Urban Banished Immortal

: Ascend the island

The plane had taken off, and there was a vast ocean below. The discomfort had not disappeared. Guo Wei repeatedly divined, but he could not find any source of danger, making Guo Wei extremely uncomfortable. Bayizhong O} M]

"Girl, I feel something is wrong. If there is something abnormal with the plane, jump off immediately. I think it should not be a problem for you to live at sea for a year and a half with your current strength. You may hold these things and use them. "" Said Guo bad and handed a jade bottle to Xiao Lingmo.

"What can happen? Before we got on the plane, we also checked the plane. There were no bombs, and the pilots were all Chinese. We are rooted in Miao Hong." Although Xiao Ling Mo said so, he took it. The jade bottle handed to Guo Bad.

"Brother Mo, hold these things. If something happens, find a way to protect yourself." Guo Bad then handed a jade bottle to Mo Beifeng. Compared with Xiao Ling Mo, Guo Bad was even more worried about this. Man, late in nature, it's pretty bullish, but if the plane really does happen, it would be a miracle that Mo Beifeng can sustain it for a week on this sea.

A little bit of time passed, the kind of discomfort in Guo Gang's heart became more and more obvious, but how can it be calculated that nothing should happen, just when Guo Gang was out of control, the plane moved slightly. Although it is not too obvious, Guo Bad has realized what is going to happen.

"Xiao Lingmo, Brother Mo, jump off." Guo Bad finished, Xiao Ling Mo jumped down with a parachute, the two plane pilots hadn't responded yet, Guo Bad had already jumped Going down, although Mo Beifeng was also ready, but the plane was nothing, the two had already jumped down.

"No matter, listen to my brother's words must be wrong." Mo Beifeng said secretly, jumping straight from the plane.

"Viagra, what happened next, Mo Beifeng all three of them really jumped off." The co-pilot asked softly to the main driver. "Mr. Mo just said that he just parachute if there is anything. Should we just wait or parachute now?"

"Don't you jump when you say something? Now there's nothing, what do you do when parachuting." The main pilot, Wang Wei, shook his head and said, but his voice didn't fall. The entire plane disappeared into the air. Under the circumstances, the whole of China was chaotic.

"Mr. Vittorio, I'm Guo Yuan's second brother Jia Yuan. Are you sure my fourth brother and Xiao Lingmo got on the plane?" Jia Yuan got to Vittorio's phone through some special channels and whispered to the phone. Asked.

"I'm sure they got on the plane. The crew checked the plane before getting on the plane. It took off without any problems. Mr. Jia, you are the third person who called me to ask about this. What happened to the plane? Guo The bad brother couldn't get through to the phone, is there something wrong? "Asked Vittorio in a loss.

"It's nothing, I just asked and disturbed Mr. Vittorio." Jia Yuan finished and hung up the phone.

"No, there must be something wrong with Guo's bad plane." Vittorio hung up the phone, said secretly in his heart, and then dialed the phone himself. After a while, Vittorio's eyes widened, and there was only one word over the phone. Then, today the satellite did detect that three planes in the world had disappeared into the air, and one of them was the plane Guo Guo was flying in.

"Grandpa, rest assured, Guo bad is fine, Xiao Lingmo is fine, I have already divined before, but when they will be back, it depends on their luck." Guo Liu noticed that Guo bad plane disappeared After the news, I went directly to the Infirmary to find Yuer, because Guo Gang said before that if something really happened, she went to Yuer, and only she could save herself.

"It's okay, it's okay." Guo paid attention and said softly. He had just got together with his daughter. If something happened to Guo, the old man would definitely not be able to bear such a blow.

"Notify the Huaxia Navy and go all the way to the surface area where the Pacific aircraft finally appeared. If there are other countries to maliciously block it, they will do it directly in the name of a military exercise." A few soldiers in the Imperial City who got the news of Guo Bad's accident discussed after a while Directly gave the instructions to the Huaxia Navy. For a time, the Huaxia Navy went to sea, leaving many countries wondering what Huaxia was going to do.

"Don't provoke the Huaxia people at this time. They are going to sea to find people. Don't conflict with them and pull back all the fleets." Some fleets in the Pacific Ocean received the same instructions, and honestly gave the Huaxia fleets Give way.

"Oh my god, I really let the bad brother say yes, the plane disappeared out of thin air, but how long will it take to land on the sea? It is really exhausting." Skydiving nearly 10,000 meters, Xiao Lingmo's parachute opened early A bit, now walking in the air, boring, this is really boring.

"The plane disappeared. Fortunately, I heard Guo bad words, but where did Guo bad and Xiao Lingmo go now? This landed on the sea is also a big problem. It seems that this time the trouble is big." Mo Beifeng said softly.

"No phase black hole. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing in the world. Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would enter the black hole and be dead." Guo Bad didn't open the parachute and stepped on the fly with his feet. The sword flew steadily in midair.

"Look if you can find Xiao Lingmo. Skydiving in front of this black hole, affected by the turbulence of the black hole, it is estimated that it is difficult to find the two of them." Guo Bad said secretly in his heart, almost ten minutes in the air. The girl did not see the shadow of Mo Beifeng and Mo Beifeng at all. Guo Gang could only choose to fly towards the sea to see if he could find an island. It was difficult to fly the royal sword out of the Pacific Ocean.

Although the three people parachute at almost the same time, they have been affected by the phaseless black hole, and have been hurried beyond a hundred miles. They cannot find each other at all. Phaseless chaos is a space crack that could not be recovered in the space broken by the battle of the witches in the air. It is not a general martial art. Even if Daluo God strayed into the phaseless black hole by mistake, it would not come out without any chance. .

After flying for nearly half an hour against the sea level, a looming island appeared in Guo Bad's field of vision. Finally, there was a place to stand. Guo Bad rushed to the island.

"Sure enough, it's not an ordinary island. It's so far away from the island, so there is a big obstacle, but fortunately it's not a difficult trick. Let's say hello to the owner of the island, otherwise It's a bit bold. "Guo Bad stopped softly outside the large array.

"Tian Dao Zong Guo Bad passed by your land, hoping to take a break from it, and trouble the Taoist friends to open up the big team." Guo Bad's voice passed directly into the big team. If anyone on the island, he could naturally feel his existence.

For about three minutes, no information was returned on the island. Guo Bad nodded gently. It should be some scattered mansion, but people have already gone to the island, and the island is regarded as a possessionless property.

"Open!" It wasn't difficult to break through the big eyes, Guo bad God entered the eyes, and then whispered an open word. The big eyes opened a gap, and Guo bad jumped in directly.

"I have been instructed to keep the island for thousands of years, but the teacher has not returned. Today, the island seeks teachers. Those who enter the island are the masters of the island.

After going to the island, in the thickest book on the island, such a sentence was neatly written, Tao Yuan, as if there is no such figure in the heavens and earth in his memory, but this island is indeed a good place.

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