Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 486: Dragon Soul Hall

With Suiyunzi's roaring roar, then God forcibly entered the **, ** finally resisted helplessly, completely lost his anger, and then did not know how many days have been asleep, the flesh opened fiercely. He closed his eyes and jumped out of the coffin. Bayi Chinese Network W√www.く 8 ★ 1 ★ zW. ★ C ★ om

"Senior water?" At this time Guo Fanyu also woke up from the shock just now, and asked the middle-aged man with a fairy-tale bone in front of him.

"Haha, Xiao Fanyu, this flesh is good. Although it can't be compared with that of the old man Suiyuan, but this flesh is much better than the ordinary Jinxian flesh, haha." Middle-aged man said As a result, the appearance also turned into Shui Yunzi. Guo Fanyu said a congratulation, Shui Yunzi nodded with a smile.

"Let's go, let's go out and see if we can find the entrance to the Funerary Dragon Valley. If we can go in, we might help Guo Bad." Shui Yunzi said softly, and the two walked out of the room and entered another plane.

In almost seven days, Shui Yunzi broke through a lot of space, but every time he reached outside of Burial Dragon Valley, he could no longer move forward. Shui Yunzi shook his head helplessly and saw a stone monument. Text, then understand what's going on.

"Fun Longgu was laid out by a guy named Ming Ce more than 100,000 years ago. Once it was turned on, it couldn't go in again. The small bad touched the formation. Now we can't get in. Now the formation still exists. Can explain a problem, Xiao bad has no worries about his life now. "Shui Yunzi said softly.

"It's all right, Senior Shui, where shall we go next?" Guo Fanyu asked softly.

"Let's go. I just found Qiu Daoyuan and they found a good place for cultivation. Where can we go first? Then we will find a way to see if we can save Guo Bad from the formation." Shui After Yunzi finished speaking, he tore through the space directly. For almost an hour, they met with Qiu Daoyuan.

Guo Bad has no worries about life, yes, it will really die at half past one, but the situation is much worse than the outside group imagined. Seven days ago, the Fenglong Formation automatically evolved again, and Guo Bad completely lost the confrontation seal. Opportunities for the Dragon Array, now he can only create a self-protection environment in a place where the formation is relatively weak.

"It's a big game, and now it's impossible to find the Dragon's Array and escape from the Dragon's Array." Guo Bad shook his head and said, then his eyes fell on the same plane as the Dragon Warrior. Soul.

"Little friends, these days are hard. Although you have not broken the Kaifeng Dragon Array, but you can do so much for our dragons. I thank the friends on behalf of the million dragon souls of the dragons." An old man looked at Guo with a grin. Said.

"It didn't help anything, but it made this dragon array even more powerful. Thank you boy but couldn't afford it." Guo Bad shook his head and said, the old dragon clan laughed.

"Let's go, since you are also sealed in the formation, it would be better to go to the place where our millions of souls live, and we'd better listen to you and talk about the outside situation." The old man said with a smile, "Old man Ao Lie, you can Call me old and strong. "

Guo nodded badly, thinking that he couldn't get out now, simply followed Ao Lie to the deepest place of the funeral Dragon Valley, where the million dragon souls live, but he could go and see. According to Ao Lie, the dragon soldiers were physically All were destroyed, but Dragon Soul seemed to be lucky to escape.

"Little friend, we have seen everything you did for the Dragons, thank you."

"Brother, thank you. My name is Aomu Mountain. I guess you will spend a lot of time in this funeral Longgu, you can come and play with me when you have time." A young man similar to Guo bad age said with a smile, Guo bad smile Nodded.

"Little friend, the Dragon Soul Hall is in front, let's go!" Ao Lie said with a smile, Guo Bad followed behind to a huge palace.

"This, how is this possible, how can there be such a piece of yin and yang twin jade in the world." Guo Bad looked at the palace in front of him, and could not help shaking his head. The palace made of yang jade, the ground is yin jade, no wonder these souls are more than ten For thousands of years, immortality means that all the twin jade in Tianting are collected together, and there are not so many yin and yang twin jade.

"How are you, Xiaolong Hall, let's make a living, go in and sit." Ao Lie looked at Guo Bad's expression and nodded with satisfaction, saying that Guo Bad is one of the few in the past 100,000 years. Every guest, naturally treat well.

"Get alive? This Dragon Soul Temple is more than the Heavenly Palace Lingxiao Treasure Hall, but then Tianshu records that the tactics were laid out and the million dragons were buried in Dragon Valley directly, but the Dragon Soul Temple was not mentioned." He said softly as he walked.

"At that time, it was indeed a big loss for us to spread a large array. Fortunately, the patriarch of our dragon family took this dragon soul temple at the most critical time and sacrificed the dragon soul temple. This saved my dragon family. Thousands of souls, the patriarch's incarnation of the Dragon Soul Hall, otherwise our souls are long gone. "Ao Lie said softly, with a serious expression, as if yesterday was born more than 100,000 years ago.

"This Dragon Soul Temple is a magic weapon? God, how many yin and yang twin jade collected by the Dragons that year, it was able to come up with such a magic weapon." Guo Bad could not help but said that the two had entered the Dragon Spirit Temple Outstretched.

"My friend, welcome to the Dragon Soul Hall. We will answer your questions slowly, but will you tell us first, what is the situation outside now? Is my dragon family still?" An old man walked on Come and ask with a smile.

"This is our three elder Ao Sen, the two over there are the four elders and the six elders." Ao Lie introduced a dozen people in a room to Guo Bad, and Guo Bad nodded with a smile.

"The Dragons are still in the heavenly court, but there is no longer the glory of that year." Guo Bad thought for a while and said softly, a dozen people in the entire room were silent at once.

"This time I can come here to be regarded as having a relationship with the Dragons. I was fortunate to see the glorious history of the Dragons when I was in charge of Tianshu. After the battle between the Dragons and the Mince, the inheritance of the Dragons should have disappeared, otherwise the Dragons would not "Guo Bad then said softly.

"Where is the Demon Race? Who won the battle of the devil and god?" The four elders asked softly.

"After the war that was more than 100,000 years ago, the Demons were sealed. In the days that followed, there were several counterattacks by the Demons, but in the end they were sealed. Later, the Tribes appeared and co-existed in teaching and counting. Now it is a grand event. Of course, the descendants of the Dragon are now also in heaven. "Guo Bad thought softly for a moment.

Then Guo bad told a group of dragons about the current situation, and even told him these things about being degraded, because he didn't have to worry about these people revealing their hole cards.

"Little friend, have talked for so long, try our specialty here. By the way, we can tell you the question in your heart." Ao Lie walked in from the outside, with an extra jade box in his hand.

"There is no longer any doubt, the Tianshu records are wrong, but the battle between the Demon Clan Ce and the Dragon Clan is really true, I don't know where the Clan Ce is now." Guo Bad said softly.

"Ming Ce died more than 100,000 years ago, ha ha, little friend, taste the taste of this dragon soul fruit." Ao Lie said with a smile, Guo's bad eyes fell on the jade box.

"Lie Ye joked, this Dragon Soul Fruit is a transformation of the Dragon Warrior's soul, and the boy cannot accept it." Guo Bad shook his head and said.

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