Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 478: Strange old man

Xuan Yuanhao smiled and nodded. The guy in front of him seemed different from the rumors, but it was right to think about it. Who has experienced the ups and downs like the Taoist Taoist must not change a little. Bayi ★★ 中文 网 W ★ www. 8 ★ 1z√W く. CoM

"Brother Tongyuan, let's choose each one and take things away at that time." Xuanyuan Hao said with a smile, Taoyuan Taoists have turned and walked to the front of a cabinet.

Guo Bad and Guo Huo took a completely different path from them. After entering the cave, they did not stop for a moment.

"Guo Huo carefully stepped back, back, grandma's, seven-star bat, how could there be such a thing, didn't this thing die tens of thousands of years ago?" Guo Bad watched Guo Huo retreat with a hand in his hand The long sword twisted a large bat that was over one meter in diameter and flew into front of him into minced meat.

For almost an hour, all kinds of trap agencies made Guo Gang feel scalp numbness. If it was just a simple formation method, Guo Bad would be quite handy to solve, but the traps of these agencies have accumulated the wisdom of the human race for more than 100,000 years. Let Guo Bad feel a cold sweat every time he breaks a trap.

"Nine-circle eclipse is really the master's handwriting, even if the masters who entered the institution can not retreat." Guo bad and Guo Huo stopped, almost another hour passed, Guo bad saw clearly Knowing the organs at hand, wasn't it the nine-ring eclipse that killed many masters during the fusion period.

"Guo Huo, don't worry, follow me behind you, no matter what happens, don't be surprised, everything is an illusion." Guo Bad said softly to Guo Huo behind him, who nodded.

After the two of them, Guo Bad's big hands were looking for a way to break the organs in the passage. After a while, he was already sweating. Even if he had broken through the nine-ring lunar eclipse organs, he was still tricky for him. Things are quite different compared to what they were then.

"You guys, yes, you can break through the nine ring eclipses of my cloth and leave the little guy behind you, and my husband will let you pass, I can tell you that at the end of the passage there is wealth you can't think of, this little The guy shouldn't have appeared in the world, it is better to follow the old man following you. "After breaking through the nine-circle eclipse, an old man's ghost appeared in front of Guo Gang and Guo Huo, the old man said with a smile.

"The predecessors are just a hint of divine thought. It's not interesting to leave Xiaohuo here. Xiaohuo is better to follow me." Guo Gang said, squinting his eyes.

"The old man gives you a chance you are not sure. Since you don't want to leave this little guy, don't blame the old man for being ruthless." The old man said, a strong coercion fell on Guo Bad and Guo Huo. On his body, Guo's bad face suddenly became gloomy.

"Do you want to stay?" The old man said loudly. "Although the old man is just a hint of thought, it is more than enough to deal with you on the old man's site."

Guo Bad's face was even more ugly. The ancestors of the tribe were really powerful. He even knew my identity as an immortal. After being degraded from the world, Guo Bad had a feeling of being thoroughly seen through for the first time.

"Bad Lord, why don't I stay here, I am now awakened, and you are kind to me. After I awakened, I inherited the heritage of blood in the body. Since ancient times, we should die for the master and follow the old generation. It's not necessarily a good thing. "Guo Huo whispered behind Guo Gang, and the old man's coercion made Guo Huo transform into the form of Vulcan Beast again.

"Stay or stay?" The old man shouted again, the coercion was even better.

"Small fire, remember, you call Laozi bad master, or Laozi bad brother, Lao Tzu is not your master, Lao Tzu treats you as a friend, Lao Tzu has cultivated for ten thousand years, and he has never been abandoned in heaven. For your friends, stay, stay with your sister, I have a physical body, you are just a divine thought, irritating Lao Tzu, even the dead lazy person has abolished your divine thought. "Under pressure, Guo badly got up, Yin Yang The twin jade offerings suddenly lightened a lot, and then a small box was added to the hand, not a shadow raft but what.

"You are a fairy, and you have such a monster in your hand, aren't you afraid of back biting?" The old man's virtual shadow could not help but whispered when he saw the thing in Guo Bad's hand.

"If the senior is not afraid of the maggots in the shadow box, the boy is not afraid, give the senior three breaths and put away your coercion." Guo Bad said loudly.

"Good boy, in these years you are the first person to pass the old man's level without leaving anything, go in, the old guys behind are more difficult to deal with than me, I hope you can go to Tianbaotang, the human thing After all, it belongs to the human race. "After the old man said, the divine thought disappeared directly into the air, Guo Bad gasped, and Guo Huo turned into a human shape again, looking at Guo Bad with a look of excitement.

"Guo Huo, let's go. Since I will let you follow the uncle, he wo n’t let you die if you do n’t die. Give me a straight back. Remember, you are a human being. You are a person now. Death is also a bird-up person. "After Guo Bad said, Guo Huo shuddered. Now it is Guo Bad who asked him to die, and he will act immediately. It may be the case that the person who knows himself will die.

After more than half an hour's journey, they did not encounter any big problems until a transparent stone appeared in front of them, and Guo Gang frowned.

"Feng Longshi, I didn't expect that there would be such a big Fenglong stone here." Guo Bad couldn't help but said that through the stone, Guo Bad could see the road ahead, but if he wanted to pass, he had to take this The block of the dragon stone was removed, yes, it was removed, because Mo said that Guo Bad is now the strength of the Jindan period. Even if he successfully crosses the calamity, he cannot break the block of the dragon stone in front of him.

Guo Huo tried to push the Fengfeng Dragon Stone, but after a while, he shook his head and retreated to the back. No matter how much power he exerted, all the power would disappear into the stone, and the stone would not move.

"Small fire, you look down upon this Fenglong stone. Since you dare to call Fenglong, can ordinary people push it, it must not be hard. Fenglong stone exists here, and there must be an institution." Guo Bad said softly, Guo Huo Nodded.

However, the two looked around Fenglongshi for a long time. The whole Fenglongshi was carefully examined by Guo Bad from beginning to end. Without any clues, Guo Bad couldn't help shaking his head.

"Boy, don't you have a clue? Do you need your husband's help?" Just as Guo Bad and Guo Huo thought about it, an old voice sounded in their ears, and then an old man with white beard appeared on the other side of Feng Longshi.

Guo Bad saw the old man on the other side of Feng Longshi through Feng Longshi. The old man looked at Guo Bad with pride, and Guo Bad showed a smirk at the corner of his mouth, took Guo Huo directly to sit down, and took out his body. Wine gourd, then two more crystal wine glasses in his hand, he and Guo Huo drank a glass.

"The good intentions of the seniors have come to the minds of the younger ones. Let's have a drink and have a rest. We will take this dragon stone thing slowly." Guo said with a smile.

"Hey, the boy's wine is good, isn't it to fill the old man with a glass." The old man on the other side of Feng Longshi suddenly appeared in front of the two, sitting directly beside Guo bad.

"Bad Lord, this senior is not divine. He is a flesh-and-blood person." Guo Huo experienced what was just now. When the old man was sitting next to them, he did not feel the breath of the old man, and stretched out his hands to pinch the old man's arm. Whispered.

"Ahem, don't blame the seniors, my brother has a bad temper." Guo Bad hurriedly grabbed Guo Huo and whispered.

"Drink first, this little guy can come to Feng Longshi, luck is good."

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