Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 444: Gathering at the Medical Museum

"I am back!"

At seven o'clock in the evening, the medical office has been closed, but the door is still open. Yuer sits on the steps in the yard with Xiao Mengmeng, and Guo Bad stands at the door, his eyes first on Guo Xiaomeng. √ Bayi Chinese Network WWWWW ★. ★ 8 く 1 く zW. CoM

"Little mother, this man looks like the picture you showed me, is he a dad?" Xiaomeng said with a pout, "The people behind him are so tall and ugly."

"Kekeke, get out of here, you guys get out of here quickly, Gu Yun, you just happened to be here, and the six of you are here to give you, and you live with them in the ancient house first. I'll get over, get out of it, almost scared My girlfriend is. "Guo Bad shouted out to the six big men behind him, and then he put on a look that he thought was the most handsome and came to Xiao Mengmeng.

"Daddy? Are you my father?" Xiao Mengmeng whispered, looking at Guo Bad in front of her.

"It's only a few days in the hole, it's New Year's Day outside, this is my girl, hey, this is the real value of this trip. Wife Yuer, you've worked hard these days." Guo bad smiled, "Baby girl, Shouting dad. "

"Daddy, I'm going to tell my mother that Dad is back." Then, Xiao Mengbao ran directly towards the house. Originally, Xiao Mengmeng was taller than the children of his age, and he ran very stable, but Guo bad Still reached out and gave the little girl a blessing, so even if she fell down, it didn't hurt.

"Xiao Mengmeng, what are you doing so fast, go, brother will take you to a good place." Xiao Mengmeng just walked through the second door and was stopped by a little boy half taller than her. Watching the little boy widened his eyes.

"Prince III, it looks like you're very comfortable with what you are now, but you quickly let go of my girl, or don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite to you." Guo Bad said loudly to the little boy.

The little boy turned his head to look at Guo Bad, and then with a black line on his face, he let go of Xiao Mengmeng and walked to Guo Bad's side.

"Wine, don't say anything else, I'm all out. You came back, wine. Give me some wine first, but recently I strangled me." The little boy stretched out his hand and said to Guo Bad.

"Cough, cough, the wine must be enough. You must stay with me for the first time, and I'll go and see my daughters-in-law first." After Guo Bad said, he leapt forward and landed directly in the hall.

"Bad brother, you are back. When are we going to play at sea, I haven't played enough with those whales." Xiao Lingmo looked at Guo Bad with a smirk and looked at everyone, the first one I ran to Guo Gang and said with a smile, "Where did you catch the little monkey? Hey, guys, let's talk first. This little monkey will be handed to me for a few days." A little monkey standing on Guo's shoulder.

"Mao Tau, play with the little girl for a while, I have something here, just come over for dinner together at night." Guo Bad smiled at the little monkey, and he didn't struggle, he jumped directly to Xiao Lingmo's On his shoulders, Xiao Lingmo led the little monkey out and saw that the third prince was also there. He directly grabbed the aggressive third prince and walked to the yard to walk the monkey.

Guo Gang walked into the backyard parlor under the watchful eye of a group of people. One room was full of people, but there were no outsiders, all the staff in the medical hall, his aunt Guo Fanyu, Lin Shuang, and his three Yiyi, hearing the news that Guo Bad is coming back, Mo Beifeng who has been in the medical center for a day, Xia Wudi of the Tyrannosaurus Regiment and several other Tyrannosaurus team leaders, Xuanyuan Xiongfeng and Xuanyuan take off. Of course, there are The grandfather of Nangong family.

Guo Bad told them about his experience this year. Naturally, he didn't tell everyone about everything. He just said that after jumping, he swam to an island and lived on the island for more than a year. , Then accidentally found an ancient ship on the island, then drove the ancient ship on the sea, and then met a few waves of pirates, saved six big men and a monkey, and finally contacted Your own grandpa.

However, from the eyes of all people, Guo Gang can see that when he said, a group of people did not even believe in punctuation marks. How could such a good master be trapped on an island for more than a year.

"Don't you look at me like this, okay, you let me say, I said you guys and you do n’t believe me, I think everyone seems to have n’t eaten dinner, so let ’s talk while eating." Guo Bad said with a smile, a group of people started Busy. Guo Bad talked to Lin Shuang for a while, and then Yuer was pulled into the room.

"Big wife, there are so many people outside, I know you miss me, and you can't be so anxious." Guo said with a grin.

"Well, the deceptive effort has not fallen at all. The little monkey has the blood of a six-eared macaque. Don't tell me you don't know. There are six big men who just appeared at the door, all of them are spirit beasts. You can do this year, come back and make such a big movement. "Yuer said softly.

"Hey, my wife is still quick-minded. I was trapped on an island this time, and I learned a lot." Guo said with a smile. "After dinner, I will tell you about this experience, hey, strength. , I'm still not strong enough. "

"Well, go out and toss for so long. There is a big secret on my aunt. I asked my aunt many times. It seems that she is not sure. You should know what happened." Yuer said softly.

"Don't you say I forgot, Shuiyunzi, that narcissus ancestor is on her aunt." Guo Ai said softly, "I've been busy in the last few days. You have to give me a concealment from the fairy. Now. "

"Hidden charms can be given to you, but you have to think about it. If it is Shui Yunzi's real body, where do you go to find a physical body for him, ordinary physical water Yun Zi cannot even look at him." Yuer whispered.

Guo Bad nodded slightly. If Yuer did n’t say it, he forgot it. It looks like he has time to talk to Shui Yunzi. Xiaoye can help you put the real body out, but this physical body You have to solve it yourself.

Dinner started. I did not expect more and more people to go to the medical museum. A few girls rushed from Wucheng to the imperial capital. There were also some old men from the Chinese Medicine Association. Some people from May 31 did not know what tone to listen to. Arrived at the Museum of Medicine, in the end Guo bad had to prepare a few more tables to eat in the ancient home, which can be considered to meet the needs of everyone.

"Gu brother, you recruit someone to take Mr. Lin to the Gu family to rest. There are other people. If you have nowhere to go, go to the Gu family to find a place to live." Guo Bad said with a smile, a group of people drink well today, drunk Several more.

"Bad guy, Xiao Mengmeng is playing with those big men. It's okay." Lin Shuang watched the people almost gone, and whispered to Guo Bad.

Looking at Guo Bad, Xiao Mengmeng was thrown into the air by Hu Da and several other guys and then steadily took it in his hands. The little girl giggled, and Guo Bad's face was a black line. These guys took it She played with her own girl.

Looking at Mao Tau, it seems that the matter of the third prince is now, and he intentionally or unintentionally hid the third prince, but the third prince certainly knew about the hair, and always wanted to hold it.

"Boss, where did you get this monkey? If it is known to Dasheng, it is estimated that it will be knocked to death with a stick." Seeing that everyone had left, the third prince went to Guo Bad and whispered to Guo Bad. .

"We don't care about the things in the sky, they don't care about the things in the world now. Maybe Dasheng will be able to accept this little guy as a disciple, haha."

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