Chapter 84 The painting was thrown away by me

“It’s okay, it’s okay, Mr. Shen must be very busy every day.” The old man still asked with a smile.

Shen Zhi bowed his head slightly, “It’s okay.” ”

The old man didn’t know, and thought that Shen Zhi must be busy painting or writing novels.

But his son watches the show every day.

He knew that Shen Zhi signed the contract at noon yesterday and told ghost stories live at night.

What’s busy!

But he was embarrassed to say, so he could only hold it in his heart.

“What do you call them?” Shen Zhi asked.

“Despicable Wang Jinyi, this is my son Wang Peng.” The old man introduced.

“The two of you are here to buy paintings?” Shen Zhi then asked.

“Yes.” The two nodded.

“Let’s go upstairs together.” Shen Zhi said.

The group walked up the stairs.

Wang Jinyi walked very slowly on crutches, step by step.

He looked a little tired but the smile on his face didn’t diminish at all.

I’m about to see the painting that I’ve been thinking about for days!

He can’t wait for a moment!

Thinking, I sped up the action.

His son felt Wang Jinyi speed up, and he couldn’t help but feel a little worried in his heart.

“Dad, you slow down.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I feel that I am in my twenties younger than I came this time today!” Wang Jinyi said with a smile.

Wang Jinyi’s body bones were relatively tough, but his legs and feet were not very good.

So on crutches all the time.

His face glowed red and he looked excited.

Shen Zhi led them up to the third floor.

Push open the door to let them in while he looks for the painting.

The room was originally small, a piano, an easel, but there was no trace of that painting!

At this time, he suddenly remembered that when he cleaned up the house a few days ago, he didn’t take this painting seriously at that time, and he didn’t know where to put it.

Then when I throw out the garbage, I may throw it away because I didn’t pay attention.

Reluctantly, he looked back at them apologetically.

“Sorry, I picked up the trash the other day, I don’t know where to throw the painting, if it is not in my house, I should not find it.” Let you run in vain. ”


The two looked at him in shock.

“You, you, you’re kidding, right?” Wang Jinyi looked at him in shock and asked.

Shen Zhi shook his head, “I’m sorry, I did throw it, no joke.” ”

Really threw it?!

The four female stars gasped.

They came for that painting.

And the painting was thrown away?

Although it seems to them to be just a simple painting.

But it really means a lot to the elderly!

Shen Zhilian threw the garbage with him, which means that even he doesn’t care?

So what will the old people think?

I saw Wang Jinyi opening his mouth slightly.

Looked at him in shock.

It was really thrown!

“How can such a good painting be thrown!?”

“Put it together with some boxes, I didn’t pay attention.” Shen Zhi said helplessly, very apologetic.

After all, let the family run away for nothing, and I didn’t think so much when I answered the phone at that time, mainly because I didn’t expect to lose it.

Placed with boxes?

Didn’t pay attention?

In Wang Jinyi’s view, the world can no longer find a second such good painting!

How can it be put together with a bunch of boxes!

If he buys it home, he will definitely provide it!

He has been busy for most of his life, and it is difficult to find a satisfactory painting.

As a result, when he came here, the painter of this painting told him that he accidentally threw it?

His originally rosy face instantly turned pale.

Suddenly lost the purpose of this visit, all dreams collapsed in an instant.

A sense of loss arose.

He has been busy for half his life, looking for a painting that will satisfy him.

When he finally found his most satisfactory painting, he didn’t expect the person who painted him, but he didn’t care.

A painting that you favor is worthless in the eyes of others?

Or in Shen Zhi’s opinion, nothing matters?

Such a good painting was thrown away by him!

For a moment he didn’t know what to say.

With his mouth slightly open, Mu Ne looked at him intensely.

Just now, it seemed like he was in his twenties, and he instantly became old again.

They came for this painting, and now the painting is thrown.

But since he threw it away, what could he say except regret and helplessness?

Why is it that the person who painted him does not care about such a good painting?

Looking at Shen Zhi’s face flat. Slightly apologetic.

It was as if the painting was not worth much in his eyes.

But in Wang Jinyi’s eyes, that painting is priceless!

Now the priceless treasure no longer knows which trash can it falls into.

He wants to get it back!

With this thought in mind, he asked, “When did you throw it?” ”

“Probably in the past few days, I didn’t pay attention to the specifics, it was too messy to clean up the house at that time.” Shen Zhi scratched his head, very embarrassed.

The time is uncertain, and neither is which dumpster.

Just ask!

He took his son’s hand and said, “Go! Go find it with your dad! ”

“Where are you going to find this?” The magic capital is so big, and there are many garbage dumps, you can’t find them at all. Wang Peng comforted, “Dad, let’s not give up.” ”

“Give up? You told your dad to give up? How could your dad give up! Is your dad the kind of person who gives up easily! Wang Jinyi said angrily.

“I can’t find it then.” Wang Peng said helplessly.

“What if I can’t find it? That’s my favorite one! I’ve been around for most of my life and that painting is the best of all my collection! ”

He just glanced at his phone.

Just fall in love instantly.

That painting requires not only mastery of painting, but also familiarity with ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history!

Obviously, Shen Zhi has done it!

to make such a wonderful painting!

But, now there is nothing.

Thinking of this, his expression was lonely for a while, and then he turned to look at Shen Zhi.

He begged, “Mr. Shen, or you can draw the same picture again.” ”

Shen Zhi shook his head, “I never draw the same painting. ”

Wang Jinyi sighed.

Heart Dao, what can I do about this?

He came all the way to ask for a painting, but the painting was lost, and he refused to paint the same one.

If I begged him to paint another painting, would it be as good as the previous one?

He wasn’t sure.

Moreover, a painting can take several days.

They have to stay here and wait.

He gritted his teeth, he came and came, and he couldn’t return empty-handed!

“Then can you draw another different picture?” I bought it! ”

Shen Zhi pondered for a moment and nodded, “It’s okay, but the shortcomings of the materials need to go out and buy them.” ”

“I’ll go!” Wang Jinyi volunteered.

Shen Zhi looked at his legs and feet, and it was estimated that it would be a long time when he bought them back.

Since he wants to paint, in a while, just paint him a picture.

There’s no need to waste too much time.

“Ask the director to buy it.” Shen knows.

The director sitting in front of the TV was stunned. Why did you suddenly call him?

He helplessly looked at Shen Zhi in the picture.

I saw that Shen Zhi was also looking at the camera at this time, as if he was looking at him through the lens.

The director sighed, who let this be the rule he set, you can’t go out during the show.

The errands must come to the program team.

In the next issue, I will set that I can go out.

The program crew was already insufficient, and they had to go out to buy things.

Then he turned to the assistant director and said, “You go and ask Shen Zhi what he needs and buy it for him.” ”

The assistant director immediately got up and said, “Okay. ”

Get in touch with Shen Zhi, and Shen Zhi sent him what he wanted.

This time, I want Chinese painting paints and tools.

“Go back quickly.” The director urged.

The assistant director nodded and immediately ran out.

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