Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 459: Best doctor

Before Guo Ai and Zhao Mengyu said a few words, they heard the noise of upstairs. A man with a Chinese character face followed a dozen people to the hall. Eight √ one Chinese network W √ www. 81zW. CoM

"Dr. Guo, I finally waited for you to save Yunhua." The Guozi face man grabbed Guo's bad hand and said excitedly.

"Chu Yi?" Guo Bad looked at the man in front of him and asked softly.

"Yes, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Chu Yi. I'm the secretary of the municipal committee of Yunhua City. Let's talk in the room." Chu Yi said, and made a polite gesture. Stepped up the stairs, "Xiaoyu, inform the Health Bureau and the leaders of several bureaus that met yesterday, and let them come to the conference room. Mayor Wen will not have to notify him first."

Zhao Mengyu nodded. The man who looked younger than himself was the bad guy Guo Guo who had been told in the news recently. I actually stopped Guo bad. Thinking about it, Zhao Mengyu's face turned red. , Can not help but a little happy, and then quickly contacted the relevant personnel according to Chu Yi's words.

Guo Huai just sat down in the conference room, and a group of leaders from Yunhua's departments related to the plague came in. Everyone's expression was serious. It seems that the epidemic has caused these people to toss recently.

"This is Dr Guo Guo, the curator of Emperor's Medical Museum. The northern Xinjiang epidemic has been basically resolved with the help of Dr Guo. I received a call from Chairman Cai yesterday, saying that Dr Guo would be here today. I didn't expect it to be so early. Here we are, everyone welcomes Dr. Guo. "Chu Yi exclaimed.

There was applause from the audience. Although Guo Bad was very young, later reports of the northern Xinjiang epidemic were broadcast on the Central News. One of the videos was Guo Bad, so everyone is not too unfamiliar with Guo Bad.

"Speaking of the topic, I want to know the situation in Yunhua City now, I hope you can tell me, I want to be accurate." Guo bad waved his hand and said softly.

Chu Yi nodded, looked at a director of the Health Bureau, and then a middle-aged man stood up, but did not speak, the door of the conference room opened, and Zhao Mengyu stood helplessly at the door.

"Xiao Yu, what's panic, we are in a meeting." Chu Yi said loudly, Zhao Xiao Yu was the granddaughter of his teacher before, passed the examination to the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, and temporarily helped the Municipal Party Committee. Chu Yi took good care of her, but now At this juncture, Chu Yi couldn't help shouting.

"Secretary Chu, the Japanese medical team is out of the door and wants to see you, saying that it was for the epidemic in Yunhua City, how do you arrange it?" Zhao Mengyu said with a bit of grievance, the leaders are in a meeting, and naturally she can't do it herself Claims can only come to ask for reports.

"Since I came to Yunhua to help them and let them in, I want to see what tricks these little devils want to take advantage of this plague in China." Chu Yi said nothing, Guo Bad said quietly, Zhao Mengyu Staring at Guo Bad with wide eyes, then looked at Chu Yi.

"Just do what Dr. Guo said, and let them in." After Chu Yi said, he turned to look at Guo Bad. "We don't know anything about the Japanese beforehand, and Dr. Guo shouldn't be surprised."

"I know that Zhang Bureau just received the letter just now, and I haven't come to tell you yet, let the Japanese come. If it really comes to help, that's fine. I just don't have a helper here, but if it is Those who come to make trouble, then I will not be polite with them. "Guo Gang said squinting his eyes, ten Japanese men, seven men and three women entered the meeting room at this time.

"Is this the way you Chinese people treat guests?" One of the leading Japanese asked loudly while watching a few people on the podium in fluent Chinese, "We hurried from Japan to you to help you You solve the plague problem, and you treat us like this. No one picks up when the ship arrives at the port, and no one manages it when you go to the city committee. If you find someone who knows this, we won't come. "

"If you don't come, you can leave. It seems that you came here with your own bangs," Guo Gang said, squinting his eyes. "If you want to help, just find me a place to sit down. You guys, what are you looking at? Do n’t you understand me? I ’m Guo Gang from the Medical Museum. We are all doctors. This time, we have the same purpose, and we hope we can cooperate to handle the plague. ”

Guo Bad, this boy is Guo Bad. A group of Japanese, regardless of whether they understand Chinese or not, have set their sights on Guo Bad. Guo Bad doesn't know it by himself. His name is very famous in Japanese traditional Chinese medicine. The matter that Dan let the Japanese spend $ 1.8 billion has already spread in the Japanese traditional Chinese medical profession. Today, I saw that I was really as young as rumored.

"Sit down and wait for the Huaxia people to finish their affairs. Let's go and talk to this Guo bad." The leading Japanese sat in a row of chairs at the back and said softly to several others in Japanese.

"Talk about the situation in Yunhua City." Guo Bad whispered to the director of the Health Bureau.

"As of this morning, Yunhua City has identified 56 people infected with the plague, 317 people suspected of being infected, and 1145 people isolated. These people have been separated and isolated, but just received a call from Mayor Wen and his son has contacted the North. People infected with Xinjiang, the specific number of infections is not good now. "Director Pang of the Health Bureau said softly.

Guo nodded badly and set his sights on several Japanese again.

"I have developed a medicine to treat the plague. If you want a formula, I can give it to you. If you have other methods, then you can contact the patients in person and treat them according to your method. But I tell you if You dare to use medicine in a random way, and I ca n’t guarantee that you will be able to leave Huaxia alive. ”Guo Bad said loudly, a group of people including Chu Yi who had been in the officialdom for several years were calmed by Guo Bad ’s momentum, and they also contacted foreigners. Yes, but generally, the attitude towards foreigners is relatively friendly. I did not expect that the owner of Guo Bad, who was not a medical museum, used this attitude to please people.

The faces of several Japanese who can understand Chinese are very ugly. The leading Japanese did not speak, and they set their sights on a pretty Japanese woman in the team.

"I am a doctor of the Cherry Blossom Association. This time we came to China to support China to solve the plague. Now that the owner of the Kuo Guan Museum has dispensed a special medicine, we hope the owner of the Kuo Guan Museum can show us the prescription and we can help. "Said the Japanese woman softly in Chinese.

Guo Bad nodded slightly, cooperated, and cooperated best. If you dare to play tricks, I don't care if you are a woman or a Japanese woman.

Then Guo Ai explained to Chu Yi a few words. Guo Ai walked out of the municipal party committee building. According to Guo Ai's requirements, he set up a temporary office in a place waiting to be opened in Yunhua City, and summoned a lot of Yunhua City. Traditional Chinese medicine has helped here. Although Yunhua is a coastal city, the quality of traditional Chinese medicine in pharmacies is much better than that in Li'an City, which has helped Guo Bad solve many problems.

"Several people are waiting for the plague of Yunhua City. I invite you to have a good meal, but now you still have to work harder. The more Chinese medicine we make, the better the situation of Yunhua will be resolved. "Guo Bad whispered to a group of busy Chinese medicine practitioners.

"Guo, the bad museum owner, you're surprised. We are locals in Yunhua City. You come here to help us all the way. We should thank you, not to mention that you have really made our Chinese medicine face this time. An old Chinese doctor over sixty said loudly, a group of people around nodded.

"Ms. Mina, how feasible is this prescription given by the Chinese to treat the plague?" A Japanese doctor asked softly to the female doctor.

"That Guo bad is a real healer. Aside from the national border, I think he is the best doctor I have ever seen."

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