Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 490: Soul reunion

With a roar, Guo Bad escaped from the funeral Dragon Valley, and looked back to see that Fenglong's array was closing. He never escaped a soul from it, and it was a miracle to break Kaifeng's array of three breaths. Bayi Chinese√ 网 W ★ www.く 81 く z√W. CoM

"Come out, we've come out, more than 100,000 years, and finally came out." Ao Yuan murmured, Ao Zhi and Ao Yu nodded slightly, then the three walked to the front of their respective bodies, looking forward with anticipation. Looking at Guo bad.

"Mr. Dao, did you see what was going on just now? How did this Terran boy break the Fenglong Formation?" Zhu Tian asked the old man beside him.

"Did not see clearly, he is in the team, we are out of the team, if you want to try to break the team, you must enter the team, but if you ca n’t break the team after entering, I am afraid that you will be trapped inside forever, this guy Not average. "Mo Daozun said softly.

"Haha, come out, there are the spirits of the three dragon fighters, the heavenly lord, can you count what you said a few days ago, take this dragon stone away, I want to see who the three people came out from." Ao Feng Shouted.

"Of course the old man talks, but do n’t go to him now. The three souls of your dragons come out. If you pass now, the power of the dragon's breath on your body will definitely affect their souls. Here you are first. Wait. "Yu Tianzhe said with a big wave of his hand, Ao Feng felt a sense of ease that he hadn't experienced for more than 100,000 years, and then came out of the hole.

"Thank you, Yutian, thank you for being stuck with me for more than 100,000 years, or I will definitely be trapped in Funeral Dragon Valley forever like them, thank you." Ao Feng said softly after coming out, Yutian said with a smile Nodded, this big guy is not stupid, he finally knows his hard work.

A group of people watched the Fenglong array running again, probably because Guo Bad used a flaw to break up the large array, which directly changed the number of the Fenglong array. The Fenglong array was running more powerfully than before. After a lot, the original flaws had completely disappeared. If Guo Bad was trapped in the battlefield again, there would be no chance.

"Ao Yuan, Ao Zhi, Ao Yu, the three of you are optimistic about your own body. After I adjust my best condition, I will find a way to help you get back to your soul." After Guo Bad said, an elixir contained in the mouth, Then he entered the state of settling again, and the three of Ao Yuan, like Guo Bad, sat up in their own physical predecessors.

After almost seven days, Guo Gang opened his eyes and a familiar face appeared in front of himself, not who would Yuer be.

"Huh, bad guy, Jin Dan's realm dared to break into Fenglong's formation. You don't die." Yuer said with a pout.

"Hey, who is your husband? Is this unsafe? I knew my wife would come to me, and there was Yuer's wife, and it was quite easy for them to reunite with their three souls." Guo Bad smiled. .

"Hum, just knowing that I was called to do coolies and quickly get things done here. A group of people are waiting for you to go out." Yuer said softly, his eyes fell on the three of Ao Yuan. "The soul of the mysterious realm is not real. Fairyland, bad brother, it's not as simple as you want to be in the soul. "

Yuer's words fell, and Guo Bad set his sights on the three again. After hundreds of thousands of years of spiritual cultivation, the souls of the three are already mysterious realms. If they were not deliberately suppressed, I am afraid that they may have reached the golden fairy realm. Maybe, but when they are forced to leave the body, the physical body is really just the realm of immortality. The physical body cannot be cultivated naturally.

"No way?" Guo Bad asked softly.

"Unless they are willing to abandon the cultivation of souls, I have a 70% certainty to combine their souls with the physical body, but if they want to go outside the mansion, their strength must be the same as that of senior Qiu and they must be suppressed in the Jindan period, otherwise If it is known by the above, once Sky Thunder is dropped, if there is any mistake at that time, you will also bear the bad brother. "Yuer said softly.

Guo Bad looked at the three of Ao Yuan. Yuer said that they naturally understand that if they want to return to the soul, they need to lower their realm to the level of true fairy, and it is not temporary. Once this time, To return to the realm of Xuanxian, a little re-cultivation is needed.

"We are willing to do our own self-defeating, to reduce the realm to the realm of immortality, and trouble the girl Yuer to help us get back to our souls." The three of Ao Yuan discussed it, and Ao Yuan stood out and said softly.

"Bad brother, I need these things, there should be all in Laojun's gourd. You should prepare now. If you want to be a true soul-level soul, you will need your madness and fire for a while." Yuer said, in A bunch of items were written down on a piece of paper quickly. Guo Gang's eyes widened. These things were not money to buy. I originally thought that I could make a lot of money by entering this immortal mansion. One dragon soul fruit that I took in the funeral Longgu and the three terrible dragon races I got, it seems that I have put a lot of things into it.

"Bad brother, is it difficult to prepare these things?" Ao Yuan whispered looking at Guo Bad's expression.

"It's not difficult. You adjust your state first. I'll prepare things. Yuer will tell you something to pay attention to. You will listen to it." After Guo Bad said, he found a place that was quiet and quiet. Then a bunch of things were taken out of Laojun's gourd.

"Bad brother, how is the preparation of things, come on, the three of them have reduced the realm to the real immortal realm, I have also seen the physical body, the physical body is complete, there is no problem." Yuer said with a smile.

"Yuer, do what you can, I don't want anything to happen to you." Guo Bad said softly, Yuer nodded with a smile, "Be assured, this thing used to be done before, there would be no problem."

Guo nodded badly, then put a bunch of things in front of Yuer, and then Yuer quickly placed it in front of the three, and then three pieces of rune paper were affixed to the three bodies. I don't know how many days have been silent. There was a hint of redness in the body.

"Bad brother, sacrifice the true fire of Samadhi, and directly burn the flesh. Don't worry about the burnout. The dragons don't fear the true fire of Samadhi if they don't burn. I hope the soul of the three of them can be perfectly combined with the flesh." , The three souls entered into the flesh together according to Yuer's instructions.

"Remember what I told you, no matter how much pain, you must hold back. I know that the true fire of Samadhi to the soul is very serious, but if you want the perfect combination of soul and body, you must hold back until the body accepts you completely. So far, think of your dragons, you are the hope of the dragons! "Yuer finished, the shouting of the three souls that had been burned by the fire of Samadhi disappeared, Yuer nodded slightly.

"Haha, this little girl of the Wu tribe is not simple, Ao Feng, you can go out now, using the dragon real body to pressure the three souls, I believe the effect will be better than the real fire of Samadhi." Yu Tianzhe smiled. Said, Ao Feng nodded, tearing open the space and appeared in front of Guo Bad.

The pressure of the three souls that were originally burned by the fire of Samadhi was already strong enough. The appearance of Ao Feng made them close to the enemy, and the combination with the physical body was faster, but Guo, who was concentrating on releasing Samadhi, was so bad that he did not notice Thinking that Ao Feng was a troublemaker, his heart suddenly became tense.

"This senior, the disciples of the Dragon clan are returning to their souls. If the seniors have nothing to do, please leave first." Guo Bad said softly with a trace of consciousness.

"Boy, put away your true fire of Samadhi, and let me put their soul into the body." Ao Feng said loudly, the real body was even more powerful. Guo Gang felt the blood of the dragons in Ao Feng's body, and smiled. Nodding his head, he was alone for a long time, and scared himself.

"Ao Yuan, Ao Zhi, Ao Yu, we finally meet again."

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