Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 601: Nine Days of Purgatory (11)

It's also the state of congenital peak, Guo Gang squinted and looked at Yuan Yuan in front of him. He didn't know what the child was, but let him surrender the old monarch gourd, Guo Gang really couldn't do it. Bayi? Chinese? W≥W ≠ W≤. ≥8≤1 = Z = W. Com

"Brother, this is my place. I'll let you take the shot first, seize the opportunity, haha." Yuan Yuan's words fell, and Guo Bad rushed over with one sword.

"Tai Chi sword, hey, there seems to be a Tai Chi sword from the third floor of the tower, and I will too." Guo Bad used Tai Chi Sword, Yuan Yuan also had a long sword in his hand, and the same Tai Chi Sword. People almost went back and forth for more than a hundred rounds, but Guo Bad did not take any advantage. No matter how he changed his tactics, Yuan Yuan always had a solution.

Congenital peak, Guo Bad can not use spells. Although he is proficient in martial arts of various factions from ancient to modern times, there is no way to deal with the child in front of him.

What kind of martial arts Guo Guo can do, Yuan Yuan can do it, and it is no worse than himself. The two fought for more than an hour. Guo Wei even showed some fatigue, but Yuan Yuankui became more and more excited.

"This way, it is impossible to win this kid, I have to think of other ways." After the two men's arms separated, Guo Bad thought to himself.

Guo Bad thought, as if he wanted to understand something. He smiled slightly, put away the sword in his hand, and rushed towards Yuan Yuan with his bare hands.

"You don't need a sword, neither do I. I'll see what big brother wants to use this time." Yuan Yuan said with a smirk.

Yuan Yuan expected Guo Bad to use some powerful punches, but Guo Bad just shot, Yuan Yuan stopped, and a few punches without a rule hit the body with Yuan Yuan.

"Oh, shit, what kind of boxing are you doing? I haven't seen it before, and it's never been recorded from the millions of martial arts in the tower." Yuan Yuan looked at Guo Bad and shouted.

"If you can't break my boxing skills, then you give up." Guo Bad said, and his fists rushed to Yuan Yuan without any rules again. Yuan Yuan, who was originally flexible and necessary, had nothing in the face of Guo Bad's fists. Method.

"Why, why is there such a boxing method." After nearly a hundred punches, Yuan Yuan shouted angrily, at this time Yuan Yuan no longer had the momentum just now.

"It turns out that all these are phantoms, and returning to the origin is the way to break everything." Guo Bad said softly, Yuan Yuan's pupils began to enlarge, and the whole tower lighted up from the tower. Suddenly, the animal skin of Guo Bad rushed out of the gourd and turned into a door. Guo Gang stunned God and stepped into the door step by step.

"Haha, I said that Jiutian Yuansheng's luck would not be so bad. Someone is coming, haha." Jiutianyuan Saint Haha, who was originally nervous in Jiutianfu, laughed.

At this time, Yuer also appeared in Jiutianfu with Xiaomeng Meng and Nangong Lingmo. Yuer looked at the old man in front of her, and could not help but smile slightly. Others may not know the old man, but Yuer saw After him several times, he is the Jiu Tian Yuan Sheng who lost chess to his sister many times.

"Rabbit, it's no wonder that someone is calculating the old man. I didn't expect you to be sent to the world by the fairy." Jiu Tianyuan Sheng looked at Yuer with a smile.

"Yu'er met Master Yuansheng." Yuer said with a smile. "I'm here but my marriage. There is nothing wrong, but Master Yuansheng has found such a hidden place in the world, which makes Yuer a little confused. "

"It seems that the fairy hasn't talked to you much. It's better to understand than to understand. Take it with me if you don't understand. Wait for your husband to come." Jiu Tianyuan Sheng said with a smile.

"Bad brother passed all nine days of purgatory?" Yuer asked with unbelief.

"He has passed through purgatory from scratch, but he does not need to go to the remaining six purgatory. Three lives and three lives, he and I have only the fate of the triple sky. If you want to continue to complete the remaining six days, it depends on whether we have this fate. "Jiu Tianyuan Sheng said with a smile.

Just as a few people were joking, Guo Bad appeared aggressively in Jiutianfu.

"Yu'er, Xiao Mengmeng, Xiao Lingmo, and illusion. I didn't expect to have such a illusion when entering this more heavenly purgatory." Guo Bad watched the three of Yuer joking with an old man, his heart was startled first, then slowly He calmed down and said secretly in his heart.

"Bad brother, come here quickly. This is the Jiu Tian Yuan Sheng we are looking for. Hey, if you want to find a treasure, you must find the master Yuan Sheng." Yuer looked at Guo Bad with a smile.

"Whether you are Yuer or not, tell me the way to leave Tiantian Purgatory, the vision in front of me can't hold me back." Guo Gang said with a somber face, he naturally did not know that he had arrived in Jiutianfu, and a few people in Yuer also Are real people.

Guo Bad's voice dropped, and a few people laughed. Yuer walked over and carried Guo Bad who was still serious, and couldn't help but bit a bit on Guo Bad's ear.

"Bad brother, you have already stepped out of purgatory, why are you still addicted to purgatory." Yuer said with a smile. Guo Gang felt a pain in his ears just now, and Yuer in front of him was indeed his own Yuer. Really, they were again Converged.

"Keekeke, wife Yuer, I really came out of Jiutian Purgatory, not just passed Zhongtian, Xiantian and Congtian, why did I come out?" Guo Bad said softly, at this time his eyes fell on The body of Jiu Tian Yuan Sheng.

"Little friend, you have kept me waiting for a long time, but fortunately you passed the test of purgatory, do not know if the small friend still remembers the husband?" Jiu Tianyuan Sheng said with a smile.

"You are Jiu Tian Yuan Sheng? I don't know what the sentence just means? How do I remember you? This is the first time I've seen you." Guo Bad couldn't help but say.

"It's better not to remember, I can rest assured that the little friend can come here. Even if the magic demon comes again, with the strength of the little friend, it is not impossible to collect the magic demon for me." Jiu Tianyuansheng said with a smile. Guo Guo was even more confused.

"My father ’s words made me confused, and the Demon knew that the whereabouts of the Jiutian Treasure could not be achieved?" Guo Gang whispered, "A little old man is afraid that it is wrong. If the Demon comes, with my current strength, it is not his Opponent. "When Guo Bad entered Jiutianfu, Guo Bad could feel that he had returned to the state of Chengdan period, but this trial was not enough to deal with the monster.

"Before you, a trace of God of Dreams broke into my Jiutianfu. Fortunately, the old man had a good treasure in his hands. The Dream Lord was not defeated. I was broken by that knowledge of God, but nine Tianfu's position is completely exposed. "Jiu Tianyuan Sheng said with a smile.

"Did that Momo reach Jiutian Mansion through Nine-day Purgatory?" Guo Bad couldn't help but asked. Nine-day Purgatory had seen it himself, and he might have died in it a little carelessly. He wanted to know how he came.

"Mengmo's consciousness directly transformed the dream. He didn't have to go through nine days of purgatory to come to me. Maybe the people who can find me in Jiutianfu in this way are afraid that there is only one person." Jiutianyuansheng shook his head.

"Mengmon has such strength, I'm afraid the kid can't help Master Yuansheng."

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