Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 475: Entering the black hole is not empty

"Dazhu, I have told the aunt that she will be here in three days. At that time, you and you will enter the black hole together. Remember to obey your aunt ’s arrangements after entering the black hole. √ Bayi Chinese ★ www.818W.Com Guo Bad whispered to Xue Dazhu, who nodded, then everyone except Dazhu jumped into the black hole.

Entering the black hole, Guo Gang widened his eyes. Although he spent a lot of time in heaven, he was surprised by the mansion left by this kind of human flying.

"Bad brother, I just looked at the surrounding environment. This mansion has existed for more than 100,000 years. If you count according to this time, it should be left by Wu Xiu, one of the earliest ancestors on earth. Grandma ’s Brilliantly, where we are staying is just the outer mountain of the mansion, I really do n’t know what baby will be inside. ”Xuan Yuanhao went to Guo Bad and said quietly, there were two Qiu Li standing beside him, but Xuan Yuanhao did n’t have anything to hide from.

"The third prince is right. This place is the site left by the earliest ancestors on earth. It can be the earliest ancestors on earth. They have the most benefits. It is not an exaggeration to be able to leave such sites. Think about the merits of our journey to the west at that time. If you compare with the ancestors, it ’s a long way off, but no one knows where these ancestors went. The Celestial Celestial Spectrum ca n’t find their names at all. "Qiu Daoyuan said softly.

"Since it is a site left by the ancestors, those who can come in have a part in it. I feel some interesting things. If I can find these things, there will be no problem with the blood awakening of the little guy." Guo Bad said, his body The little Vulcan Beast was released, and the third prince was surprised when he looked at the Vulcan Beast.

"Zhenjun, I really don't know how many things you have to hide from us. You even have this guy. I knew that the world is so fun, brother and I will follow you with you." Xuanyuan Hao said with a smile, a group of people listening When he was confused, Guo Bad didn't explain much. One figure flew into the woods around him.

"It's cheap and doesn't occupy the bastard. I also go to the forest to see if I can make up a few 100,000 years of wild ginseng." Xuan Yuanhao finished and flew directly to the woods. At this time, a group of people widened their eyes. Although I used to know that this child is not a mortal, I can even guess that he is a reincarnated child prodigy, but the rise just now is not something that people in the realm of the valley period can do.

Qiu Daoyuan and Li Shixin looked at each other. The third prince still took care of them and flew into the woods. Although Qin Fengyu didn't have the age of this group of people, he was already a master of the peak of Chengdan period. He can naturally feel the genius of Tao. The breath of Dibao flew directly into the forest. Although Kong Fei did not have the ability of these people in front, the blood of Dawu was born with the sense of the genius Dibao, and he was not polite and flew into the forest.

"If you don't go, you can toss, but it's the periphery of the mansion. Tongyuan is not greedy. It's not too late to find any good things when you get inside." Guo Tongyuan's approach completely exceeded Guo's bad expectations. Besides, this guy didn't even go for treasure hunting, but the facts prove that when everyone was together, the Taoist Taoist regretted it and regretted it.

"Boy, please slow me down. If you touch the organs here, don't say that I will awaken your blood, even your life can't be saved." After entering the forest, the fire **** beast ran away and ran away, out of genius. Dibao's keen sense, the little guy's effort has disappeared for a while, Guo bad looked at the medicinal materials destroyed by the fire **** beast all the way, could not help but scolded.

"Seven years of sleeping ginseng, 10,000 years of fire ganoderma, grandma's, beast, it's really his mother's beast. If you don't choose such a good thing, why don't you pass it from above." Guo Bad holds half of the ginseng in his hand. And Ganoderma lucidum, passed along the breath of Vulcan beast.

"Lao Qiu, they are all good things. I did n’t need them before. They are a great supplement for us now. At least we can save thousands of years of cultivation. Hurry up and dig. After I go out, let Guo baden the monster. I suddenly remembered With a few good prescriptions, with these things, it is not impossible to rise to the heavens within a thousand years. "Li Shixin said softly while watching a 100,000-year-old whole body of green ginseng.

"Old man Li, let's not go out in the future. This place is good. The time and the outside world should be one day out of 108 days. Reiki does not know how many times better than the outside. It is also a good place." Qiu Daoyuan sighed softly .

"Pick the medicine first, pick the medicine first, and leave the things that you don't want to talk about later." Li Shixin finished, and the two were alive again.

"There are actually four Buddha fruits. The boss said before that this thing can be taken directly. Try it before you say it." Kong Fei's luck was not good. Just a few minutes into the woods, there was a Tong Buddha fruit tree. The greater gain is that there are four Buddhist monks hanging on it. This thing is a good thing even in heaven, think about it. Only when the Buddha reaches the seventh level and understands the true meaning of the Buddha's true meaning can the Buddha pass. The fruit tree, there are not hundreds of Buddhas in the seventh heaven or above of the Xitian Bliss world. This fruit is naturally precious, but he does not want to eat it directly in the stomach because of a word later.

"Comfortable, really comfortable, Chengdan period, haha, I actually entered the Chengdan period, haha." Kong Fei couldn't help laughing, then carefully took off the remaining three Tongfo fruits and put them down Before entering the black hole, Guo Xi gave himself a fake purple gold gourd.

Of course, Xuanyuan Hao, who first entered the woods, is not a small harvest. If he says that the place where he lived is not exaggerated, it must have been exaggerated, but the place where the third prince passed through was all swallowed by the third prince. Take a look at the current third prince, his whole body is surrounded by fairy qi, his face is flushed, and the fear of using 10,000 years of medicinal materials can only be a strong man like the third prince.

"Comfortable, finally broke through the constraints of this world. At least, the little master can enlarge this body." When the 150,000-year-old ginseng in the hands of the third prince fell down, the third prince who was only about a meter suddenly It has grown 70 centimeters tall and looks like a young man.

"Asshole, if there is nothing good, I have to stab your skin this time." For about fifteen minutes, Guo Gang ran to the front of a pond with the Vulcan Beast, and the Vulcan Beast lay there honestly. Eyes widened.

"I'm rich, I'm rich, I didn't expect to find such a good thing in the world. Little guy, let the matter of awakening your bloodline be left to Lao Tzu. One day, no, one hour, Lao Tzu can awaken your blood. Guo badly said excitedly.

There is nothing special about the pond. There is no special place for the water in the pond, but even if a plant growing in the pond is seen by the Chang'e fairy, it will be tempting. Of course, there are dozens of small fishes in the pond with different colors. The tail can be replaced with three or five elixirs with Taishang Laojun. How could Guo Bad not be excited.

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