Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 457: Li Yu delivers medicine

The whole police station is in a bad situation. More than 50 people have been infected with nearly half. The worse news is that Guo bad prescribed a prescription for the police to catch the medicine. However, half of the traditional Chinese medicines failed to meet Guo bad's requirements. Guo Bad could not help but shook his head. Bayi Chinese Website Ww ★ W.く 81zW. CoM

"Go to a few more pharmacies and buy these separately. Also, if there are Chinese medicines provided by major doctors in the pharmacy, you can also buy some by the way." Guo Bad said softly, and a group of policemen ran away from the police station in a police car. Go out.

"Older, due to time and other reasons, only 150,000 free Chinese medicines have been allocated from An'an City, and 1.3 million later can be put in place in the last week." Jia Yuan said softly on the other end of the phone .

"Is the imperial capital or the nearby place another second pharmaceutical company that produces pharmaceuticals for big doctors!" Guo Bad then asked.

"No. 4, Lingling has already told you, yes, when the great doctors started to produce Chinese medicine, there were also two pharmaceutical companies in Didu producing Chinese medicine reagents, because we were busy with the national goods recently, we did n’t pay attention, but Now the two companies have stopped production, and the legal persons of the two companies have also been arrested. "Jia Yuan exclaimed.

"Damn, people who are in trouble in this country should be damned." Guo Bad shouted loudly. "Second brother, call a student named Li Yu from Wucheng Buyikan by phone, and then send someone to their house. Traditional Chinese medicine in mountains and mountains, organize people who know Chinese medicine to collect medicines and send them directly to Li'an. The sooner the better. "

On the afternoon of the same day, six students including Chen Jiadi and Liu Yaoshi arrived in Li'an, and the work of dispensing medicines was directly handed over to them. Guo Bad started to observe the surroundings along the route of Tang Qian. Several people from Tiger University have also arrived. Ann, but now they can't help anything.

"Aunt and Qiu Li and Lao Li didn't follow me. It seems that the rumors are not false. As long as someone continues to be infected with the plague, the source of evil will slowly grow. Maybe when it will break out, it will be troublesome. Guo badly thought to himself that northern Xinjiang is no more than Li'an. In terms of population alone, Li'an's population is more than ten times that of northern Xinjiang. If the plague spreads in Li'an on a large scale, the source of evil may soon be adulthood. At that time, whether Shui Yunzi can block or say two.

"Boss, these varieties of traditional Chinese medicines they did not meet the requirements at all, and these bottles of traditional Chinese medicine, I just tasted one, I am not sure whether it can suppress the plague, but one thing is certain, this medicine is not the boss of Jia Yuan Made it. "Chen Jiadi whispered holding a small blue bottle.

"Hey doctor, go to Tmd too doctor." Guo Bad reached out and shattered the medicine bottle. A group of students shrank their heads. They hadn't seen the boss so angry for a long time, even when they were in northern Xinjiang. The boss did not have such a big temper.

"I have selected the Chinese medicine that can be used. I have contacted my second brother. Recently, there will be fresh herbs collected here. I just teach you how to use fresh medicinal materials. Wait, now, it is useless to worry." Guo Bad He calmed down and said quietly.

"Little bad, what's going on in Li'an city?" Cai Tianyang dialed Guo bad's phone in the evening. Guo bad simply told Cai Tianyang about Li'an's situation. If there is no large-scale infection, resolve Li'an city. Things can be done in about a week or so.

"There are three suspected infected people in Yunhua City. If Tang Qian is telling the truth, all the people who ran out of the northern Xinjiang have been found, but the situation in Yunhua City is more difficult than that of Li'an City." Cai Tianyang's words frowned Guo Bad.

Guo Bad naturally knows what Cai Tianyang means. Yunhua and Li'an are naturally different. A coastal city and an inner 6 city, the biggest problem is that if you follow Tang Qian, the last person cannot reach Yunhua City. There was only one possibility for him to be found in Huashi. After the train stopped, the man traveled through two other urban areas to Yunhua City by other means of transportation, and did not infect other people along the road.

"I know. After the situation in Li'an has stabilized, I will rush to Yunhua City immediately. The government is responsible for eliminating the panic among the citizens. As for the blockade, first temporarily ban Yunhua City." Guo Bad shook his head and said that economic loss aside, a coastal city that is so open and open has a great impact on the Chinese people.

"Huaxia is now the source of the infectious plague. The White House made a decision today to reject all Chinese visas to the United States, temporarily suspend communication with China, knowing that the China plague problem is resolved." At seven o’clock in the evening, the international channel reported the China plague. The United States responded to the incident first, and then a series of more than a dozen international countries also made a chain reaction.

"Stop communicating with Huaxia, then stop it. Wait for Huaxia's affairs to end. At that time, Lao Tzu has a way to make you regret it." Guo Bad said softly while watching the TV, but he couldn't care so much in front of him. Eighty-three people were found to be infected. Four hundred people were suspected to be infected. The most difficult thing for Guo is that there is no available Chinese medicine to control the current situation.

In the early morning of the next day, at the Li'an Central Hospital, Guo Bad sent another 13 infected persons to a branch hospital of the Li'an Municipal Government. There were also 31 suspected infected persons. Cai Tianyang called again. In the past, the three suspected infected persons in Yunhua City have been diagnosed as infected persons. Guo Bad reluctantly shook his head, and the plague was not as simple as he thought.

"Mr. Chuanhe, I think it is an opportunity for us now. Their doctors have been promoting their extensive medical skills throughout the day. But now that the plague is happening, they have nothing to do. We can send a medical team to Huaxia. If the plague can be affected by us, Control, this is the bare face of Huaxia Medicine. "Huaxia is in a mess, and in a medical school in Japan, several elderly people sit cross-legged as if discussing something.

"Miyamoto is right, it's an opportunity for us now, but what if we can't handle the plague this time?" Funawa said quietly.

"If we are not sure about the plague and the Huaxia people haven't solved it, we will challenge Huaxia Chinese medicine while Huaxia is in chaos. Isn't Huaxia a word? While he is dying to kill him, now is the time," Taro Miyamoto said loudly.

"Okay, then take a bet. If you can win Huaxia in Chinese medicine, it will have a lot of significance for our exhibition of Chinese medicine in the future. People in the medical school can choose whatever you want, and you must take advantage of this opportunity to severely suppress Huaxia people. "Fun He Wen Jiu, the dean of the Japanese College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said aloud, Huaxia did not know yet. The Japanese who had suspended any communication with Huaxia sent a medical team of ten to" assistance "the plague of Huaxia. thing.

"Boss, Li Yu is here, a whole three trucks of Chinese medicine, you can rest assured to go to Yunhua, and give it to us here to guarantee that nothing will happen." Just after lunch, Emperor Chen Jiadi said excitedly that the last time Guo Jiao came from Huoyun When Dong came back, I didn't see Li Yu when I went to Wucheng. It's been more than two years since I met Li Yu today.

"Boss, I'm here in time." Li Yu was no longer the shy little boy at Wucheng University School of Medicine.

Looking at the three trucks of Chinese medicine brought by Li Yu, he could smell a scent of medicine from a distance. Guo Bad and his big boy, who was also a friend, held a big bear hug.

"It's up to you!"

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