Chapter 79 is on the hot search for the third time

Yang Mi pursed her lips and nodded.

She scratched her head and looked at the double bed, and her delicate face, even without makeup, suddenly showed a sad expression.

“But four people can’t sleep in a bed!”

“It’s okay, I’ll sleep with Xiaoju, Sister Honey and Sister Yuanyuan, you can sleep together!” Reba suggested.

She nodded, “That’s fine.” ”

“Then let’s go back to sleep first, good night.” Saying that, he took Xiaoju’s hand and walked towards the door.

Up to now, Xiaoju’s palm-sized little face was still white and bloodless.

“Good night.” She said softly.

“Well, good night.” Yang Mi and Reba replied together.

Fortunately, each room is equipped with a double bed, and two people lie on the bed in their pajamas.

The room with the lights turned off was pitch black.

Two people looked at the dark ceiling.

I couldn’t sleep.

Suddenly, Gao Yuanyuan asked, “Why is every room a double bed?” ”

Yang Mi was stunned.

yes, why a double bed?

Shen Zhi lives in such a big house alone, it can’t always be to entertain guests!

The place is remote and there are no signboards outside.

“Could it be Shen Zhi…” said Yang Mi hesitantly.

She didn’t dare to guess down, she had doubted Shen Zhi’s character before.

The successive slaps in the face caused her to now dare not speculate indiscriminately without evidence.

The next day, Reba and Xiaoju stared at the big dark circles under their eyes and walked out of Reba’s room together.

“I didn’t fall asleep after you fell asleep, and I didn’t dare to go to the toilet if I wanted to, so I stayed up until dawn.” Xiaoju sighed.

“You can wake me up, I’ll accompany you!” Reba Dao.

“Seeing you sleep so soundly, I can’t bear it.” Xiaoju pouted.

Comment area:

“Reba slept with Xiaoju? Fell asleep yesterday, did I miss something? ”

“What are they talking about? So scary to sleep? ”

“I also watched Shen Zhi’s live broadcast last night! Don’t look at Shen Zhi as writing martial arts novels! It’s scary to tell ghost stories! I still have hair in my heart! ”

“Where is it live? I want to see it too! ”

“I don’t know if it’s still live tonight.”

“Curious, what’s scary.”

“I’m scared when I grew up watching ghost stories!”

“Is it such an exaggeration?”

“The last person who asked that was scared to death.”

“Which website did the novel post on?”

“He didn’t send it.”


Reba and Xiaoju walked downstairs together.

Yang Mi and Gao Yuanyuan woke up early, and also sat on the sofa with two big dark circles.

After seeing that they were also wearing dark circles, the four of them looked at each other and smiled.

“What time did you sleep last night?” Yang Mi asked.

“I’m about two o’clock.” Reba rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Yawning is contagious.

Xiaoju also yawned and said, “I haven’t slept at all!” Dare to go to the toilet! ”

“Shen knows that this ghost story is not shallow!” Yang Mi sighed.

The rest nodded approvingly.

“The part where the paper man eats that person’s heart and liver is particularly wonderful.” Xiaoju said excitedly.

She was only afraid at night.

When dawn dawns, I am very excited to recall!

The rest of the people also shivered.

Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly said, “Don’t say it, don’t say it.” ”

Saying that, holding his arms, he couldn’t help but shiver at the thought of this.

When I think back to last night, when I listened to that story, I only felt a chill around me.

It’s summer, and it’s not cold even at night.

But it just feels like the room is cold.

Even when the air conditioner is turned off, her hands and feet are cold!

I can’t help but shiver when I think about it now.

No, no, no! It’s terrible! Can’t recall!

Gao Yuanyuan shook his head violently.

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan’s face pale, the audience couldn’t help but have some doubts.

“Are girls afraid of this?”

“I don’t dare to recall a big old man, you say!”

“Is there a video online? I want to hear it! ”

“There should be a search on the Internet.”

“Be prepared, I think this story is enough for me to dread for a week!”

“I can’t forget it for a month!”

“I really hope to publish a book!”

“It is worthy of Shen Zhi’s novel!”

“They listened to it last night!”

“Is it so scary? It’s also too exaggerated! ”

“I dare to vouch for it with my personality! I really didn’t sleep last night! ”

“The beginning is quite flat, but I didn’t expect that the more I listened to it later, the more exciting it became! The more you listen, the more scary it gets! ”

“You guys will be scary, what a ghost story is so scary! I’ve never had a ghost story that scared me! ”

“Just go and listen.”


“Have you read the evaluation of “Ghost Blowing Lights” on the Internet?” Yang Mi asked holding up her mobile phone.

“I didn’t expect Sister Honey to start paying attention to Shen Zhi?”

“Nope! I’m following this novel! Yang Mi blushed and argued slyly.

But her thoughts have long been exposed.

Everyone stopped arguing with her.

Just looked at her with a malicious smile.

Yang Mi snorted softly.

Of course she knew what they thought.

Just too lazy to explain.

Spread out your phone in front of them and say, “Aren’t you interested?” ”

“Are you talking about Shen Zhi or…” Xiaoju teased with a smile.

“Of course it’s “Ghost Blowing the Light”!” Yang Mi had completely ignored the image, and shouted with a red face and a thick neck.

Her voice is sweet, even with a roar, like coquetry.

Xiaoju covered his mouth and snickered, “Good, good, I know!” ”

She smiled and picked up her phone.

On Weibo hot search, the first position is “Ghost Blow the Light”!

In just a few days, Shen Zhi has been on several hot searches!

First of all, I participated in this show.

The second time was “The Condor Heroes”.

This is the third time, winning the first position of hot search.

He clicked on the first hot search called “Ghost Blowing the Light”.

As soon as I entered, it was all about editing Shen Zhi’s video of “Ghost Blow the Light”.

The mobile phone did not dare to click into the video to watch, and she only dared to recall yesterday’s fear in her head.

I haven’t had the courage to watch it again.

She looked at the comments.

A large comment on the number one hot comment is fascinating.

“Like ghosts blowing lights, this book professionally reveals another world that most people have never touched or even read, on a certain level, this book is not only a collection of tomb robbery, exploration, thriller, suspense and other materials as one of the initiators, pioneers…”

It is clear that this comment is not finished, due to the word limit.

This person wrote below: “If you want to see it, enter my homepage, read my Weibo, and have a professional evaluation corresponding to “Ghost Blowing the Light”. ”

Looking at this person’s comment very professionally, Xiaoju curiously clicked in.

The first one is.

It was only an hour to post. There are more than 9,000 likes.

This is an ordinary person’s review!

In other words, everyone agrees with what he said.

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