After listening to Deng Ziqi’s song composed by Shen Zhi live, the comment area:

“Forgive me for being shallow in learning, I can only say a word of awesomeness!”

“How? Does anyone else say Shen Zhi? ”

“Is there anyone else who is not convinced?”

“What about the guy who just said he was going to compose the lyrics? Stand up! ”

“Probably instigated.”

“Who instigated! Isn’t it country music, so what! ”

“Yes! It won’t become a mainstream song when you listen to it! ”

“Even if it becomes a mainstream song, it is Deng Ziqi who sings the mainstream.”

“Deng Ziqi said that this song is good, but you guys are powerful?”

“Do you know what mainstream music is? Is it that listening to saliva songs every day makes you lose your aesthetics? ”

“Can’t do it yourself and say that others can’t?”


“Shen Zhi, or you can come directly to my studio after the show is over.”

“I will definitely make you a mainstream singer.”

“With your talent, it’s absolutely no problem!”

Deng Ziqi invited sincerely.

As soon as these words came out, the other four female stars suddenly became nervous.

Deng Ziqi’s studio, he was invited as a newcomer.

To be honest, this condition is really tempting.

But compared with the previous Huaxia Musicians Association, it is slightly worse.

Shen Zhi did not directly refuse, but returned to the topic, “I think we should talk about the price first.” ”

Deng Ziqi was stunned for a moment.

Is this rejecting her?

She’s inviting someone for the first time!

I didn’t expect it to be rejected!

Is Deng Ziqi’s studio so bad?

Looking at Shen Zhi with an indifferent look.

Although Deng Ziqi has long seen that someone on the Internet has said about him.

But still a little surprised.

This person is always not sad or happy, and looks indifferent.

Nothing touches his emotions.

This intrigued her.

What has he experienced to have this kind of calm and decisive character when encountering things?

Hearing Shen Zhi’s answer, the four stars quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

They didn’t know why they suddenly became nervous, and relaxed again after hearing Shen Zhi’s refusal.

I only know that they don’t want Shen Zhi to go.

She shook her head regretfully.

After all, it is Shen Zhi’s choice.

Demanding is forcible and cannot come.

“Okay, you make a price.” Deng Ziqi said.

Shen Zhi seemed to have thought about the price for a long time, and said directly, “Then let’s have a price like the previous “When You Are Old”. ”

Another ten million!

“Good!” Deng Ziqi replied cheerfully.

Without a hint of hesitation.

Even the executives and agents sitting next to her were shocked.

The agent quietly shook Deng Ziqi with his elbow.

Whispered in her ear, “Don’t you bargain?” ”

She said, “What’s the bargain, “When You’re Old” is 10 million, if my song is cheaper, isn’t it proof that it is worse than that song!” ”

The agent sighed and nodded thoughtfully.

It feels like it’s right, but it feels weird.

The four female stars did not expect Deng Ziqi to agree so easily.

“At first, my agent hesitated for a long time, and then he bought it with the mentality of gambling.” Xiaoju said in shock.

Are private studios so rich?

“Shen knows that this money is a little easy to earn!” Gao Yuanyuan sighed.

In just a few days, Shen Zhi has already earned 20 million?!

“In the future, Shen Zhi will make money to support his family, and we will be responsible for being beautiful as a flower!” Reba grinned.

Two songs are 20 million!

Does this still use them to make money?

It would be good to rely directly on Shen Zhi to raise them.

Shen Zhi tugged at the corners of his mouth, “I raise four?” ”

Yang Mi snorted softly, “You still don’t want to?” ”

“Don’t worry, Shen Zhi, I will definitely sing the song I bought from you!” Make money with you! Raise them together! ”

Shen Zhi nodded.

That song “When You’re Old” would be popular if she didn’t sing it, any singer would be popular if she sang it.

He’s confident in any song he brings.

Gao Yuanyuan stood beside Yang Mi and bumped her lightly.

Whisper in her ear, “Isn’t that a good thing to say?” The money we earned at the beginning has not been said to be spent with Shen Zhi. ”

“At that time, Shen Zhi was deeply hidden! Maybe he will already make money when we make money, and we don’t know! ”

When Yang Mi said this, it was all speculation.

Since participating in this show, so many days have passed now, and Shen Zhi has not said anything to them.

On the contrary, if there is something in their hearts, they immediately say it.

If Deng Ziqi hadn’t come to the door this time, it is estimated that they would still be kept in the dark.

Author of “When You’re Old”!

Ten million!

This incident was really enough for them to shock them for days!

“Also, now you look at Shen Zhi, writing a song casually, you will earn 10 million, and our future road to making money will be even more bumpy!” Yang Mi continued.

“Now singers should have a sense of crisis, with the speed of Shen Zhi’s songwriting, maybe Shen Zhi’s songs will occupy the entire song market one day.” Gao Yuanyuan sighed for a while.

“Fortunately, I am a woman, if Shen Zhi enters the entertainment industry one day, with this look, those male stars will definitely have a sense of crisis!” Reba Dao.

To put it simply, Shen Zhi is like a depth bomb.

No matter which circle you end up into, you will definitely be a blockbuster!


The other side at the same time.

Feng Gang is also rushing to this side.

On the plane, he looked at the address sent to him by the author.

It always feels a little familiar.

Although he always flew to the magic capital, he did not remember visiting this place.

Or did he forget the location where the movie was filmed before?

Forget it, don’t think about it first, you will know when you arrive.

He frowned, his hands clenched into fists on his legs.

Look out the window.

The plane moves smoothly through the clouds.

The travel speed is 400 kilometers per hour.

Whether it’s the sun you can see when you look up, or the white clouds.

Everything seems static to him.

“Why is this plane so slow!” Feng Gang said in a low voice.

Said and punched himself in the leg.

The person next to him looked at him in shock.

Feng Gang was wearing a mask, and no one next to him recognized him.

The man quietly moved outward.

Heart said, this person is sick, why don’t you take a rocket if you are too slow!

After getting off the plane, Feng Gang rushed out in a hurry.

A random taxi was stopped at the airport gate.

Show him the address.

“So far!” The driver looked at him in surprise.

“Just hurry up! It doesn’t matter how much money! Feng Gang said anxiously.

The driver saw that he was so anxious, and did not ask much.

Seeing that there was no car in front, I stepped on the accelerator and stepped on it.

Vehicles are speeding over the airport highway.

“How long will it take?” Feng Gang asked.

“If you don’t get stuck in traffic, it’s about two hours to cut corners.”

“What if it’s stuck in traffic?” Feng Gang then asked.

“That’s not necessarily.”

The magic capital is a metropolis.

Every day, people come and go on the road, and traffic jams are a common occurrence.

If it weren’t for the long distance and the fact that he couldn’t recognize the road, he really wanted to run over!

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