his eyes. Is this still an auction, two The second outcry directly called out the one billion dollar thing for one billion dollars.

"Mohammed, I can't win this Xuejidan with one billion dollars today, because I want it too, 1.2 billion, I have 1.2 billion." An old man sitting in the first row said softly.

"1.5 billion, Jinzhu Chamber of Commerce 1.5 billion." Jin Changlie exclaimed.

1.5 billion, which is a full 500 million US dollars higher than yesterday's Xueji Dan. A few people who are robbing Zhenghuan looked at each other. 1.5 billion has almost reached their bottom line, and no one wants to continue to increase prices.

"1.6 billion, this elixir is required by the Holy See." Raphael's voice came out of the box. Jin Changlie shook his head gently and sat in the chair. He knew exactly what the Holy See meant.

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