“Who is this arranger?” Yang Mi suddenly asked.

“It’s the one ‘I know you didn’t mean to’.” Xiaoju replied honestly.

“The one who wrote poetry?” Yang Mi looked at her in disbelief, “He can also make music?!” ”

Xiaoju nodded, “The agent found many people to arrange music, but they are not worthy, so in the end I can only ask him.” ”

Yang Mi gasped and then asked, “Who are you looking for?” ”

She knows that Xiaoju’s company is not a small company.

The singers you can find are definitely big names.

Will the big names work?

Xiaoju cautiously whispered in her ear, “Li Zongsheng, Cui Jian, and Park Shu.” ”

“They?!” Yang Mi looked at her in shock again.

Xiaoju really gave her one surprise after another!

She even said that the music they made up was not good?!

Looking at Xiaoju’s affirmative eyes, she couldn’t say anything more.

If it is known by these three singers.

Xiaoju’s future path will be difficult.

She changed the subject and asked, “Who is this ‘knowing you have no intention’?” So powerful? ”

Xiaoju shook his head, “I don’t know, I’m also curious, probably a music general?” ”

“The music world will open a trumpet and give poetry?”

“Could it be some poet who is also very good at arrangement?” Gao Yuanyuan asked.

Yang Mi shook her head, “I don’t know much about poetry, but this piece is really good, I can’t tell whether he is a poet or an arranger, or both.” ”

“There is such a powerful person in the world? I really want to get to know each other. Gao Yuanyuan sighed.

“Yes! I don’t know if I can ask who this person is! Or what information he himself revealed. Xiaoju looked up expectantly.

They were simply too curious about this person.

“Don’t you think there are a bit of a lot of talent that has appeared recently?” Xiaoju suddenly said.

Yang Mi pondered for a while and said, “In the recently appeared “Condor Heroes”, and this poet who can arrange music…”

“And Shen Zhi!” Gao Yuanyuan added for her.

“That’s right!” Xiaoju nodded approvingly.

“I said it for you.” Gao Yuanyuan said to Yang Mi with a smile.

Yang Mi clasped her hands around her chest, raised her head and snorted softly, “Then count him in.” ”

“It’s quite arrogant.” Xiaoju teased with a smile.

“That’s right.” Yang Mi changed the subject, “What about Reba?” Haven’t woken up yet? ”

At this time, they suddenly reacted.

“yes, what time is it, go up and wake her up.” Small bow.

The others looked upstairs, and Reba’s room was facing the staircase.

But the room didn’t move all morning.

Comment area:

“I feel good when I see the goddesses gathered together and chat.”

“It’s time to go to Reba’s room! Bring me one! ”

“Can you bring a camera in?” We didn’t want to see Reba, we just wanted to see what Reba’s room was like! ”

“Yes, yes! Better go in and take a close-up! ”

“You men just want to see Reba sleep! Don’t think we don’t know! ”

“What if you know!”

“If you can, can you take the camera to Shen Zhi’s room to see, we really want to see what Shen Zhi looks like at work!”

“Dream, there is everything in the dream!”

“In the dream, Shen Zhi’s children and I have grown up!”


The screen turns to Reba’s doorway.

Several people gently pushed open Reba’s door.

As soon as I entered, I saw Reba’s pajamas that I didn’t know when to change.

The straps on the skirt slipped off the shoulders.

The nightdress was rolled up to her waist by her sleep.

A long white leg is exposed, and the quilt is sandwiched between the legs.

She fell asleep on her side, her facial features were deep and delicate, and her side face was absolutely beautiful.

Fortunately, only they came in to see.

This scene, if seen by any person of the opposite sex.

Who can hold on?

“Reba, wake up.” Yang Mi said softly.

“Hmm~” Reba Meng snorted, his mouth just moved, turned over, and went back to sleep.

“Reba.” Xiaoju gently pushed her, “Wake up, the sun is drying your ass!” ”


Ryojiu Reba opened his eyes in confusion.

When she saw several people standing by her bed, Yang Mi was looking at her with a serious face.

Frightened, she immediately sat up.

“Sister Honey, Sister Yuanyuan, and Xiaoju?” Reba scratched his head, “Why did you guys get in?” ”

“It’s ten o’clock, you can really sleep!”

Reba stuck out his tongue and smiled, “Hehe” smiled, “Is it time to eat?” ”

“Eat?” Yang Mi squinted at her, “Eat when you wake up?” ”

“Hungry.” Reba grinned.

“Go see how many pounds you have!” Yang Mi gestured her with her eyes to get off the ground.

“Huh?” Reba looked at Yang Mi aggrievedly, “Don’t do it!” ”


Yang Mi ordered, and Reba had to obey.

Stepping on the ground with bare feet.

She hasn’t dared to stand on the scale since she participated in the show.

Watching the numbers jump straight to three digits, after determining the final weight, Reba was so frightened that he immediately trampled the number under his feet.

“I saw it! You’ve gained nearly ten pounds in the past few days! ”

“You’re going to lose weight from today!”

Yang Mi glared at her and said sharply.

Reba sighed helplessly, “It’s really not easy to be a star, and you have to control your weight, Shen Zhi never cares about these.” ”

“You also said that you are a star! Shen Zhi is an amateur, and his figure is also perfect, and he doesn’t need to lose weight at all! I’ll watch you eat less in the future! ”

Yang Mi finally made up her mind this time, if she doesn’t control her weight, what other show can make her on?!

Reba muttered very aggrievedly, “I don’t want to eat it either!” Who makes Shen Zhi cook so deliciously! ”

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