Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 473: Back to the Imperial City

Waking up with Mina Yoshikawa means that the Demon One said in Kiyoda Haranoguchi was also dealt with by Guo Bad, and it also meant that the farce-fighting Japanese traditional Chinese medicine and Huaxia Traditional Chinese medicine fighting doctors ended, Guo Bad led the infirmary. The students ended the fight doctor's provocation by beating their faces. ★ Bayi Chinese ★ Network W√www. 81zW. CoM

"Mayor Chu, you do n’t have to send it. You will cross the border if you send it again. Yunhua City will be out before." Guo Bad joked.

"Guo Guanzhu, you are our benefactor in Yunhua City. After Yunhua stabilizes, I will personally meet with Guo Guanzhu in the capital. I represent all citizens in Yunhua City. Thank you, Guo Guanzhu." Chu Yi said softly. .

Guo Badou nodded. The secretary of the Municipal Committee of Yunhua City was not bad. At least the attitude shown during the plague was satisfying Guo Bad, but Guo Bad didn't plan to have a deep relationship with him. According to Chu Yi's direction, go one step further. The possibility is not small. As long as you keep your heart to do the work for the people, you should have the opportunity to go to the capital or better. According to the ancient times, Cai Tianyang is not a faint monk, but Chu Yi can go between them. Something happened.

"Bad brother, grandpa's phone." An hour out of Yunhua City, Guo Liu's phone call came in. Out of everyone's safety, everyone in the car unanimously demanded that the mobile phone be placed on Yuer. Yu The child had 100% trust in Guo Bad, and passed the phone to Guo Bad.

"Father, I'm driving a car. I have something to say directly. I will be in Wucheng in about three hours, staying in Wucheng for one day, and then returning to the imperial capital." Guo Bad said with a smile.

"Little bad, we are all in the capital. Don't go back to Wucheng. Come back directly. The emperor has something to help you." Guo Liumin's tone was hesitant. Although Guo Bad didn't know anything, but He still promised his grandfather's affairs with a mouthful, and the car drove into Wucheng to let the students in Wucheng not return to the medical center. Then they did not rest in Wucheng and rushed to the imperial capital.

"Boss, let's forget about buying a plane at the medical museum, and we don't know why you don't like to do it." Chen Jiadi said with a smile while sitting behind the car.

Guo Bad didn't explain, Yuer laughed, anyway, he could n’t say that Guo Daxian was afraid that the plane was too close to the headquarters, and he could n’t go to heaven but went to hell, it would be worthless. At the same height, it's okay to take a plane.

The car rushed all the way to the Emperor's Medical Museum. Guo Bad got out of the car and a familiar car was parked not far from the medical museum. Cai Tianyang came. What can be trivial.

Entering the Museum of Medicine, Guo Bad let a group of students go to rest first. After all, tossing this way, even though most of these students are already in the state of the pinnacle of the day after tomorrow, they should be relaxed appropriately.

"Small bad, you can come back. Go to the backyard. Chairman Cai is waiting for you." Li Dafu hurried out when he heard the movement of a car outside. After seeing Guo Bad, Li Dafu greeted Guo Bad quickly Go in.

"Uncle Li, this is the infirmary. I ’m home. You do n’t have to be so polite." Guo Bad looked at Li Dafu and took the luggage in his hand, and said with a smile, there was no luggage at all. In the gourd, later thinking about doing this was a bit different from ordinary people's life, and he spent fifty dollars to get a bag in Yunhua, which made the following group uncomfortable for a long time.

Guo Bad walked into the backyard, and a big pennant printed into his eyes. The five doctors of "National Doctor" should be from the hands of Master Yufeng. What the **** is Cai Tianyang? Guo Bad shook his head and walked into the room. There are quite a few people who come to the house. In addition to Cai Tianyang and his grandfather, there are many people who have known or not.

"Grandpa, I'm back. This time I was so anxious to call me back. What the **** is it?" Guo Bad nodded to Cai Tianyang and walked directly to Guo Liumin's side with a smile and asked, Cai Tianyang is the chairman but not For a while, Guo noticed that it was grandpa. Since it was an old man's phone call, naturally he had to talk to the old man first.

"Tianyang, let's talk to Xiaoyao!" Guo Liuli told his face very furiously. Guoyao turned to Cai Tianyang, Cai Tianyang politely stood up, and the others in the room looked richer.

"Little bad, you have saved the entire Huaxia in this plague. I went to Master Yufeng to ask for these five words, and I think only you in Huaxia can match these five words." Cai Tianyang pointed at the banner Said.

"Thank you Chairman Cai, the resolution of the plague is trivial, let's talk about the business." Guo Bad sat on a chair in the middle of the room and said with a smile. The world is always the same, the fire is burning eyebrows, you still make What does this set do?

After listening to Guo's bad words, Cai Tianyang nodded slightly, then waved his hand to a man in his forties with eyes, and the man hurried over.

"Hi, Mr. Guo Guan, I'm from Huaxia Foreign Matter Research Center. My name is Wang Xinpeng. Let's take a look at the materials we brought from the black hole this time." Wang Xinpeng said softly, and then linked a notebook in his hand. On the projector in the room, a four-dimensional phantom appeared in mid-air.

Black hole, yes, during the martial arts event, Guo bad won the Holy Hole from the Holy See, which was the place where the ascendant immortal Guo Guo said at the time. Some good things are normal. Originally planned to go in and finish the plague.

"A total of 580 people entered the black hole this time. In addition to more than 200 people in the Huaxia power group, there were more than 100 adventurers from all over China, and then we at the Institute of Foreign Matters and Huaxia People from the Academy of Sciences, this project has been started for more than two years, and nothing has happened, but after we last went out of the black hole, I did n’t contact the people in the black hole. Although we can still go in, it seems that the black hole has changed. "Wang Xinpeng said softly.

Guo Bad nodded as he listened. His eyes have not left the four-dimensional virtual image. He probably already knew what happened. It was just that the person in the black hole accidentally touched the formation method or the mechanism inside. The fairy can stay in the world. The mortal mansion is considered to be something on the plane of the earth, but it is not clear whether the mansion will be divided into multiple planes.

"The video is off. I know what's going on. Tomorrow I will go to Heidong with you, old man and aunt will follow, you all go back." Guo Bad directly ordered a guest order.

A group of people looked at Guo Bad and said so. A group of old people who were going to eat food in a non-medical hall also went back to their respective houses, leaving all of them. Guo Liu noticed that Guo Bad appeared again.

"Little bad, if you didn't take me, you can leave this thing alone!" After thinking for a long time, Guo carefully said softly.

"Father, rest assured, I have to take care of this." After speaking, Guo Bad also issued an order to the father.

"No matter how you help Mizuko to flesh, hey, the debt owed must always be repaid!"

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