Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 76: Hidden murder

"This is impossible. Eight [一 [中 ?? <文 W] W] W?]] 8) 1) YW.COM" Xiahou Tianmen, who had already sat down, stood up and said loudly.

"Nothing is impossible, isn't it just a question based on what you said about Fermat's Theorem?" Guo Bad said, picked up the pen and quickly wrote it on the answer board. Martha's Law, he has only seen it in the library, but for the **** who has not lived for tens of thousands of years, this is a fart.

"You should know this kind of answer. I can also check out the second kind of answer for you." Then, Guo Bad picked up the second answer board and wrote it again.

"Lu old, please come and see if I write right or wrong." Guo Bad smiled and said to Lu Yongsen who was shaking all over.

"Wizards, Wizards of Mathematics, young friends, don't go to high school, come directly to Wucheng University, I accept you as a closed disciple, no, I want to discuss mathematical problems with you in my lifetime." Lu Yongsen said excitedly. .

"Old Lu, right?" Guo said with a smile, and closed his eyes and sat down.

"How did you come up with the second answer? Tell me, please tell me." Lu Yongsen said excitedly after reading the second answer.

"After the Wendou race is over, I will visit Lu Lao. If the answer is correct, ask Lu Lao to announce it." Guo Bad calmed Lu Yongsen and said with a smile.

"The answer is correct, Guo Badiaoyou's answer is completely correct. From the second answer alone, Guo Badxiaoyou's mathematical knowledge is far beyond your imagination." Lu Yongsen settled down and picked up the microphone and said loudly.

"Student Xia Houtian, I don't know if you have any objections?" Han Feifei asked Xia Houtian, who looked unwilling.

"No objection, we lost this first round." Xiahou Tian said, squinting at Guo Bad.

"Now the score of both sides is 1630. Next, Guo Bad will answer our quick challenge 100 questions, everyone applaud and encourage." He Tiezui said loudly.

"Guo Bad, please listen to the question." Han Feifei said with a smile while looking at the shocking Guo Bad.

All the questions seemed to be discussed between Guo Bad and Han Feifei. Han Feifei's voice had just dropped, and Guo Bad had already said the answer.

"Teacher Tiezui, you can't help but see if I can't help it. I'm almost out of luck." Guo Bad answered 50 questions in succession, Han Feifei took a deep breath and said to He Tiezui with a smile.

"Haha, I see the tacit understanding of the two of you, and didn't have the patience to bother. Since you are tired, leave the remaining 50 questions to me. I hope that Guo Bad will make a mistake in the middle, and I can close the job." He Tie He smiled and said.

In less than ten minutes, Guo Bad finished answering the remaining fifty questions, answering forty-nine questions correctly, and doing the next question to send points made him wrong.

"The distance between the moon and the earth, please ask Guo Guo to answer." He Tiezu finished his last question with a sigh of relief.

"The Moon Palace and the Earth are not on the same plane at all. How can there be the concept of distance, this question is problematic." Guo Bad said loudly, he heard the moon as the Moon Palace.

"Haha, one hundred questions, Guo bad student answered ninety-nine correctly. I did not expect Guo bad to be involved in online literature." He Tiezui said with a smile. "At the end of the first round of the game, the secondary school temporarily led the seven school leagues with a 99-point advantage, and now rests for five minutes."

"Bad brother, what a plane, you are out of the limelight, I did not answer a single question." Nangong Ling Mo said with a pout.

"When the fight is over, I will double your ability to control airspace. How about, stop talking, and try not to cause friction with that Xiahoutian in the second round, otherwise I won't be able to save you. Guo Baduanyin said, Dream Space is interesting, because this Xiahou Tian is the descendant of that dream devil.

Five minutes passed, all the people on and off the stage had different expressions. Li Xunyu's face was full of spring, and the principals of the seven schools of the seven school team no longer had a smile. According to Guo Bad ’s revealed strength, this article Fighting first, it is already considered that 90% of them have fallen into the middle pocket.

"No, I can't just give up like this. I don't feel the bad power fluctuations of Guo. Although he can pass the voice, he is not necessarily a power person. It is likely that he is very accomplished in martial arts. To bring him into my dream world, I want him to die. "Xia Houtian looked at Guo Gang, who was joking with Murong Weiwei, and the killing in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"It's over. This time, the affiliated middle school won the championship. One hundred billion yuan. It's not so much money to sell all the properties of the Qin family." Qin Yulong thought like a walking dead, secretly thinking.

"Qin Botian, it ’s too late to sever the father-son relationship with your good son, and you pray that the middle school wo n’t be able to fight first. If they win, you will have to honor all the bets, or Wucheng will later Or, in the whole of China, there will be no more Qin family. "The Murong family contacted the Liu family of Wucheng and went to the Qin family. If the Murong family put pressure alone, one of the main forces is in the capital, and one is Wucheng, perhaps the Qin family is still lucky, but the Liu family who came together represents the strength of the Wucheng military. Since they also came forward, it meant to kill the Qin family.

"I Qin Botian really gave birth to a good son, and assassinate that Guo bad, why go to provoke the Liu family." Qin Botian and other members of the Murong family and the Qin family left after facing the ancestor's platoon alone. Said. At 140 billion yuan, Wucheng will have no Qin family.

"Five minutes later, we started the second round of the game. The second round is simpler than the first round. There are seven questions for each of the Middle School and the Seven Schools Alliance. The scores are different and the difficulty is different. For a question, you can answer it by yourself, or you can let the other party answer. You get the score corresponding to the question by yourself. If you make a mistake, you will deduct the corresponding score. "He Tiezu said with a smile.

"If you ask the other party to answer, then your own party deducts the score of the question first. If the other party answers correctly, the other party adds points, but the other party is wrong, double the deduction of the question points." Han Feifei said with a smile.

"Tian, ​​the scores of the questions range from one hundred to seven hundred. These questions are not too difficult, we lose." Lin Xiaoxiao said frustrated.

"If you lose, how can you lose? Xia Houtian doesn't know what to lose. You can get the right questions by yourself, and the other party probably won't let you answer them. Believe me, I will let the Seven School Alliance defeat the victory." Xia Houtian Watching the seven people in the middle school whispered.

"The title is very simple, we can all do it ourselves." Since the secondary school side, since laughing after reading the title.

"Answer the respective questions correctly, and remember, don't conflict with that Xiahou born naturally." Guo Bad told Tang Xi and others.

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