Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 461: Final preparation

A few students surrounded Guo Bad, looking at Guo Bad's face, all of them didn't speak, watching Guo Bad silently. Bayi Chinese Network www. 81zW. CoM

"Everybody feels it, right? You feel right, you can feel uncomfortable, which shows that your current medical skills are not small." Guo Bad said softly.

Guo Bad rarely praises these students, but now he does not give up to a few people.

"Boss, I don't want to give us a mystery anymore. Just tell us anything. This plague has taught us a lot. We are no longer a student who will only catch medicines in a non-medical museum." Chen Jiadi Station Come out and whisper softly, several other students nodded, and Guo bad smiled with satisfaction.

"The plague variant will appear in the last three days. The epidemic situation in Yunhua City is no longer a threat. It is unknown at which city the plague variant was born, but it is certain that the plague variant will be a disaster in China. "Guo Bad said softly.

A few students looked at each other, and instead of worrying, their eyes were firm, Guo Bad nodded slightly.

"Chen Jiadi, informed the Emperor not to be in the medical museum, leaving Guo Tongyuan to guard the medical museum, and everyone else to gather in Yunhua City within a day."

"Liu Yaoshi, notify Wucheng not to be a medical museum, contact the President of the Chinese Medical Association Lin Changtian to help guard the medical museum, and other people rush to Yunhua City within a day to gather."

"Li Yu, contact my second brother Jia Yuan, and you will contact the Chinese medicine suppliers nationwide. We must make the best preparations before the plague variants appear."

"Su Tu, rushed to Beijiang this afternoon to find my aunt and Lao Qiu and Li Lao. I want to know the things that are happening there the first time."

"Cao Qiankun, contacted the big doctors and the big families of Didu. If you need to produce new drugs, you have to supervise them. I don't want to see any fake drugs appear in the epidemic area."

After Guo Bad finished speaking, he slowly stood up, the source of evil, the plague variant, come on, I am in the world, the world is not poisonous, I do n’t believe that I am an immortal immortal, and I am not sure of a source of evil. Send someone, where does Lao Tzu's face rest.

After several students heard Guo's bad words, they all went out and went their own ways. Mina Yoshikawa looked at Huaxia's busy appearance and nodded toward Guo's bad side. Guo's impression of this Japanese woman was not too bad. A nod was considered a gift.

However, several other Japanese were not so friendly. The leading Japanese even looked at Guo Gang with a sneer. He had already told Japan about the plague on the Imperial Capital side. The Japanese traditional Chinese medicine community was surprised. They did not Thinking of Huaxia being able to solve the plague so easily, but has already made plans for the next step, a huge conspiracy is being planned.

"Tmd Little Japan, if you should make trouble in this section, I don't mind giving you a good lesson." After Guo Bad said, he went straight to the quarantine area of ​​Yunhua City. There are no too many people in it now. Guo Bad gave everyone the pulse, and the plague variant should not be born in Yunhua City.

In the early morning of the next day, Yunhua City received a group of special guests. Two people from the imperial capital and Wucheng gathered in Yunhua City. Chu Yi personally received these people. At that time, Chu Yi only said one word. The doctor is lucky for China.

"Boss, last time you went to Wucheng, I went out to practice medicine. We haven't seen you for two years. I haven't voyeurized for the past two years, and I have been checked by the boss at any time." Individuals nodded afterwards, and Guo Bad waved his hands with satisfaction.

"You are the first group of students who have not been selected by me. I have been very satisfied with your performance in the past two years, and I am proud of you," Guo Bad said loudly.

Guo Bad's words fell, and a group of students around them filled with a pride of their own. They did have pride in their capital. After two years of training, they had already made a name for themselves in traditional Chinese medicine. Even the president of the Chinese Medicine Association, Lin Changtian, spoke highly of these students.

"Today everyone called out to Yunhua City, not to call you to travel or to come together for a small gathering, this time I called you to make a big war, a big war about life and death of China." Guo Bad loudly Said that a group of students who were not in the medical center widened their eyes.

Several people of Chen Jiadi participated in the affairs of northern Xinjiang and Li'an. To some extent, they knew about some plagues. Others only knew about the plagues through news reports. But even a few people in Chen Jiadi did not expect that the important event that Guo Bad said would be related to Huaxia's life and death, and they would become the group of people who would dominate Huaxia's life and death.

"Starting today, all of us are at the base, and I will tell you about the plague. I hope you will listen and ask more, because once the plague explodes on a large scale, each of you will have to stand on your own. I hope each of you People can be like me and can solve all the problems in the epidemic area. "Guo Bad said loudly, all the students nodded.

"Guo Guanzhu, can I follow you while you are giving a lecture?" After dinner, Guo Gang was going to give a lecture to a group of students. Yoshikawa Mina came to Guo Gang and said quietly.

"If you want to listen, you can find a place aside. If you have any questions, you can also raise it. This plague is related to Huaxia's life and death. If you are willing to help Huaxia this time, this relationship will be counted on me. Guo Bad said softly. The medical technique of Mina Yoshikawa was clear.

Mina Yoshikawa nodded slightly. When Guo Gang appeared in front of a group of students, Mina Yoshikawa found a quiet place to sit down.

"The most powerful part of the plague is that it is extremely contagious. It is like the plague in northern Xinjiang, which caused 10,000 people to be infected in a very short time. This variant of the plague will also be extremely infectious, even worse than the original Plague. "Guo Bad said softly.

"It is impossible to completely eliminate the plague at the peak of the plague. There is only one way to reduce the plague infection in the high period of the plague. There is only one way, which is effective isolation. Physical isolation is a good method, but I am now in Teach you another way is to isolate yourself from the plague. "Guo bad taught the new method to a group of students, and everyone, including Mina Yoshikawa, widened his eyes.

"Boss, you're right. Isolate people with suspected infection to form a line of defense. Isn't this possible? This will not speed up the disease of suspected infected people?" Chen Jiadi asked softly.

"Does the owner of the Kuo Guan mean this? Just like some firefighting on the grassland, use fire to draw an encirclement and let healthy people stay inside. This will keep the last hope." Yoshikawa Mina said softly.

Guo nodded badly. This Japanese woman is indeed a genius in traditional Chinese medicine. She just understood a few questions about her just now.

"Yuer, do you know what to do to deal with the plague, you can talk to them." Guo Bad talked for almost an hour. All the people who listened to Guo Bad's lectures were very rewarding. Yuer from the library.

"What you have said is very thorough. If there is another way, I want to tell you about the time." Yuer said softly, "the plague control period is different in its infection power at different time periods You can let patients or suspected patients take medicine at night, and you can get whether the traditional Chinese medicine is effective for the plague, and I won't say much else. "

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