Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1093 Boundless Gone

The breeze blew gently, and the robe gradually fell off. In the expectant eyes, his true identity finally emerged slowly.

This is a monk with a slightly fat body, like a pious believer, with his hands folded, kneeling on the ground, his eyes are empty, his face is sad, and his shoulders are shaking.

Looking down at the former in a daze, Li Xiao felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Boundless fun.

Drinking and eating meat, picking up girls and talking nonsense, a monk who has done everything, when he first met him, he once said that he did not want to sit in the Buddha, and saw Buddhist disciple Shi Hui being slaughtered with his own eyes, and he never made a move.

He and Li Xiao rarely met. The last time was in Seoul. After his battle with Wang Haofeng, he faced encirclement and suppression from all sides. He was happy and happy, and all forces joined forces to rescue him.

Generally speaking, in Li Xiao's mind, this monk is probably the kind of monk who is clean and unconstrained by the world. He is unique among the Buddhist vegetarians.

"It's him……"

"A person with boundless joy?"

Secretly, the powerful people also recognized the identity of the fat monk, and couldn't believe it: "Isn't he a Buddhist, and he once helped King Li Yan, how could it be him..."

"It never occurred to me that Buddhism emphasizes benevolence, but it raises such a demon."

"He can also be regarded as a Buddhist seed cultivator. If he dies, will Buddhism seek revenge from Li Xiao?"

"Who knows."

Guess and amazement came one after another, even big and small, Wang Yulin Sheng and others were a little surprised when they saw the fat monk. Most of them knew about Li Xiao's deeds, so they had heard a little about this monk.

The dust from the sky fell from the heights, like wild animals fluttering their feathers, and scattered on the ground.

Is it a Buddha, a demon, or a human?

Le Boundless was at a loss. The Buddha wanted him to be a Buddha, and the demon wanted him to be a demon, but he only wanted to be a human being. He never walked his own path in his life. happy.

Wine and meat monk? This is just a prop for him to comfort his soul.

"Li Yanwang, if there is an afterlife, I would like to be your friend." With a long sigh, a golden flame burst out from the fat monk's body and began to burn. Under the flame, his body gradually turned into flying ash, like fireflies floating in the sky. To the sky, in the dark space, it is extraordinarily loud and bright.

The pain of burning his body was so painful that he wanted to live, but he kept smiling all the time, like Maitreya Buddha, until he finally lost his life and completely disappeared in this world.

"What about the devil, what about the Buddha?" Li Xiao stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the golden powder all over the sky, his eyes were as sharp as knives, "Buddhas are human beings, and demons are human beings, as long as you have a clear conscience, what is the difference between Buddhas and demons? "

"Happiness is boundless, your life is bitter, but how many people wish for it?"

Li Xiao stood there for a long time, until the golden powder floated towards the boundless sky and disappeared from his eyes, then he turned around slowly and left the battlefield.

it's over.

Li Yanwang once again defeated the enemy and took a step towards becoming a god. In just a few years, an ignorant young man has reached this level, many people feel incredible.

But I have to admit that this is indeed a monster.

"Win, Li Yanwang won!"

"That's right, it's really not him who devoured the source, so I said Li Yanwang would not do such a thing."

"Li Yan Wang is so awesome, he turned black into a fan!"

The young ascetics of today's era are all extremely excited. Li Yanwang represents an era, representing their younger generation. This battle not only proves Li Yanwang's strength, but also washes away his grievances, allowing people to fight again. See hope once!

At the same time, there are also ascetics from distant times and folded spaces. They are all frightened. It is really surprising that a modern aborigine of the earth has achieved such an achievement in just a few years without practicing magic.

On this day, Li Xiao, who had disappeared for two months, reappeared and immediately led the headlines. news media.

At the same time, the news that Buddhists cultivate demons spread like wildfire, and Buddhism was embarrassed. It took less than half an hour for the news to spread, saying that the fat monk did not belong to Buddhism, but was just an ordinary disciple of Buddhism. It is equivalent to the type of temporary Buddhist workers. At the same time, they said that they will personally retrieve the original power of Buddhism stolen from Li Yanwang.

As soon as this news came out, the world was in an uproar. People knew that the grievances between Li Yanwang and Buddhism were getting bigger and bigger, and it had reached the point of no control, otherwise they would never have announced this news to the world.

Of course, after Buddhists sent this news on a large interactive platform, there were also some scoldings under the comments:

"Holy shit, how shameless is the dignified Buddhism? Becoming a demon is just a temporary worker? How the fuck refreshes my three views."

"That's amazing. My Buddhism, and the idea of ​​temporary workers, it seems that I want to be a temporary worker. I heard that Le Wubian, a temporary worker, has used a lot of Buddhist resources."

"Haha, come quickly, the Buddha's coffin can't be held down!"

"Shameless, if you want to kill Li Yanwang and take his treasures, just say so, why are you stealing? Buddhists have great achievements, so they know how to bully ordinary people?"

In an hour, there are as many as one million comments, 80% of which are against Buddhism, half of the remaining 20% ​​remain neutral, and the other half are Buddhist sycophants.

There was a lot of excitement on the Internet. Soon after, Buddhism probably felt a little shameless and had to delete the post, but not long after another account named 'Buddha Son Shakyajue' appeared, and posted a post: "Amitabha, although the boundless joy of cultivation But Buddhism has always been magnanimous. I will recite the scriptures for him for seventy-seven forty-nine days, and save those who have been hurt by him. If King Li Yan sees this news, please return my Buddhist things, or send them Get ready, after seventy-seven forty-nine days, I will pick it up myself."

As soon as this news came out, the world was in an uproar, and soon some people conducted a human flesh search on Sakyamuni. The former himself did not deliberately hide his identity, and his identity was soon dug out. When the identity was made public by netizens, Most of the people were silent, thinking that this time, Li Yanwang might be in trouble.

Because, his origin is too scary, according to the news from the inside of Buddhism, he is actually the son of the Buddha Sakyamuni before he became a monk!

"My God, Sakyamuni, conservatively estimated to be a figure thousands of years ago, maybe even older. It is rumored that before he became a monk, he was a prince. If it is really his heir, how powerful would it be?"

"As the saying goes, the son of a mouse can make holes, and the son of the Buddha must also be a master. It's too scary..."

"Sakyamuni, does this legendary figure really exist?"

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