Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1300 Name Taboo

The figure in front of the tombstone didn't move, didn't speak, and was still sitting on his own business, but at this moment, illusory words came from the space.

The sudden sound made Li Xiao startled. At the same time, he seemed to be pushed by something behind him. It was an irresistible force. Li Xiao staggered, directly entered the gate, and came to the spacious hall .

He was horrified, and looked around, trying to find the person who spoke, but it was a pity that he could not find the slightest clue even if he tried his best.

Finally, he looked at the figure in front of the third bronze monument, and asked more respectfully: "Senior, are you talking?"


No one answered Li Xiao. At this moment, the bronze monuments on his left and right made strange fluctuations, and a green light shot up into the sky, rushing towards the third bronze monument, causing the void to buzz.


Suddenly, the hammer in the figure's hand shattered, the drill collapsed, and the movement of beating the bronze tablet stopped suddenly. At the same time, the figure finally turned around and faced Li Xiao.

Finally, Li Xiao saw his appearance clearly. This is a middle-aged man, about forty or fifty years old, who obviously stood still, but seemed to be in control of everything.

This is a strong man!

The first time he looked at Li Xiao, Li Xiao felt that every inch of his body was seen through by the former. In front of the former, he had no secrets to speak of.

Today's Li Xiao, even in the face of a saint, cannot be exposed so thoroughly.

But the person in front of him gave Li Xiao a feeling that he couldn't resist at all, it was horrifying, and Li Xiao broke out in cold sweat and his scalp went numb for a moment.

If the other side has bad intentions, he will definitely die today!

For the first time, Li Xiao felt that his life was firmly in the hands of others, and he had no room to resist.

The only consolation is that Li Xiao didn't sense any killing intent from the opponent.

"You're here..." The figure seemed to have just woken up. He stared at Li Xiao for a long time before opening his mouth.

The same words, the same tone, although I don't understand why he said it twice, but Li Xiao can be sure that the person who spoke before was the person in front of him.

"Senior, do you know me?" Li Xiao was puzzled and asked cautiously.

"I knew you would come, and I have been waiting here for tens of billions of years." The former replied, and then moved lightly, revealing the bronze monument behind him, "Did you come for it?"

"Yes." Li Xiao forcibly calmed down, but his heart had already set off huge waves. Ten billion years, what kind of concept is this? In the history of the monastic world, there is no such a long record.

Even when dinosaurs appeared, it was only a few billion years ago.

Regarding the history of tens of billions of years ago, at least Li Xiao has never seen it.

Waiting for him for tens of billions of years?

At that time, he wasn't even a tadpole, was he?

"But..." Li Xiao curled his lips slightly, "Are you sure you are waiting for me?"

"It's you, and it's not you."

The former opened his mouth again, and before Li Xiao could ask, one picture after another appeared in front of his eyes like a big screen. In the pictures, one after another young strong men pushed open the gate of the Five Emperors Palace.

Each of them is a strong person. They came here when they were young, and then left. Since the distant age, there have been many young strong people who have come here. These are very extraordinary.

The screen flashed, and finally only six people returned. When they reappeared, they were already terribly old and had entered their old age, or they were already suffering from dying wounds.

Six people came here, built a grave here, and then slept forever.

As for the last person, Li Xiao had seen his appearance before.


All over Kyushu, I don't know how many places, there are his portraits hanging!

Nine Emperors!

The person who once unified Kyushu, conquered the world, and left endless legends!

Even though Li Xiao is not a native of Kyushu, he still remembers this character very clearly. His appearance and charm are clearly engraved in Li Xiao's mind. Now, the first time he saw him in the picture Li Xiao recognized him immediately.

It never occurred to him that Zeng Guanyan, a figure in the world, would be buried here for ten thousand years. If the outside world knew about it, a world-shattering war would be unavoidable.

You know, this is an emperor-level figure, his tomb is here, and perhaps his inheritance will also be here.

The inheritance of a sage is enough to make people fall in love with it, let alone the inheritance of an emperor?

Moreover, Li Xiao believes that the five people before the Nine Emperors will definitely not be small.

The Hall of Five Emperors, maybe those five are the five emperors in the Hall of Five Emperors. The name of the Hall of Five Emperors was passed on precisely because the Nine Emperors had been here, or in other words, this name was taken by others based on the description of the Hall of Five Emperors .

One picture after another flashed by, and Li Xiao thought of a lot.

There are many people who have been here, but only six people came back, and these six people had already entered the dying state when they came back. As emperors, they can live for an unknown number of years, and they are almost standing on the top of the world.

However, they were still mortally wounded.

What happened?

Why did they answer this place so tacitly in their later years?


The space suddenly shook, and the picture in front of Li Xiao was also fragmented. He recovered from his contemplation, looked at the figure not far away from him, and said solemnly, "Senior, what's your name?"

Don't think about it, this must be a person with an astonishing background, maybe Li Xiao has heard of it before.

"What should I call you..." The latter's eyes showed a look of reminiscence, and after a long time, he said, "I existed when the world was first born, and my name has been forgotten, but the world has given me a name."

He paused for a moment, and then said: "Pangu, this is the name of my deity."


The moment the other party said his name, Li Xiao's eyes widened. Deep in his heart, there was a huge wave, and even his body trembled.

"You, you are the Great God Pangu?!"

Li Xiao couldn't believe it, and stared blankly at the phantom in front of him. At this moment, he seemed to feel like he was living in a dream.

Pangu opened the world, using his body as the backbone of the world, and using his life as the human race to exchange for the light of the sun and the moon. He is the number one god in the world, born in the chaos, and even though endless years have passed, his name has been passed down in the world.


Involuntarily, Li Xiao swallowed, the legend of Pangu is well known on Earth, Li Xiao never thought that the person in front of him would be Pangu even after killing him!

"I never thought that there are people who can know me now." Pan Gu sighed, and then he was relieved, "Yes, you are not from this planet, you... come from a sealed place!"

"The sealed land." Li Xiao was startled, did Pangu mean the earth by the sealed land?

"That's right." Li Xiao couldn't escape Pan Gu's eyes for any thoughts, he nodded slightly, "It's the place you want, maybe only there will leave my name and taboo."

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