Urban best village doctor

Chapter 1316 Eternal Life


Seeing through the eyes, all elements cannot escape Li Xiao's eyes. When he was promoted to the Great Energy Realm, he had a new understanding of the world.

After careful identification, he finally discovered that every castle contained a terrifying divine power, which could regenerate living things.

In Li Xiao's eyes, the lush soil with ancient trees is completely scorched and black, and a dark atmosphere is endlessly flowing in the soil, seemingly endless.

Li Xiao tried to trace the origin of this breath, but found that there is no origin, or that every piece of soil, every tree, flower and grass here is the origin of divine power.

This, perhaps, was the reason why the Golden Crow Son was hunted down by spiders when he first arrived, but those spiders did not chase him out of the castle.

"They obtain eternal life in this way, but they seem to have lost consciousness." Li Xiao muttered to himself.

Lin Shengrong: "Eternal life, since ancient times, there has been no way to live forever. Even gods seem to die one day. Maybe if you want to live forever, you really have to pay a price."


Li Xiao thought a lot, and also had a lot of guesses. He even wondered whether these soils came from the God Realm, and whether these creatures were left here by the God Realm?

There have been six emperors from the Hall of Five Emperors. With their strength, they are completely capable of destroying the castle. Why didn't they do so?

Li Xiao was full of doubts, but there were no answers to these doubts. He and Lin Sheng stepped through eighteen ancient castles, but still couldn't find Hong Xixue and the others, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

"Now, there is only one place left." Li Xiao never stopped, and brought Lin Sheng to the place where he first entered this world.

He searched around, and not long after, another ancient and majestic city appeared in his eyes. This castle is very big. It is more like a city than a castle. It is bigger than the eighteen castles combined. It is much bigger, and at a glance, there is no end in sight.

In the city, it was very quiet, densely packed with darkness, and a few figures passed by from time to time, silent and very depressing.

Yes, the creatures in the city did not kneel down, and now they are still roaming around, having a free body.

Seeing that city, Lin Sheng's expression changed suddenly: "Are they...angels?"

"That's right, or the black angels, each of which has the strength of a saint." Li Xiao said solemnly, "Besides, they are not limited to the castle."

When he first came here, Li Xiao had encountered a black angel. At that time, he was carrying a bronze stele, and he was able to scare it away. Even the dead green sages and golden crow saints were extremely afraid of this kind of black angel.

"Then... shall we go in?" Lin Sheng asked.

"It's not us, it's me. I'll go in, and you just wait here." Li Xiao didn't want Lin Sheng to take risks with him, and no one knew what would happen after entering the city.

Now, he no longer has the strength of Zhundi tyrannical.

"No, Brother Xiao, I finally found you, so I must go with you." Lin Ding's attitude was firm. As a brother, he was also unwilling to let Li Xiao face the danger alone.

"You listen to me. With your current strength, going there will only add to the chaos." Li Xiao was equally determined. In order to reassure Lin Sheng, he said, "The thunder calamity in my power realm has not yet come, and I have been suppressing it. Once If there is danger, I will completely let go of the realm and attract Lei Jie to protect me, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Lin Sheng was determined to go together, but when Li Xiao had no choice but to order, he could only stay where he was in the end, while Li Xiao went to the ancient city alone.

He had to go.

In this world, he and Lin Sheng have searched almost every corner, and the only place they haven't been to is this last city.

Qin Shihuang, Liu Shanhe, Hong Xixue, and several other saints, sons and daughters who took the ancient boat with him may all be in this city.

Leaving aside the others, what Li Xiao is most worried about is Hong Xixue. She is the weakest. Although she is a nine-morph, if she encounters any danger, she will not have the strength to fight back.

Besides, Li Xiao will never forget that that guy Tianxia has been playing with Hong Xixue's ideas all the time. Adding up all kinds of things, Hong Xixue is likely to be in danger now.

With this in mind, Li Xiao sped up his speed again, almost turning into a black awn, the lines under his feet flashed, his body was disillusioned, the ground shrank into an inch, and he took a step of 10,000 meters.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Li Xiao felt a sense of danger. Directly in front of him, a tall black angel was facing him. His ruthless eyes were staring at him tightly. A terrifying aura had already locked him.


Without hesitation, Li Xiao took out the bronze tablet and used brute force to hold it on his shoulders.

In an instant, Li Xiao felt the locked breath disappear, and the black angel backed away in fear, disappearing into the darkness.

It was already very close to the city, and Li Xiao didn't dare to be careless. Instead of putting down the bronze monument, he kept it on his shoulders and walked forward as fast as possible.

On the way, he encountered two black angels, but when they saw the bronze monument, they ran away quickly, as if they were extremely frightened.

Li Xiao didn't dodge at all, and walked forward swaggeringly. About ten minutes later, he finally came to the city. Unlike the previous eighteen castles, this city actually had a gate. The gate was thick and thick, unlike the black color of the giant city. , this city gate was actually a piece of crimson red, extraordinarily bright, but the city gate was closed tightly, and it was not opened half a minute.

With a leap, Li Xiao soared up into the sky, step by step, and forcibly climbed onto the city wall. There was not a single figure on the city wall.

"This city is similar to a human city."

Li Xiao looked down the city and found that the city was almost the same as a human city. There were streets and shops. It seemed that an ancient city had been moved here.

However, whether it is the street or the shop, it is desolate and lonely, without a single figure.

In the center of the ancient city, there is a vast palace. Even if they are far apart, Li Xiao can still feel the vastness of the palace. It occupies the best position and the widest area.


Before arriving at the palace, Li Xiao was about to go in to find out what was going on, when he suddenly found two black angels walking out of another corner, with an iron chain still dragging in the hands of the two black angels.

The iron chain was more than one meter long, dragging on the ground, making a rattling sound, and at the end of the iron chain, Li Xiao saw a dead body.

"It's her, the Flying Fairy Saintess?"

Taking a closer look, Li Xiao couldn't help but widen his eyes, because this figure Li Xiao was very familiar with, it was the Flying Fairy Saintess who came here on an ancient boat with him a few days ago, the one who looked like a banished fairy with a soft appearance Holy Master Flying Immortal, descendant of Chen Changsheng!

At this moment, he was breathless, his face was pale, and he was dragged towards the gate of the vast palace by two black angels like a wild dog.

When they reached the door, they stopped, and then the door of the palace suddenly opened without wind. At the same time as the door opened, the body of the flying fairy maiden rushed into the hall as if being pulled by something. .

ps: It will be delivered at five o'clock, please recommend a ticket. If the recommendation votes are strong, we will continue for five more tomorrow

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