At this time, Xiaoju’s phone rang again.

Since joining the show, this morning has been Xiaoju’s busiest time.

“Another agent?” Gao Yuanyuan asked.

Xiaoju picked up his phone and shook his head, “No, it’s the director.” ”


Xiao Ju connected, and the director on the other side of the phone directly said, “What is Shen Zhi doing upstairs?” ”

“Shen Zhi?” Xiaoju was stunned.

Is the director going to talk about last night?

She hadn’t figured out why she woke up in Shen Zhi’s room.

It won’t be a night of sleeping with Shen Zhi…

Before the director could speak, she hurriedly explained, “Director, I drank too much last night, I don’t know anything.” ”

“I’m not asking you last night, I’m asking Shen Zhi what to do? Someone is looking for him. ”

Xiaoju let out a long sigh of relief.

Then he said in surprise, “I didn’t see him when I woke up.” ”

“Probably painting, someone wants to buy his painting.” The director said directly.

“Someone wants to buy his paintings?!”

“He’s done?”

She asked in shock, while glancing at Gao Yuanyuan.

The two of them walked upstairs together.

“Didn’t he bring a cell phone?” Xiaoju asked.

“Who knows, maybe people who engage in art are distracted when they create.”

The director sighed helplessly, “Okay, you guys go upstairs and let Shen Zhi call me back.” ”

“Okay.” Xiaoju replied obediently.

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Xiaoju and Gao Yuanyuan quietly walked to the room where Shen Zhi was painting and pushed open the door.

I saw that Shen Zhi was sitting in front of a painting, and Yang Mi was standing next to him.

“Shen Zhi?” Xiaoju called out to him softly.

“Huh?” Shen Zhi looked back and asked, “What’s the matter?” ”

“The director called you and said someone wanted to buy your painting.”

At this point in the comment area:

“Where did you get the bid just now?”

“Someone out of a thousand, and there is no movement.”

“Probably the person who gave out a thousand contacted the director to buy the painting.”

“Tsk, it’s really rich, a broken painting sells for a thousand.”

“If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense, Shen knows which painting is very fine!”

“How fine can a painting be drawn in a few hours!”

“That’s better than Yang Mi painting a villa in tens of minutes!”

“Hey, Shen Zhi’s brain remnant powder has increased, are you afraid of me?”

“Keyboard warriors can type? Do you draw one? ”

“Here it comes, ‘you can do it’ speech, I know I can’t do it so I didn’t draw, he painted, I thought he could do it!”

This sentence was instantly stunned.

Shen Zhi’s fans hated the root of their teeth.

I don’t know what to say.

When the fans quarreled, Shen Zhi’s phone had already dialed the director.

“Shen Zhi, someone wants to buy your painting, can I give him your contact information?” The director asked.


“Also, this can’t work, someone will come to you in three days, or I will publish your contact information on the official Weibo of our program?”

“Director, do you want my phone to be burst every day?”

Shen Zhi tugged at the corners of his mouth.

Posted to the official Weibo?

That might be a harassing phone call 24 hours a day.

“Yes…” the director mused.

This program can’t be broadcast, and I watch Shen Zhi answer the phone every day.

“So be it, if there is anything in the future, we will help you convey it.”

Chatted a few words.

The corners of the director’s mouth that hung up the phone raised slightly.

“This Shen Zhi is really unexpected.”

The assistant director listened to the side and asked, “What kind of big man is looking for him?” ”

He shook his head, “Just a collector.” ”

“Just a collector, I thought…”

Before the assistant director’s words were finished, the director interrupted, “Not only an ordinary collector, this person is very capable, has a wide road, has countless collections at home, and has ties with the Huaxia Collectors Association.” ”

“Another association?” The assistant director asked suspiciously.

The director nodded meaningfully, “It’s only been a few days, and the two associations have come to the door.” ”

“I’ll just say this kid is capable.”

At this time, Shen Zhi, who hung up the phone, took the painting off and put it on the ground.

“What’s wrong?” Yang Mi asked.

“I just heard from the director that someone wants to buy your painting?” Xiaoju asked.

“Buy a painting?!”

Shen Zhi nodded.

“How much?” Yang Mi asked.

Shen Zhi shook his head, “I don’t know yet, wait for someone to contact.” ”

“Don’t sell to others! Sell it to me! Yang Mi said directly.

Shen Zhi pursed his lips and smiled, “How much money do you have to pay?” ”

She hadn’t thought about that yet.

I just think that he can’t understand this painting although he can’t understand it.

But from the time Shen Zhi began to draw, until now, it was only a few hours, and someone actually paid for it?!

Surely the man saw the value of the painting.

Since that’s the case, she’ll compete and try.

Anyway, that person hasn’t contacted Shen Zhi yet.

She pondered for a moment, then snapped out five fingers, “Fifty thousand!” ”

At this point in the comment area:

“Fifty thousand?! Is Yang Mi crazy? ”

“What about the one who bid for a thousand just now? You’re out of play! ”

“This broken painting fifty thousand?!”

“I don’t understand the world of rich people!”

“What’s so good about this painting? I draw better than him! ”

“What about Shen Zhi’s fans? Why didn’t you speak? Is it that the price of Yang honey is too high, you can’t compare! ”

“I was noisy just now, but now I don’t move, I must feel that 50,000 is a loss even higher!”

“Shut up! I’ll raise money! ”

“Sisters, you guys raise slowly, I’ll give 60,000!”

“Can someone see my paintings? No need for 60,000, 6,000 will do! ”

“No one bought your painting for six cents!”


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