Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 446: Multi-pronged

Busy, yes, from the morning, the hospital is busy without medical treatment. All the people who are not medical are divided into two groups. One group of people is prescribing medicine for the patients who come to the hospital. The other group People followed Guo Bad in the pharmacy. Bayi Chinese √ Network Ww ★ W ★. 8 ★ 1zW. CoM

"I can only do this first." Guo Bad said with a heavy face, "Xiao Mo, this time I will go to Beijiang without taking you. You remember the prescription you assigned today. After a few old men have sobered up, take the prescription Give it to the Chinese Medicine Association and tell them that the medicinal materials must be used well, and it is best to mass-produce. The non-medical halls set up a medicine collection port. All citizens who come to the non-medical halls give them medicines. These medicines have some effects on fighting the plague. "

He Mo didn't say more, nodded gently, and didn't ask Xiao Lingmo to follow it.

"You do n’t have to go back to Wucheng first, stay in the non-medical hall." Guo Ai said to Tang Xi, "Ling Ling, you and your second elder tried to find a way to buy Chinese herbal medicines, and then they were sent directly to the ancient home. Yuer, you classify the Chinese herbal medicine you bought, and then Yuanyuan and Menghui Wucheng set up the production line as soon as possible, mass-produce bottled Chinese medicine, and then free the Chinese medicine to all parts of China. I will pay all the costs. "

"Old fourth, what you said is a bit boring. I do n’t have any expenses. I ’ll go first and go to the company to arrange the latest things. Lingling, you can find a few people who have come to our company, in the south I have a newly-built factory building, ready to put on equipment, and first prepare the Chinese medicine refining base. "Jia Yuan said, and ran out without looking back.

"Old fourth, what do we need?" Li Yao and Wang Sheng stepped forward and asked.

"Three brother, I remember that you used to mix well in the Chinese hacking alliance!" Guo Bad said softly. "Contact your old friends and occupy the homepages of all websites, especially to control the panic caused by external forces. Let's win some time, and don't let anyone panic within China. "

Wang Sheng nodded, then went to Gujia, because Gujia had a good server to use.

"Yao brother, you follow the Dragon King to the Tyrannosaurus Regiment, Niu Meng, you several return to May 31, the task is the same as the third brother, if there are rumors spread, control them directly, the emperor can not mess." Guo bad said softly, several The man nodded and turned away.

"Senior Qiu, Senior Li, you have been caught up in this rare event for ten thousand years. Follow me and go to Beijiang. The only way to earn merit is to see that you are acquaintances, otherwise I wo n’t take you there. What about it? "Guo said with a grin, the black lines on the faces of the two old men.

If you can handle the plague, the merits are definitely great, but you also said that this is a disaster that will never happen in a thousand years, so how can you just handle it casually. However, the two old men still nodded. They were rescued from the gourds by Guo Gang. This time, regardless of whether or not the plague was dealt with, they were regarded as bad human beings.

"Aunt, you're going to northern Xinjiang with me." Guo badly glanced at Guo Fanyu, without any explanation, Guo Fanyu nodded.

"Chen Jiadi, Cao Qiankun, Xiao Qian, Su Tu, Yao Shi, Xiaoxiao, some of you are going to Northern Xinjiang with me. This is not a reluctance, as I said just now, in Northern Xinjiang, if you guys Infected with the plague, I have no 100% certainty to help you get it. "Guo Bad said softly.

Six people took a step forward and stood behind Guo Bad. Even Su Tu, who had always been giggling, was serious. Then Guo Gang asked the six students to pack things and went into the pharmacy again. The biggest thing to deal with the plague on earth is to use things on earth. The refined elixir on his body should not say that there is a plague in front of him. What a big effect, Guo bad thought about things 10,000 years ago and shook his head uncontrollably.

"I can't panic. I have to be confident. It's not my own business now, and the heavenly courts will not send heavenly doctors to the world like 10,000 years ago. I just hope that the plague is not as powerful as the last time." Guo Bad He whispered to himself, then took away 36 Chinese medicines, fried a bowl of Chinese medicines himself, and then divided into six portions and poured them into the jade bottle.

Neither Guo bad appeared for lunch or dinner. After Lin Changtian sobered up with five people, he rushed back to Wucheng with Guo bad's prescription. The five people were then divided into five groups, each of which took several people towards the Huaxia five. Branches of the Chinese Medicine Association of each metropolis rushed.

"You guys watch the news today. The northern Xinjiang is true. The northern Xinjiang is plagued. Now the entire northern Xinjiang is banned and not allowed in or out." In a teahouse in the Imperial City, several Chinese Young people are chatting as usual.

"I saw the report. Our Emperor's Medical Museum sent someone to North Xinjiang this morning. I believe that there is Guo Shenyi, and the plague will be resolved soon." Another middle-aged man said with a smile.

"If it is really a great plague, this thing is really hard to say. I remember several plagues recorded in the Huaxia history books, which all caused huge losses, and it was finally solved after several years or even ten years. Guo Guanzhu ’s medical skills are really brilliant, but he is too young to fight the plague. ”Another middle-aged man shook his head helplessly and received it.

"Look at it, Yuan International and Wucheng's Menghui Wucheng have made a big move. I remember that Yuan Yuan's boss Jia Yuan had a bad relationship with Guo Baduoguan, like the female chairman of Menghui Wucheng. I also know Guo bad. "The middle-aged man who just spoke saw the source news and Menghui Wucheng launching a news conference at the same time when they read the mobile news.

"Everyone should have read the report. As a member of Huaxia, we Yuanyuan is going to take out 50 billion Huaxia coins to set up a Chinese medicine company on our new site to produce drugs to fight the plague. The general association will give the Chinese medicine produced to citizens across the country as soon as possible. "Jia Yuan whispered into the microphone.

"Mr. Jia, I don't know who provided the prescription for the anti-plague drug you are going to produce. Are you sure that Chinese medicine can resist the plague?" A female reporter asked softly from the stage.

"The prescription was researched by the owner of the Emperor's Medical Museum, Guo Baduan, who said before going to northern Xinjiang that this kind of Chinese medicine cannot guarantee 100% resistance to the plague, but at least it will allow us to improve disease resistance and reduce the risk of infection. Jia Yuan said softly.

"Here, Yuan International has arrived this time. It was really unexpected. The last time Yuan International reorganized, Jia Yuan's pot of platinum was even more powerful this time. I had to find someone to go to Yuan International to place an order. A batch of medicines could not be seized. "After finishing a middle-aged man, he got up and left.

"Lao Zhang, don't go." The middle-aged man holding the mobile phone said softly, his eyes full of admiration.

"What's wrong? Is Yuanyuan International's Chinese medicine already booked?" Zhang asked with disappointment. The middle-aged man stopped talking, turned the phone's voice to the maximum, and became quiet in a tea house.

"The newly-established company is called the Great Doctor Company. This time, all the Chinese medicines are free of charge. Yes, all of them are free. Not only the current medicines, all of our medicines will be given free of charge before our Great Medical Company's epidemic situation is not under control. Huaxia brothers and sisters across the country use it. "Jia Yuan stood up and said loudly, there was thunderous applause from the audience, and even a few female reporters had shed tears.

"Great Healer, Healer of the Kingdom!"

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