Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1226 Impeachment of Lingyun Palace

Gong Yuexi.

When these three words came out of his mouth, even as Bai Ping's closed disciple, Lu Dong, who had always been reticent and aloof, couldn't help but fluctuate a little in his eyes at this moment.

Gong Yuexi, the only female palace lord in the Nine Heavens Palace, her talent is almost unmatched, she sat on a high position at a young age, the Nine Heavens King once praised it in public, and she is even very likely to become the next Nine Heavens King.

There are all kinds of unpredictable rumors about her. These rumors are all related to a man. She disappeared for nearly ten years, and everyone thought she was dead.

However, she came back, bringing the man who had endless rumors with her back together, fighting Mo Feitian, fighting Guyan, getting back her body, making Lingyun Palace jump, and becoming the most beautiful woman in Jiutian Palace again. Popular Ichinomiya.

For this beautiful palace lord, many people have long wanted to see it with their own eyes, so when this name was spit out from Lu Dong's mouth, the lively atmosphere in the arena stagnated and fell into a brief silence.

The gazes of countless people turned swishingly, looking at the passage to the report place.

There, there is a bright red figure, which is moving slowly. Her charming and perfect facial features all show the ultimate beauty. Every movement of her proud figure is full of suffocating, perfect curves revealed inadvertently. It caused many people in the field to freeze, and after a glance, they couldn't move away anymore.

Everyone knew that this figure was naturally the Mistress of Lingyun Palace, Gong Yuexi!

Every step she took was very rhythmic, as if she was stepping on the strings of a piano, stirring the hearts of everyone in the arena. Her charming and polite movements all flaunted her queen-like domineering aura.

"Is this the master of Lingyun Palace? It's so beautiful..."

"If I could marry such a woman, I would be willing to live a hundred years less."

"Don't dream, the Mistress of Lingyun Palace already has her own heart, how could it be your turn."

"My heart belongs to me, who?"

"You don't know this? It's the one who was widely rumored a few days ago, who used the realm of superficiality to kill the young genius of the Yin-Yang Sect, Li Yanwang!"


Accompanied by Gong Yuexi's progress, an enthusiastic discussion finally erupted among the crowd. Inadvertently, Li Xiao's name was mentioned again. When they learned that the Mistress of Lingyun Palace was Li Yanwang's woman, many Everyone shut up.

Because they know very well that they are not qualified to compete with Li Yan Wang!

No matter in the past or now, Li Yanwang's limelight and strength are enough to trample tens of thousands of heaven's favored people under their feet. In front of the former, these so-called geniuses are not even qualified to speak!

What many people dream of is to reach his level, and there will be no regrets in this life.

However, everyone knows that it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to be like him.

The eager discussions spread all over the place, where the Xuandu Palace is located, Gu Yan heard An Xie's envious words of Li Xiao, his expression was extremely gloomy, and cold lights flashed one after another in the depths of his eyes.

"Li Xiao, whether you show up or not, I will discredit you!"

Gu Yan roared inwardly, no matter what, he couldn't let Li Xiao overshadow his limelight, because he was going to be the master of the first palace, and he was very upset to have such a person blocking the way!

"Hello everyone, I am the Palace Master of Lingyun Palace, Gong Yuexi." At this moment, a bewitching voice sounded, and Gong Yuexi spoke, and her words as soft as a fairy's voice spread in all directions.

This voice seemed to have some kind of magical power. When it resounded in everyone's ears, the lively discussion was slowly extinguished. Everyone became quiet, and their eyes focused on the red shadow in the field.

After some self-introduction, Gong Yuexi began to report with ease. She simplified the complexities and accurately expressed what she wanted to say in every sentence.

Even though it was as simple as possible, the report lasted for more than four hours. When she said the last word, there was a tsunami of applause and cheers in the audience.

"Bai Lao, the above are the past reports and future plans of Lingyun Palace." The natural dialogue paralleled the salute, and the harem Yuexi was about to leave.


At this moment, a slightly gloomy voice resounded from the field. Mo Feitian drank a glass of fine wine, then stepped up to Gong Yuexi, stood side by side with her, and saluted Bai Parallel:

"Bai Lao, Lingyun Palace has lost more than 30 places in the past ten years. Both the territory and income are less than half of what they were when she first took office as the Palace Master of Lingyun Palace."

"In the past, the King of Nine Heavens once said that the master of Nine Heavens Palace should be home to those who are capable. For the sake of the future of Nine Heavens Palace, Feitian begged Mr. Bai to fulfill the old palace rules, revoke Lingyun Palace, and set up another palace gate!"

"This is the joint name list of Xuandu Palace, Sun Moon Palace, Lidui Palace, Wuhen Palace, Zixiao Palace.... Above it is a detailed list of the past ten years of Lingyun Palace and the reason for the withdrawal of the palace. Please have a look at it."


After Mo Feitian finished speaking, he knelt on the ground with a plop, holding a slap-sized sapphire in his hand, with a loyal expression and peak acting skills, as if it was really for the future of Jiutian Palace.

His sudden move shocked everyone in the arena.

Even the palace lords of the other palaces were slightly taken aback. Apparently, no one expected that Could Feitian attack Lingyun Palace at such a time. You must know that even if the palace gates were to be revoked, it would be a private meeting first, and then To make it public, his actions are undoubtedly persecuting Bai Ping.

The three palace masters of Wuhen Palace, Lidui Palace and Sun Moon Palace were all shocked, wishing they could kill this old guy, his surprise winning move immediately tied several people into the same boat.

In fact, they have no enmity with Lingyun Palace, it's just that Xuandu Palace has developed rapidly in recent years, so they have no choice but to give in.

But... What about step by step? With such a big stride, aren't you afraid of scratching your head?

The several palace masters were all upset with Mo Feitian, but none of them dared to say anything, they could only remain silent, after all their names were on the joint name list, there was no room for repentance now.

On the high platform, Bai Ping sat on the top without saying anything. Lu Dong beside him jumped down in one step, came to Mo Feitian, and took the joint watch from his hand with a blank expression.

His figure flashed, and then he returned to Bai Ping's side, and handed over the sapphire book to the latter.

Holding a slap-sized sapphire in his hand, Bai Ping glanced over it lightly, and in the depths of his eyes, a strange emotion flashed inadvertently, but no one noticed the strangeness.

Looking away, he put the sapphire aside and fell silent without saying a word.

In the arena, the eyes of tens of thousands of people were all on him, waiting for him to speak.

Because, what he said next might determine the survival of Lingyun Palace and the layout of the entire Jiutian Palace!

ps: I will update a chapter first tonight, and make up for what is owed tomorrow.

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