Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 449: Terrible is the human heart

Guo's bad words were like a shot of a heart-strengthening agent, which made Xu and his son's faces look excited. August 1st ★ WenWWWWWW. √8 く 1z く W. CoM

"Doctor, what do you need us to do? Although you say, we will fully cooperate with you, no matter whether we can cure us in the end." Xu Gang said excitedly.

Guo Bad nodded gently, let Xu Gang and Xu Bao begin to communicate with the people in the entire hall, keep them in order, come to one by one, and heard Xu Gang's words, a group has been tortured by the plague for several days, sitting The people who waited for death seemed to have caught the last life-saving straw, and they formed a long line honestly.

"Doctor, I know that I have contracted the plague. I have n’t done any good things in my life, but I have n’t done any bad things. It does n’t matter if you can save me. Trouble you must cure my son, he is only a teenager. His life has just begun. "A middle-aged man looked at Guo Bad with tears in his face and said that the young man around him was better than him and could comfort his father.

Guo Bad nodded slightly. The man in front of him was indeed not a man of great evil, but as he himself said, he was not a very good person. They had their selfishness, but they faced death. At that time, they can still show their selflessness, which may be the power of blood.

"I know people who have been to the medical team two times. They have not been able to resolve the plague. They are now infected with the plague like you. Although you line up, you do not believe that I can heal you." Guo Bad Whispered.

The people in the queue nodded. Indeed, they were the first gathering place for disease and epidemic personnel at the entrance of the No. 1 quarantine zone. The first few waves of medical teams that came before were to contact them. In this case, being able to arrange your own team is nothing more than giving yourself a little hope.

"I am a doctor. This is the first time I have faced such a plague. I have no way to guarantee the cure of all of you, or even the cure of any of you, but I am a doctor and I can guarantee to be with you. Now, I hope that if the people in this room die, don't panic, even if the corpse is disposed of to avoid causing the disease variant, I will do my best to help everyone. "Guo Bad's voice is very penetrating The people in the crowd nodded one after another. This young man is different from the doctors who came before.

Guo Gang began to give pulse to everyone, then asked the personnel, and then classified the patients according to the current condition. Unfortunately, all 36 patients were infected, and there was no "fish caught" like the fourth child.

"Dr. Guo, what should we do now?" Xu Gang asked softly as he approached Guo Gang.

"You brought Xu Bao, and the two men over there followed me and took me to our base to get medicine. I don't know if it can alleviate the disease time." Guo Bad said softly, including the two men behind, this For the first week in the first floor of the building, someone walked out of the building for the first time.

"Boss, there was a patient just now, and it was you who asked him to come, now in a separate tent. The wound has been treated for him, but he seems very nervous, you do a good job to look over." Chen Jiadi looked at Guo Come back bad, said softly.

"You all bring masks, and give them four masks from the hospital, and then give them two packs of those Chinese medicines that I packed from the medical center." Guo Bad said to Chen Jiadi, then turned to look With Xu Gang.

"Uncle Xu, you lead them to take away these sets of boiling water tools, there is water in the building, you don't drink cold water anymore, put this pack of medicine in this large container, cook for three hours, and then keep Heat it with a low fire. Starting today, each of you will have a small cup per day. If you have any questions, please contact me with a walkie-talkie. "Guo Bad said, and threw the walkie-talkie to Xu Gang.

Xu Gang took the walkie-talkie and returned to the station with three people carrying things, but the situation was much worse than before.

"Dr. Xiao Guo, I don't know how the people upstairs got the news from the medical team. Now there are almost two hundred people on the first floor. They gave you away everything you gave." Xu Gang said loudly to the walkie-talkie, walkie-talkie There was noisy collusion, Guo Bad frowned.

"Little, record the time and symptoms of the fourth child's illness, Qiankun and Jiadi, you two followed me, the others stay here, if someone dares to break through, you don't need to be polite with them." Guo bad helpless Said that the two laser guns were handed over to the Sutou people and told them how to use the laser guns.

"Remember, don't use this thing unless you have to," Guo Bad told again. "Let's go. The plague is not terrible. The terrible thing is the human heart."

"Second Brother, I am the fourth. How are you and Lingling preparing? When will the first batch of finished Chinese medicine be produced? Yes, no matter what method you use, the first batch will give me 100,000. The first time to find a way to send it to northern Xinjiang, whether this plague can be finally controlled, it depends on you. "Guo Bad said with a satellite phone in his hand. There was no signal in the entire Sifang City mobile phone, and Guo Bad could use it. Only this satellite phone.

"Chairman Cai, things are much worse than we thought before." Guo Bad's second phone call was Huaxia No. 1 Cai Tianyang.

Just after the meeting, Cai Tianyang turned over the secretary's phone. After hearing Guo's bad words, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"It does n’t help who you send now. I need you to contact the commander-in-chief of the garrison. The entire people block off northern Xinjiang. If there are not enough people, you can move from the surrounding area. Also, tell the garrison here. Kill the ring, "Guo Bad said loudly, and Cai Tianyang was shocked by Guo Bad's last words.

"Little bad, rest assured, I will coordinate things outside, but how many people are infected in northern Xinjiang, are there any trustworthy?" Cai Tianyang asked softly.

"There are more than 3,000 infected people, and more than 100,000 suspected infected people. If such data are transmitted, you do n’t know more about the consequences. There is one more thing. The current mayor of Beijiang has a problem. You can find a way to solve it." Guo I finished the conversation and hung up.

"Xia Ye, I am Guo Bad. Send Tyrannosaurus to North Xinjiang. There is a problem with the garrison in Northern Xinjiang. I have told Cai Tianyang, but his degree is much worse than that of our Tyrannosaurus." Guo After making the third phone call, he has walked to the entrance of the building again, and can already see the situation inside. People, yes, all people.

"Dr. Guo, leave quickly, this group of people is crazy." Xu Gang saw the three of Guo Bad and shouted loudly, a group of people came towards Guo Bad.

"We don't want to grab them with Xu Gang, but we want to get equal treatment with them. I know you are a doctor, and I beg you to save us." A middle-aged man went to Guo Bad and shouted.

"You don't want to rob, but you have already robbed." Guo Bad said softly, "How many people are there in this building?" Guo Bad looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and asked.

"There are more than 300 people. I don't know how many of them, because every day people die. We don't want to die." The middle-aged man said loudly.

"I don't want to die? Listen to Lao Tzu if you don't want to die." Guo Bad shouted, "Return the things you robbed to Xu Gang, and then all return to your place. There are ten floors in this building. I will be layer by layer today. Go up, as to whether I can survive, I promise. "

"Li Jun, I didn't believe this kid, Tmd. Now I've grabbed the medicine. I'll take the medicine by myself, and I can get out of this Quartet city." The middle-aged man hasn't spoken yet. People holding Guo Gang's medicine to Xu Gang shouted.

With a bang, the slightly fat man replied to the end. A young man hit him hard with a steel pipe, and then reached out to grab the man's medicine bag.

"Uncle Xiang, I'm sorry, this medicine is mine." Before the youth finished, the whole first floor was in chaos again.

"It's terrible!"

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